I have ascended the throne, why did my father rebel?

Chapter 53 Qing Yun Liushui, all the masters are wiped out!The fleeing Lu Zhao, the murderous intent

Chapter 53 Qing Yun Liushui, all the masters are wiped out!The fleeing Lu Zhao, the murderous intent is ahead!
The beautiful woman who calls herself Manzhu Shahua has eyes that are as narrow as a fox's, full of cunning and coldness.

A smile as bright as a red flower bloomed on his face.

But such a smile obviously did not reach the hearts of the masters and the Xuanjia Army.

At this moment, there was only boundless horror, coldness, and fear in their hearts!
As for Manzhushahua's words just now, they didn't even think it was an empty threat to themselves.

This woman, her realm may not be as good as that swordsman Qingfeng.

However, her moves are undoubtedly extremely lethal to soldiers like the Xuanjia Army.

If she is not stopped, she will be allowed to spread the poison of Manzhu Shahua in the army.

It will have an immeasurable impact!
"Kill her!"

Several grandmasters made the decision unanimously.

However, as soon as they moved, a fierce sword energy struck them down!

Another master master failed to dodge and was injured!
"Your opponents are Chiya and me."

Qingfeng said coldly.

A simple but powerful sentence, but let those masters know that Qingfeng's sentence is definitely not a lie.

"Then kill you first!"

For a moment, the remaining six masters exchanged winks.

Four of them rushed towards Qingfeng, while the remaining two met Chiya!

"Hehehe, yes, that's it."

"come quickly!"

"Let me see if your flesh and blood will be more delicious than the one just now!"

Chiya licked his lips as he spoke, and his tone made the two masters involuntarily feel a chill in their hearts.

But it was precisely because he knew that Chi Ya's words were definitely not a threat.

Therefore, when the two of them took action against Chiya, they had to put up 12 points of energy, and be careful not to be bitten by Chiya's sharp claws or teeth!

During the battle, a grandmaster's sword pierced Chiya's shoulder.

This also made Chi Ya's movements pause instantly!

After the master said with great surprise, the other master raised his knife and wanted to chop off Chiya's head.

"Suffer to death!"

Unexpectedly, just as the blade was about to hit Chi Fang, his head suddenly tilted.

Immediately afterwards, Chiya opened his mouth, and his sharp teeth actually bit the blade tightly.


Such an unexpected move also stunned the two grandmasters.


There was a crisp chewing sound, and the blade forged from fine steel was actually crushed by Chiya!
"Hehe, the taste is good, but unfortunately, it's not as good as your flesh and blood!"

Chiya grinned, biting the arm of the grandmaster holding the knife, biting the flesh and blood on the arm!

Amidst the heart-piercing screams, the red teeth that had devoured the flesh and blood, and the wounds on his body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"You... are not human, you are a monster!"

Seeing Chiya's wound recover, the two grandmasters shouted uncontrollably.

Chiya grinned at them, and in the blink of an eye, rushed forward again amidst their screams.

"Not good, quick battle!"

The four masters who besieged Qingfeng immediately felt something was wrong when they heard the screams.

The subordinates don't even plan to keep their hands!
"One move ended him!"

As soon as the words fell, the grandmaster aura of the four of them was unreservedly released.

In an instant, the momentum soared to the sky!

Qingfeng, who was obviously just dealing with the four people just now, also smiled coldly when he saw this.

Facing four martial arts masters at the same time, he exhausted all the blows he had learned throughout his life.

Qingfeng didn't panic at all.

He criss-crossed his swords and stood quietly on the spot, as if waiting for the four masters to make moves.


The four ultimate moves that gathered the power of the master were sent out from four different directions.

Even a body as strong as Shimen was hit by such a terrifying force.

There may also be blood splattered on the spot!
"Blue clouds and flowing water."

The four cold and indifferent words were slowly spit out from Qingfeng's mouth.

The next moment, when the move was about to touch Qingfeng.

Qingfeng's body suddenly disappeared from where it was! "This is impossible!"

Originally thought it was a certain move, but saw Qingfeng's figure disappear, and at the same time, after being unable to lock Qingfeng's figure.

The faces of the four grandmasters also showed shocked expressions!
And the next moment, their throats felt cold almost at the same time!

Opening your eyes wide, before completely losing consciousness, you watched Qingfeng reappear the next moment.

The four masters, with blood spurting out from their throats, never thought about it until they died.

What kind of move did Qingfeng use at that moment?
"Grandmaster Wang and the others... are all dead!"


"Why are you running? 10 of us can really be killed by them all?!"

Seeing the seven masters who came to support, they all fell down one after another at this time.

The Xuanjia Army, who thought they had been saved just now, were now like headless flies.

But there are still some brave people who want to surround Qingfeng and others with numbers.

"Out of control."

The sharpness in Qingfeng's eyes was no worse than the blade in his hand.

It also made the Xuanjia army who surrounded him for a while feel a little daunted!
"You are too weak, you are not even interested in asking me to make a move."

There was an undisguised contempt in Qingfeng's tone!
"Haha, it really is Qingfeng's style."

"In this case, you can only let me deal with these little soldiers for you."

There was another strange chuckle!

The Xuanjia soldiers were taken aback.

Unexpectedly, there are new enemies!

"In that case, I'll leave it to you, White Fox."

Qingfeng didn't even look back and put away the two swords.

"good chance!"

The eyes of the Xuanjia army surrounding Qingfeng lit up, and they went up with guns, trying to take Qingfeng's life away.

A blood-red air bomb that looked like a Buddhist bead pierced through the air and hit the soldier's forehead.

There was still an expression of surprise on his face, but the next moment, his body exploded violently.

The earth-shaking explosion engulfed everything in smoke.

The surrounding soldiers were also involved in the explosion, and before they even had time to scream, they were already under the flames of the explosion, leaving no bones left!
"This is……"

Seeing this scene, the other Xuanjia soldiers were also extremely shocked.

Such a move may have limited effect against master masters.

But to deal with an army like them, the lethality of the air bombs is directly maximized!
Immediately afterwards, several air bombs were sent out!

Someone yelled hoarsely.

Until this moment, they finally gave up the idea of ​​fighting back.

Even though they were wearing hard black armor, they were as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the air bomb!

But the huge number of troops allowed them to flee no matter where they went.

As long as the white fox's air bomb hits a person, the surrounding area of ​​more than ten feet will be immediately involved in the explosion of the air bomb!
Not to mention Chi Ya and Manzhu Shahua were there to help.

The casualties of the Xuanjia Army were even more severe!

At this time, a monk in white clothes and a bamboo hat walked up to Qingfeng.

"Where's Lu Zhao?"

Qingfeng asked.

"I have already run away after hearing the news."

The white fox smiled slightly, and another air bullet popped out of his finger.

The next moment, there was another huge explosion in the distance.

"The Xuanjia Army should have [-] left, and a few master masters, who fled with Lu Zhao."

Qingfeng glanced at the surrounding situation and said.

"Want to chase?"

The white fox smiled.

"No, Qi is already waiting for him."

Hearing the name "Qi", Qingfeng's pupils shrank slightly, and soon calmed down again.

"In this case, we can collect the net."

(End of this chapter)

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