Chapter 48
"Sold to someone else? Who did you sell to?"

Li Fan asked in surprise.

"I don't know him! I heard that he is also a fruit merchant in Qingyang County! The purchase price for a catty is 60 yuan! The villagers are rushing to sell him honey juice fairy peaches! I can't even stop him, just in Xiaoyu Supermarket door!"

Zhang Dabiao said.

"Go! Let's go and see!"

Li Fandao.

Su Xiaoxi drove, Li Fan and Zhang Dabiao sat in the car, and came to Xiaoyu Supermarket.

Come and see, the villagers are queuing up to sell peaches!

The person who harvested the peaches turned out to be Zheng Tianshun from Xianhui Fruit Shop!
"This guy is too shameless! The last time he failed to frame us, he came to steal our business again this time! Is it tolerable or unbearable!"

Su Xiaoxi cursed angrily, walked quickly to Zheng Tianshun, pointed at his face and asked angrily, "Zheng Tianshun! Do you want some more face? The honey-juice peaches from Shibali Village are my source. , why are you rushing to acquire it with me?"

Hearing this, Zheng Tianshun straightened his white shirt and sneered: "I am a pure man, and I don't have anything to do with my face! Besides, who stipulates that all the honey peaches in Shibali Village belong to you? This is Folks, they can sell it to whoever they want, do you care?"

At this time, some villagers whispered:
"This Boss Su is so overbearing. He even curses people when he comes over!"

"Yes! Boss Su collects peaches for only 45 yuan per catty! Boss Zheng can give you 60 yuan per catty, which is only 15 yuan per catty!"

"That's right! Everyone is here to make money! Fools all know that they sell to the highest price!"


Zhang Dabiao on the side couldn't listen anymore, and shouted loudly: "Shut up the fuck! You bastards! Think about how your honey juice fairy peaches come from! If there is no Xiantao nutritional liquid from Brother Fan , it is impossible for you to have honey peaches! You should sell all the honey peaches to Brother Fan!"

Qin Xiaoyu came out of the supermarket and shouted in support: "Fellow folks, Xiaoyu advises you, don't pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon! For a little profit, you have lost your conscience!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Fugui got off the co-pilot of Zheng Tianshun's truck and said to Qin Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, you little girl, just keep an eye on your supermarket! What are you messing with! What nonsense! You even kidnapped the villagers morally." Ladies and gentlemen! I am the village head, and it is my duty to let the villagers earn more money, what's wrong with that?"

"Uncle Fugui, have you accepted the favor fee from Boss Zheng?"

Qin Xiaoyu asked bluntly.

"What nonsense! What is a benefit fee! That's called a rebate! I introduced business to Boss Zheng, and he gave me some rebates. Isn't that normal?"

Zhao Fugui was shameless and arrogant.

It turned out that Zheng Tianshun, who suffered from being dumb yesterday, brought people to Shibali Village in a truck this morning. He wanted to cut off Su Xiaoxi's supply, so he approached the village head, Zhao Fugui, and gave him 1000 yuan to help promote it. one time!
Zhao Fugui, who was obsessed with money, naturally agreed and posted more than a dozen advertisements in the "Group of Villagers of Shibali Village"!
At the beginning, Zhao Fugui posted an advertisement in the group for 46 yuan per kilogram of honey-juice peaches, but there was no reply from the villagers!
It wasn't until the price reached 60 yuan per pound that the villagers responded positively!
Under the huge profits, many villagers forgot their original intentions and sold the honey juice fairy peaches to Zheng Tianshun one after another!
And Li Fan was not in the villagers, so he didn't know about it!

However, after hearing what Zhao Fugui said, Li Fan naturally knew that Zhao Fugui and Zheng Tianshun had colluded to do such a thing!

When Zhao Fugui was talking to Qin Xiaoyu, he kept glancing at Li Fan, his expression seemed to be mocking: "Li Fan, you old man! Don't fail in your efforts!"

However, seeing this situation, Li Fan didn't say a word!

The irritable Zhang Dabiao couldn't bear Zhao Fugui's ugly face, so he stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Fugui by the collar, and said angrily, "Zhao Fugui! Don't think that you are the village chief so I dare not beat you! You and Others are colluding and entrap Brother Fan and Sister Xi, I will beat you to death!"

As he spoke, Zhang Dabiao punched Zhao Fugui in the face, knocking him to the ground and causing his nose to bleed!

Just when Zhang Dabiao was about to continue beating, Li Fan quickly stepped forward to hold Zhang Dabiao, and persuaded him: "Da Biao! Stop! Don't hit him!"

Zhao Fugui wiped his nosebleeds, got up from the ground, pointed at Zhang Dabiao and cursed: "Zhang Dabiao, you supercilious wolf! Li Fan's lackey! Don't even think about asking for your subsistence allowance next year!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Fugui covered his nose and stooped to go home!
"Fugui old dog! Let me tell you, I made a fortune with Brother Fan! Who cares about that little subsistence allowance!"

Zhang Dabiao shouted.

Later, Zhang Dabiao said to Li Fan: "Brother Fan, these people don't know how to repay their kindness! You gave them the fairy peach nutritional liquid for free, and they turned around and sold the honey fairy peach to others! This is also It’s so irritating!”

Li Fan patted Zhang Dabiao on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't be angry! When I distributed the fairy peach nutritional liquid, I didn't say that the villagers had to sell the honey fairy peach to me! I can't kidnap the villagers morally like this. Everyone is doing it to make more money!"

At this time, Su Xiaoxi pulled Li Fan aside, and said in a low voice: "Li Fan, you have to eat a pit to gain wisdom! When distributing the fairy peach nutrient liquid this afternoon, let every villager sign a guarantee that you must Let them sell us the peaches with honey juice, otherwise, our order cannot be processed!"

"There is no need for this! Since Zheng Tianshun is willing to pay a high price to buy it, let him accept it! Those who make trouble will suffer!"

Li Fan smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi was speechless, and pinched the soft flesh on Li Fan's waist fiercely!
Due to Zheng Tianshun's high price competition, most of the villagers sold the honey peaches to him!

Only a small group of loyal villagers sold it to Su Xiaoxi at a price of 45 yuan per catty!

In desperation, Su Xiaoxi had no choice but to take half a car of honey-juice peaches back to Qingyang County.

However, after delivering half a carload of Honey Juice Xiantao, there are still some orders that cannot be delivered!
"Sister Xiaoxi, what should I do with the remaining orders? The customers are urging me!"

Wang Qian asked.

"Don't ask me! Ask him! He supplies the goods!"

Su Xiaoxi pointed at Li Fandao angrily.

"Boss Li with eight-pack abs, quickly think of a way! There is still a gap of several thousand catties! These are old customers, small bosses with relatively high demand!"

Wang Qian lightly kicked Li Fandao who was sitting on the doorstep.

"Ask the customers to wait for a moment, honey nectar peaches will be delivered to them soon!"

Li Fan said calmly.

As soon as the words were finished, a high-pitched horn suddenly sounded from the fresh fruit store opposite:

"Dear family members! Our store has new fresh fruits, authentic honey peaches from Shibali Village! 48 yuan and 48 pounds! [-] yuan, take home honey juice peaches! Hurry up and buy them!"

(End of this chapter)

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