Chapter 114
Lu Daguang's face trembled, he was being treated as a "fool", and his heart was filled with hatred.

"Just ask the guests if they forgive you. It's not just our hotel's business at this time."

Lu Daguang suppressed his anger and said in a hoarse voice.

Wang Lianhua received the instruction and quickly apologized to Chen Huajiang and others.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have done this. It's because I'm petty and blind."

"Please forgive me, please forgive me. Please forgive me."

Wang Lianhua said excitedly, and at the same time kowtowed to Chen Huajiang.

Chen Huajiang hated this kind of villain very much, but he didn't want to make the matter a big deal.

Because the woman's expression was a little unstable at this time, he felt really sorry if he really wanted to kill someone because of this matter.

Chen Huajiang looked at Liang Long and the others, Liang Long nodded slightly, Zhang Bao and the others also nodded to Chen Huajiang, apparently to let Wang Lianhua go.

"We forgive you, Boss Lu, please settle the bill."

Chen Huajiang said calmly, with things like this, naturally he would no longer be able to have a meal.

And they were almost done eating, and it was time to pay and leave.

"Chef Chen is joking. After such a thing happened, how can I, Lu Daguang, have the nerve to ask for your money?"

"Well, let me, Lu Daguang, treat you to this meal, and I will apologize to you, Chef Chen."

Seeing that Chen Huajiang and others were easy to talk to, Lu Daguang didn't dare to accept money at this time, so he took his arm and said with a smile.

Chen Huajiang nodded and waved his hand to greet Liang Long and others to leave.

Lu Daguang personally sent everyone to the door, and even wanted to recruit Chen Huajiang to help him in the store when they were saying goodbye.

Chen Huajiang wanted to laugh, this Lu Daguang took himself too seriously, so he politely declined.

In his previous life, it was not that Chen Huajiang had never tried to trick the other party, but it was to no avail.Because Chef Lu's craftsmanship is entirely his personal craftsmanship as a chef and cannot be processed in a streamlined manner, it is naturally impossible to bring benefits to Kunlun Catering.

In this way, everyone left the Lu family restaurant after eating and drinking. On the way back, Liang Long hesitated several times.

"What's going on?" Chen Huajiang also noticed the other party's weirdness and had some guesses in his mind.

"Brother Chen, your cooking skills are just because your knife skills in the restaurant were so awesome. Where did you learn them? I didn't see you having any cooking skills in the factory before."

Following Chen Huajiang's inquiry, Liang Long finally couldn't bear it anymore and looked at Chen Huajiang with excitement and curiosity and asked.

"Hahaha, I knew you couldn't help but ask."

"You should treat each other with admiration after three days of separation. Don't you understand this truth? After I left the factory, I, Chen Huajiang, chose to work in the catering industry. Naturally, I have to learn and make progress. Love what you do, and learn what you do. Don't you think I’ve been standing still for so long, right?”

Chen Huajiang laughed loudly. He did not deceive Diplodocus, but there were some differences in the timeline.

When most restaurants develop, their owners are initially chefs who cook and open their own restaurants, and gradually become bigger and stronger step by step.

Just like Niubi Luxu in the future, a certain hot pot chain store that is number one in the country and even the world started out as a mom-and-pop shop, with the boss working as a chef and the wife working as a waitress, and gradually gained a reputation and became bigger and stronger.

Eventually, we will expand from one store to ten stores, and from ten stores to one hundred stores, step by step, we will become number one in the country and the world.

Of course, the same is true for Chen Huajiang. In his previous life, he also relied on learning skills to step from a barbecue stall to a listed catering group.

"Bull nose!"

Liang Long looked at Chen Huajiang for a while, raised his thumbs up and said in admiration.

They were old friends and knew each other very well. Of course Liang Long knew that Chen Huajiang didn't speak, otherwise he wouldn't have laughed so freely.

Zhang Bao and the others glanced at each other, and they could also see the admiration on each other's faces.

They also knew that Chen Huajiang had learned such powerful cooking skills not long after he left Hongqi Factory, not even half a year.

This mentality, this ability to learn, and the seriousness of doing what you do and loving what you do make them admire you endlessly.

No wonder the other party can make money and get rich, Zhang Bao and others thought involuntarily.

"Hey, who is that?"

Suddenly, Chen Huajiang stopped and squinted at a bicycle riding in the distance on the road, and found that he seemed to know the person on it.

As the other party rode closer and closer, Chen Huajiang finally recognized that the other party was wrong. Isn't it Ermao?

"Brother Chen, something-something-happened!"

Er Mao was hundreds of meters away, staring at the bicycle crazily, flying up on it, and shouting loudly.

"Calm down, what's going on!?"

Chen Huajiang's heart suddenly skipped a beat. The thing that made Er Mao so anxious was obviously no small matter.

"Your brother-in-law, he, he, he, was beaten again. It's going to take someone's life."

Er Mao breathed heavily and spoke out the matter urgently intermittently.

His face was covered with sweat. He had ridden all the way from the textile factory, covering more than half of Nanming City.


"Let's go, call for a three-wheeler. Wait, there's a truck from the Food Bureau."

Chen Huajiang was full of anxiety when he happened to see a liberation truck passing by on the road and waved to it quickly.

After the driver stopped, Chen Huajiang asked him to give him a ride to the textile factory and gave him ten yuan.

Ten yuan is a lot of money, so the driver directly accepted the offer and let them get into the car at the back.

Liang Long, Zhang Bao and others also climbed into the car.

As the vehicle started moving, Chen Huajiang suppressed his worries and asked Er Mao in detail.

As a result, Chen Huajiang's face twitched as Er Mao told him.

Lin Guoshan is simply a master at seeking death.

Last time, Lin Guoshan pretended to be Chen Yan's boyfriend and stepped on Chen Yan's ex-boyfriend. Chen Yan's ex-boyfriend led someone to beat Lin Guoshan and smashed his shop.

Logically speaking, the matter ended here, and Chen Yan's ex-boyfriend did not cause trouble to Lin Guoshan again.

But he couldn't stand Lin Guoshan's tricks, so he went to find colleagues from the match factory and some friends, had a meal and drank a few glasses of wine, and then went to beat up Chen Yan's ex-boyfriend to regain some dignity and respect for the last incident.

Things that were originally over have become troubled again. Today, Chen Yan's ex-boyfriend brought people to fight back and smashed Lin Guoshan's shop again.

Moreover, the two sides even used knives this time. The father-in-law was scared to death and quickly informed his daughter Lin Jiayin. Lin Jiayin called Er Mao again, and Er Mao did not dare to neglect and came to Chen Huajiang immediately.

This has come full circle, and things have circled back to him.

Chen Huajiang was speechless. He really wanted to smash his uncle's brains open and see what was inside.
Why do things that have already ended make waves again?It's fine if there's another incident, but if you beat someone so hard that you don't want to guard against the other party's revenge?
Where did Lin Guoshan get the courage and guts to do this?
Chen Huajiang pinched the bridge of his nose. His head really hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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