Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 127 Preliminary Formation

Chapter 127 Preliminary Formation
After one sip, Gao Yun's eyes widened.

The strong aroma bloomed on the tip of her tongue, and it was fragrant and tingling. The gluten actually made her feel like eating meat.

Chewing carefully, it is fragrant, crunchy and extremely elastic.The rich fragrance lingers in your mouth for a long time after swallowing.

Suddenly, Gao Yun fell in love with this kind of food and looked at Zhang Bao suspiciously.

Is this gluten?It's not that she has never eaten gluten, but why does this gluten have a meaty taste?

She didn't know that this was precisely the credit of Chen Huajiang's seasoning, and gluten has the reputation of vegetarian meat in later generations.

Next came the mutton skewers, which tasted delicious, but Gao Yun preferred the grilled gluten just now.

"Boss, two more skewers of gluten."

Gao Yun walked over and said to Zhang Bao.

"Woman, can you please be reasonable? Don't you know the principle of first come, first served?"

"Will you line up? Don't you see the four of us here?"

As a result, before Zhang Bao could answer her, several customers surrounding the food truck looked at Gao Yun dissatisfied.

Gao Yun stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, then stood in line behind everyone.

Zhang Bao quickly brushed the seasonings and flipped the roasted gluten over and over again until both sides were golden and brushed with grease before passing the roasted gluten to the guests.

This time Gao Yun bought five skewers in one go and spent one yuan.

She felt a little distressed. A massage at their massage parlor only cost two yuan.

This little thing is actually equivalent to half a massage.

But when the food was in her mouth, Gao Yun was satisfied again. Two cents for a bunch of such delicacies was not too cheap.

In this way, Gao Yun became a guest of Zhang Bao's snack truck, and the next day she even brought Liu Xiangyang and Ma Liangping over.

In the name of taking them to taste delicious food, in fact, it is to treat them.

In this way, the business on the tree-lined paths is getting better and better, and the crowds in the alleys naturally see it.

"Business over there has really picked up. You don't know. I spent more than an hour at their food stall yesterday and saw them selling at least hundreds of items."

"Is it true? So many have been sold? I'm busy at work these days. Are there really so many people buying it?"

"Nonsense, Gao Yun from the Gaojia Dieda Restaurant bought more than a dozen skewers by herself. And none of those customers bought a few skewers or a dozen skewers. Hundreds of skewers were said to be less, and it was possible to buy thousands of skewers. "

The more people talk about it, the more excited they become. Making money, whether in the past, present or future, is the focus of concern and gossip.

"One string is half a cent, one hundred strings is five yuan, and two hundred strings is ten yuan. Good guy, you can earn at least ten yuan this day!"

"Half a dime is considered less, I think you can even make a dime. It's just a little bit of gluten and oil, and the cost is not high. This is a good deal. My kid hasn't entered the market recently, and I don't know what else to do." Can he join the factory? Why not let him learn a trade first? Maybe he can earn more from this than from joining the factory."

"It's different. Working in the factory is a stable, iron rice bowl that can last a lifetime. If you can make money now, who knows if you will make money in the future? I think your boy should wait and join the factory then."

Everyone was talking about it, and many people were thinking about it.

Soon the Kunlun Catering Free Training Center was packed with people, and neighbors and relatives or their own boys and girls flocked in.

"Master Chen, are you still recruiting people here? Please accept my boy."

"This is my nephew. He is not doing his job all day long. He is either catching birds or catching fish. Learn some skills from Master Chen, so that we can worry less in the future."

"We are all neighbors. Master Chen, please take care of my nephew. We will definitely not say anything if anything happens in the future."

Those who spoke were middle-aged and elderly people, holding fruits, candies and other things, hoping that Chen Huajiang would accept their relatives or children.

There are also some middle-aged and elderly people who see business opportunities in this area and plan to learn to do it themselves.

Chen Huajiang did not reject anyone who came and accepted them all, but he also made a three-part agreement that you must follow his arrangements after leaving the army.

Everyone naturally agreed, and the training center became lively again.

Among them, some of the first batch of apprentices who gave up also found Chen Huajiang again, wanting to do it again.

Chen Huajiang did not refuse this, but the preferential treatment was definitely gone. The dining car needed to be purchased first, and the seasonings and secret sauces also needed to be purchased first.

They were unwilling to do so, but after all, they were the ones who gave up first, and after some final discussion, they agreed to Chen Huajiang's conditions.

In this way, many more stalls were added to the green path, and it became more and more like a snack street.

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye it was a week, and the second batch of students started training again.

Chen Huajiang took down the signboard of the training center and arranged for Zhang Bao and others to explain to everyone that if they want to learn from their teachers in the future, they can learn from them.

However, you have to pay the training fee. Whether you pay or not depends on whether the first or second batch of trainees are willing.

This has caused heated discussions among many people, but everyone can understand it.

Because in everyone's subconscious mind, they don't think that Chen Huajiang will always give people free training.

Moreover, each other also had small plans in mind. Just like in later generations, the person who got on the bus did not want others to swarm into the bus, and would even close the door maliciously.

At the entrance of the alley, a group of people were wandering, their expressions full of regret.

"We shouldn't have left in the first place. Business there is so good now. Zhang Bao and the others are making a lot of money."

"No, Zhang Hao, you have to take responsibility for this matter. You were the one who took care of us, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to wander around with you instead of following Master Chen."

"Yesterday, I was beaten up in the city center. They said I stole the business of the restaurant next to the CCB Family Courtyard. Damn it, how did I know that was their territory?"

These people were all the people who left with Zhang Hao and brought their own food trucks to roam the city center.

They think about things too simply, thinking that they can make money with technology, but they don't know that the market has long been occupied by others.

The current market is basically divided by family homes. Without the consent of the local family homes, doing business there will naturally be rejected or even beaten.

"Let's go find Master Chen. Those who didn't do anything can go back, and so can we."

"It's a big deal to pay for the dining car and seasonings first, and the dining car doesn't need it, we all have it."

Zhang Hao glanced at those who spoke dissatisfiedly, feeling annoyed in his heart.

But in the end he gritted his teeth and said, taking him back to the training center to find Chen Huajiang.

"Wait a moment."

"Gao Yun, can you speak for us?"

Now in the alley, Zhang Hao happened to see Gao Yun who was doing bone-setting work on someone. Thinking of the other party's help last time, he planned to ask him for help again.

Moreover, Zhang Hao and others also knew that Chen Huajiang wanted to apprentice with Gao Yun's grandfather, and felt that with Gao Yun's help, he might have a better chance.

(End of this chapter)

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