Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 147 Delicious Crisis

Chapter 147 Delicious Crisis

After Feng Weizhi left, he didn't immediately rush to the hotel where the accident happened.

Instead, they called Gou Weidong and Wu De and asked everyone to pay again.

"The problem this time is the same as last time. As long as real funds are on the table, those people will withdraw immediately when they see the money."

Feng Weizhi glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice.

But this time Wu De and the others did not contribute money to help as they did last time, but hesitated and hawed, obviously not very optimistic about Feng Weizhi in their hearts.

"Do you want to waste all your money? As long as this time passes, we will stop developing and focus on getting back the capital."

"Even if something happens, huh, at worst, I, Feng Weizhi, will be able to carry it all by myself. At worst, I'll just walk away. Those customers are chasing me, so I'll keep you safe."

"But if we don't help this time, I, Feng Weizhi, will leave my words here. We are all grasshoppers in the same boat. We must live together and die together."

Without money, Feng Weizhi began to change his expression and threatened everyone.

At the same time, he also "taught himself without a teacher" and thought of the escape method for later generations.

This made Wu De look ugly. Apart from Feng Weizhi, he was the one who invested the most money.

Especially the last two thousand, five hundred yuan, Feng Weizhi had not returned him yet, and had asked him to pay first.

However, he had no choice in the face of Feng Weizhi's threat. Once this difficulty could not be overcome, the two thousand and five thousand funds would be wasted.

At the same time, he was becoming more and more resentful towards Gou Weidong. It was because of Gou Weidong's suggestion last time that he was at a loss.

"I can take out another thousand, but this is my bottom line. If I take more, it will be gone."

"But Gou Weidong is rich. His father is in charge of the logistics department. He recently received a batch of logistics funds of about [-] yuan."

Wu De said in a deep voice, looking at Gou Weidong and dragging him into the water.

Following his words, everyone looked at Gou Weidong one after another, which made Gou Weidong tremble.

Facing the wolf-like gazes of everyone, he could only nod his head in the end, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll move half of the money out first. If it's more, it won't work. It will lead to gangsters."

Following his words, Feng Weizhi breathed a sigh of relief, patted his shoulder and said, "Gou Weidong, don't worry, you can get through this pain. I will give you double the money."

He drew a big cake for Gou Weidong, which also made Gou Weidong breathe a sigh of relief.

Soon Feng Weizhi rushed to the store where the accident happened with the money he had collected.

At this time, I saw a large number of people crowding around the door of the store, all shouting "refund the money" and "we will move the things if we don't refund the money."

"What's going on? What's going on!?"

Feng Weizhi shouted loudly and walked over with his men.

"Money back, money back!"

"I want to cancel my membership card!"

Return the card, return the card immediately.

When everyone saw the arrival of the rightful master, they immediately roared excitedly and looked anxious.

Feng Weizhi repeated his old trick and placed stacks of banknotes on the table at the door to calm people's hearts.

"I don't know where you heard the news. Didn't Feng Weizhi say it clearly enough two days ago?"

We have no shortage of delicious restaurants.The membership card is a benefit for old customers. You can recharge or refund as you wish.

"But as a rule, once a refund is made, people are no longer eligible for membership discounts."

It was the same routine as last time, Feng Weizhi used both kindness and power, I believe that most of the crowd here gave up.

But this time it didn’t work at all, and most of the crowd still asked for their money back.

Three to five yuan for a single person is not much, but it cannot support the large number of people, and the funds on the table quickly dwindle.

Feng Weizhi originally prepared a capital of [-], but soon more than half of it was removed, leaving only [-].

However, the problem here was finally solved, and as everyone canceled their cards, the atmosphere relaxed.

"Boss Feng is a man of faith."

"It's not that we have to cancel our membership cards. The main thing is that we don't have any money anymore, so we have to save some money."

“The delicious restaurant is trustworthy.”

The crowd around talked a lot, saying good things about Feng Weizhi, which also made Feng Weizhi feel a little better.

"Don't worry, everyone, I, Feng Weizhi, act with integrity."

“There will definitely be no problems in charging money with a membership card issued at our delicious restaurant.”

"Please also help me to speak good things about Feng Weizhi, so that some villains will not gossip and deceive customers who don't understand."

Feng Weizhi raised his hands and said to the crowd, looking just and heroic.

The people who received the refund naturally applauded Mianzi and promised to help him spread the "good name" of Xinyi.


"Boss, it's not good. There's a fight over there at the cotton factory, hurry over there!"

"Boss, there was an accident at the match factory, and they all demanded a refund."

At this moment, several men outside rushed in in panic and said to Feng Weizhi.

Feng Weizhi's heart skipped a beat, and his heart was filled with clouds, but his face remained calm.

"Why are you panicking? Just give them a refund, why make such a fuss."

"Go, go and see!"

Feng Weizhi responded calmly, but he was full of anxiety on the road.

Finally, he thought of Chen Huajiang's trick, which was to use a suitcase with white paper and some banknotes on it during the last bidding, pretending to bring a lot of money.

Faced with anxiety, Feng Weizhi didn't care much and thought of doing it.

Soon he brought the box to the store of the match factory. There were fewer workers here than in the cotton factory. He chose this place to delay time.

As a suitcase of money was placed on the table, the restless mood of the crowd calmed down.

One by one, they stepped forward to withdraw their membership cards, and the atmosphere was no longer anxious.

Feng Weizhi also used this to spread the word that he has a lot of money and people should not listen to rumors.

The person who got the money naturally praised him, but what made Feng Weizhi even more anxious and depressed was that there were still a lot of people queuing up.

During the period, as the money became less and less, Feng Weizhi was also worried and frightened, and made several excuses, such as lunch time soon, and exchange in the afternoon. The store is here, and people can't escape.

But the crowd didn't believe him at all, and they still surrounded Feng Weizhi and others and demanded to return the card and money.

The trick was finally revealed.

"Blank paper, below is white paper!"

"Tao, it's really white paper. When the wind blew before, I saw that there seemed to be white paper underneath. I thought it was my eyesight."

"Weimeixian Restaurant is out of money, everyone, don't let people go. If you don't refund the money today, no one will leave!"

As the trick was exposed, the atmosphere at the scene became anxious, and the crowd's emotions also became angry.

Feng Weizhi panicked, was scared, and was filled with despair.

Inexplicably, he thought of Chen Huajiang's words at the gate of Hongqi Factory in the morning, and the metaphor of cup and cup lid.

He thought he could cover five steaming cups with one lid, but in fact he couldn't even cover three.

"Don't worry, everyone, I, Feng Weizhi, am not out of money, but I need time to turn around."

"Please believe me, my delicious restaurant has more than 20 stores, how can I not pay back everyone's money?"

Feng Weizhi tried his best, but it was of no use.


"Refund the money. If you don't refund the money today, you won't be able to leave!"

Feng Weizhi's voice was quickly drowned out by the words 'refund the money'.

(End of this chapter)

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