Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 148 Don’t miss it if you’re passing by

Chapter 148 Don’t miss it if you’re passing by

This made Feng Weizhi completely desperate, and more and more people came.

Many workers came from other factories after hearing the news and wanted Feng Weizhi to refund his money.

"Why on earth? Why do you have to refund the money now?"

Feng Weizhi was desperate, but he was also full of anger. He didn't understand what these people were thinking. Why didn't they believe in their delicious restaurant?
Until someone took out the Nanming Daily and pointed to the article on the front page that read, 'Beware of systemic economic decline and make preventive preparations for the winter.'

Feng Weizhi looked at the content above. He finally understood and was completely desperate.

With a pop, Feng Weizhi shook and fell to the ground with a pale face.

He knew that he was doomed, and he also understood in his heart that there must be Chen Huajiang's tricks involved.

Otherwise, why would Chen Huajiang’s words at the entrance of Hongqi Factory in the morning be so similar to those of Nanming Daily?

What about having plenty of dry food and umbrellas when the weather is clear, and referring to the crisis of not being able to pay wages for half a year in Northeastern Province? If the two are not connected, he will not believe it even if he is killed.

What makes Feng Weizhi feel most desperate is that it seems that Chen Huajiang knew all this from the beginning. He had already fallen into the trap of the other party when he followed him to open a store in front of the factory.

There are more and more people, and things are getting bigger and bigger.

Soon the police arrived, but this era is different from the future. It is natural to pay back debts.

Even the police urged Feng Weizhi to pay back the money quickly, but where could Feng Weizhi have the money to pay back?

There was a stalemate like this all afternoon. As the sky grew dark, the angry crowd impatiently rushed into the store to make up for the losses.

The coal stoves, pots and pans were all taken away by them, and it was only a small loss that could be recovered.

The next day, the entire Wei Mei Xian restaurant was destroyed. Those who had not received their money had to move everything out of the store in order to recover their losses.

Even Feng Weizhi's home was not spared. Bicycles, beds, radios, benches and tables, and even old shoes were taken away, leaving a mess.

Fortunately, there was no mass crisis in the end. After all, the money everyone deposited was only two or three yuan, and the extra five yuan was not like the savings-absorbing thunderstorms of later generations, which destroyed all the assets of a family.

Of course Feng Weizhi was also arrested by the police, and the punishment awaiting him can vary.

There will be a severe crackdown in another year. Only God knows whether Feng Weizhi can survive this disaster.

However, this thunderstorm was a huge blow to the Rat Club and Brotherhood that would appear in Nanming City in the next few years. The delicious food incident caused a stir and lasted for more than a year.

After all, information is underdeveloped these days, and the content of people's gossip and chats is pitifully small. Usually, it's the parents who are short-sighted, and whoever's family stole someone.

Delicious and delicious food has naturally become a big event in Nanming City. From ninety-year-old women to ten-year-old children, everyone can talk about it enthusiastically.

So in a few years, when savings-absorbing organizations like the Rat Club Brotherhood were developing in Nanming City, they suddenly found themselves encountering many difficulties.Not only that, but it also created a major event that will be talked about on the Internet in later generations.

Of course, this is all in the future, and Chen Huajiang also encountered some problems at this time.

To be precise, Diplodocus thought he was in trouble.

"Brother Chen, you can't do this. The price is too high and you can't sell it at all."

"I've been talking about it for the past few days. None of the bosses are willing to sell our Kunlun coal stoves on behalf of us."

"Think about it for yourself, the coal stoves from the Coal Stove Factory are priced at RMB [-], the coal stoves from Hongqi Factory are priced at RMB [-], and our coal stoves are priced at RMB [-]. Only fools would choose to buy our coal stoves."

Liang Long came to Chen Huajiang, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he made a series of urgent words, asking Chen Huajiang to reprice the coal stove.

"The price of one yuan and eighty won't change for the time being. Don't think about it. I can make arrangements freely."

"By the way, is the warehouse full?"

Chen Huajiang waved his hand and did not elaborate on the price of the coal stove. There is no such thing as a brand these days.

He positioned Kunlun Coal Stove as a 'high-end' coal stove product. Only by establishing the positioning first can we get the right product in a price war in the future.

"It's almost done. Most of the warehouse is now stacked."

"Gong Zhao, there are also bad things said by Gong Wang, and people in the workshop are panicked."

"This thing can't be sold. There are more and more of them, which is a blow to everyone's morale."

Liang Long took a drink from the water cup and looked at Chen Huajiang anxiously and said.

Chen Huajiang nodded, this is indeed the truth in this regard.

"You continue production and forget about sales. I will handle it."

Chen Huajiang patted his shoulder and said.

Seeing him like this, Liang Long had no choice but to nod his head, then took his leave and left.

Chen Huajiang first took some goods from the factory and provided them to Zhang Bao and other stall owners for free. Of course, it was euphemistically called a "test."

When they heard that it was a free coal stove, the stall owners were naturally willing to try it. Once they used it, they discovered the benefits of the 'Kunlun' coal stove.

The first is the adjustable air inlet and energy gathering circle. The firepower can be controlled independently and the firepower is more concentrated. This is really important for stall owners doing business.

Just like fried food, it is necessary to adjust the firepower of the coal stove frequently. When there are guests, it is necessary to maintain a high firepower to heat the oil quickly. On the contrary, it is necessary to quickly turn off the fire to reduce the evaporation of oil.

The second is the insulation layer. The 'Kunlun' brand coal stove uses cinder and straw particles, which is different from the clay insulation layer used in current coal stoves. The insulation effect is better. The coal balls are still burning the next day, which greatly reduces the flameout and restart. Time wasted by the stove.

In this way, the 'Kunlun' coal stove first gained a reputation through the use of stall owners in the food street, covering some customer groups.

However, these groups are still too rare. Compared to the entire coal stove market in Nanming City, they are only equivalent to throwing a stone into the lake and cannot make any waves.

Until Liang Long came again and told him that the warehouse was completely full, Chen Huajiang arranged for Er Mao to start actively building momentum.

East Gate Gate, Beimen Vegetable Market, East District Farmers Market, South District City Road Entrance.

At the same time, people at the four locations began to promote and display Kunlun coal stoves.

"Those coming from the south and going north, don't miss it if you pass by."

“New products and new developments are known to all parts of the country.”

"It depends on whether the quality is good or not. You will know everything through on-site testing."

"If you don't buy it, I won't advise you. It will be convenient for whoever buys it."

At the gate, Chen Huajiang personally went into battle, holding an old-fashioned battery horn and shouting at the crowd.

The jingle that was popular in later generations quickly attracted the attention of a large number of onlookers, and the crowd here was filled with water.

There are three coal stoves in front, all of which are common products on the market, among which the Kunlun coal stove is placed in the middle.

Whether it was its unique shape or Chen Huajiang’s shouts and explanations, the Kunlun coal stove quickly attracted the attention of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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