Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 149: Shouting to sell goods

Chapter 149: Shouting to sell goods
"This—Boss Chen is too good at talking."

"It's really going to happen."

"I really didn't expect that Boss Chen still has this side."

Heihu and others were stunned as they watched, obviously never thinking that Chen Huajiang had such a "glib" side.

This 'shouting' method, which became popular in the north and south only in the 90s, attracted the crowd as soon as it appeared.

Then Chen Huajiang got three waterwheels for boiling water, which are also kettles, but most people in Nanming City now call them waterwheels.

"Kunlun coal stove uses high-end technology to firmly lock the temperature of briquettes, which improves the energy efficiency by 50.00% compared to traditional coal stoves."

"In other words, with the same briquettes, using a Kunlun coal stove can produce more hot water and save more briquettes."

"According to the latest research data from Qingbei University, one Kunlun coal stove is more powerful than two traditional coal stoves."

Chen Huajiang shouted loudly and kept talking about the train.

The crowd in the audience was naturally talking and pointing.

"Really or not, is this coal stove really good for two?"

"But their coal stove seems to be really different from ordinary coal stoves. It has a concave top, unlike ordinary coal stoves which are flat."

"I think it's just bragging. It's definitely not that powerful. As for coal stoves, what difference does it make between a good one and a bad one?"

The venue was buzzing with excitement, and no one believed Chen Huajiang's statement.

But soon, the water tanker burning in the Kunlun coal stove in the middle began to smoke, the lid of the pot was pushed gurglingly, and white steam rose.

"It's open, the water is open!"

"This speed is too fast!"

"Oh my god, look at the waterwheels on the left and right, they haven't started burning yet."

At this time, the crowd became restless, pointing excitedly at the Kunlun coal stove in the middle and talking about it.

Chen Huajiang poured the hot water in front of his face and poured it on the ground, causing the heat to rise.Then, in front of everyone, they picked out the person from the wooden bucket on one side and poured it into the water wheel, and then placed it on the coal stove in the middle.

After burning for a few more minutes, the coal stoves on the left and right began to steam one after another, and soon the water tanker in the middle also began to steam.

With the "experimental" comparison, and under everyone's nose, everyone became more and more excited and surprised.

"Oh my God, one is really stronger than two."

"This is a really good coal stove. It boils water too fast, so I don't know if it will be a waste of coal."

"Yes, if you don't waste coal, this coal stove is definitely a good thing."

Everyone was excited, and looked at Kunlun Coal Stove with a bit of fondness and greed.

"Everyone can rest assured that our Kunlun coal stove uses the latest polymer insulation technology. With the same briquettes, our Kunlun coal stove will be more resistant to burning and save more coal."

"The second test will be carried out next, the heating and combustion experiment. Whether the Kunlun coal furnace saves coal or not will be known at a glance."

"It's beautiful to say, and it's an exaggeration. Let's let the facts speak for themselves!"

Chen Huajiang asked Er Mao and his men to install three new coal stoves again, and then showed the briquettes to everyone.

The fire was lit at the same time, and everyone quickly discovered the surprise. The Kunlun coal stove in the middle was the most successful one.

“This coal stove lights up the fire so fast!”

"Yes, it's much faster than the two coal stoves next to it. I don't know if it saves coal."

"What brand of coal stove is this? Kunlun, right? I don't know how much this coal stove costs. It must be more expensive than the other two."

Everyone was talking about it. Men, women, old and young had already blocked the gate.

After lighting the fire, Chen Huajiang asked his men to bring a blower to ventilate the fire, speed up the burning of the briquettes, and the flames at the mouth of the coal stove rose.

Everyone also discovered that the flames of the coal stove in the middle were clearly blue, and there were also flames on the left and right sides, but they were not as bright as the middle.

"It's a symbol of fire!"

"The coal stove in the middle is burning too brightly, and it will definitely go out before the ones on the left and right."

"Yes, the fire is too strong."

Some people who thought they were smart pointed to the Kunlun coal stove in the middle and said confidently according to their own thinking inertia.

But soon, when the flames of the coal stoves on the left and right gradually became smaller, the flame of the Kunlun coal stove in the middle was still blazing.

Now the crowd is fried.

"Oh my god, the briquettes in the coal stove in the middle are so durable!"

"The one on the left went out, the one on the right went out, and the one in the middle is still burning!"

"Could it be some kind of trick? No, I witnessed the whole process of them loading coal balls just now."

The crowd was agitated, with surprised words one after another, and their eyes on the Kunlun Coal Stove became more and more fiery at this time.

At this time, Chen Huajiang instructed Ermao to use tongs to take out the briquettes from the three coal stoves. The briquettes on the left and right sides were already in a residual temperature state, and their surfaces were burned to the color of cinders.

The briquettes in the middle are still burning. Although they have some cinder color, they are wrapped in flames and can obviously burn for a while.

"How much does this coal stove cost?"

"Good stuff, how much does your Kunlun coal stove cost?"

"How did you sell it?"

At this time, the crowd below was excited and looked at the Kunlun Coal Stove as if they were looking at a treasure.

Many people will settle accounts. Whether it is the burning speed or the coal saving effect, this Kunlun coal stove is better than ordinary coal stoves.

Of course, this is also a "little trick" played by Chen Huajiang. Compared with the ordinary briquettes in the two coal stoves on the left and right, the briquettes in the middle have been specially processed.

To put it simply, it uses part of the briquette technology. Briquettes appeared in the late 90s. The briquettes are named after the circular shapes inside them that resemble honeycombs, which can burn more fully.

Of course, Chen Huajiang couldn't make it so obvious. He just added some large and small cracks in the briquettes and reduced the clay in the briquettes.

This is why the briquettes in the middle are more resistant to burning, while the briquettes on the left and right sides have not actually burned out.Because traditional briquettes are difficult to burn through, large and small coal cores will always be left in the middle.

This was also the case until the late 90s. Many people in rural areas had the habit of going to the city to pick up cinders near factories, because the cinders they picked up could be burned again after being peeled off.

"Put it up!"

Chen Huajiang asked Er Mao to place the sign he had prepared on the stage.

There is a picture of a large Kunlun coal stove on it, with the original price "2" written on it and a red horizontal bar in the middle. Below it is the words "1.6", which is a [-]% discount for the one-week promotion price.

"Two yuan? This coal stove is too expensive. Even after the discount, it costs one yuan and six, which is more expensive than ordinary coal stoves."

"Yes, this coal stove is more expensive than the coal stove in the Coal Stove Factory. The coal stove in the Coal Stove Factory is only [-] yuan."

"I only bought my coal stove in the first half of the year. There is no need to buy this one."

Looking at the price, the crowd in the audience whispered, thinking that the price was a bit high.

"I'm doing it, you're watching, your eyes are calculating, and your heart is calculating. This coal stove can save one coal a day, and three hundred coals a month."

"The more you burn, the more you save, and the more time you save. Do you think it's a good deal?"

"Buy one and take it home. The old ones will be happy, and the young ones will praise you. In less than a week, they will praise you for being a master. Two hundred coal stoves are sold every day, and each person can only buy one."

Chen Huajiang shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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