Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 151 Cousin Arrives

Chapter 151 Cousin Arrives
Of course, whether the reputation can stand up depends on the quality of Kunlun Coal Stove.

Chen Huajiang is not worried at all in this regard. At least at the moment, neither the Hongqi Factory Coal Stove nor the Coal Stove Factory Coal Stove is a match for his Kunlun Kunlun Coal Stove.

What makes Chen Huajiang feel most disdainful is that half a month has passed, and there is no response at all from the coal stoves in Hongqi Factory and Coal Stove Factory.

It neither kept up with product updates and iterations, nor kept up with sales and carried out fancy marketing.

As the brand of Kunlun coal stoves is launched, many canteens and small stores are beginning to be willing to sell Kunlun coal stoves as agents.

The purchase price Chen Huajiang gave them was [-] yuan, and the selling price was [-] to [-] yuan. The owner of the consignment store could earn [-] cents for each single coal stove.

This is much better than the Coal Stove Factory and Hongqi Factory earning [-] cents per order. Under such circumstances, how can these bosses not help Kunlun Coal Stove to 'scream'? In order to make money, they have to shout, and they have to be crazy. Coal stoves at Bianhongqi Factory and Coal Stove Factory.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye, and the New Year is getting closer and closer. Kunlun Coal Stove has also established a foothold in the Nanming City market, and its sales volume is also rising.

However, the mainstream sales of coal stoves in the current market are still dominated by Hongqi Factory coal stoves and Coal Stove Factory coal stoves. First, people in this era are much more sensitive to prices than in later generations, and second, the output of Kunlun coal stoves is not as good as the other two. factory.

However, in this regard, Chen Huajiang also arranged for Liang Long to recruit and lead people to increase production. At the same time, he also provided higher wages and bonuses to the masters.

Today, Chen Huajiang met the third child who entered the city, his cousin Chen Sangou, whose name was Chen Huashan.

Chen Sangou is a nickname. Rural people believe that a nickname is easy to make a living, and Yama also despises it. Nicknames are often relatively cheap.

The same is true for Chen Huajiang. There are three cousins ​​in their family. The cousin's nickname is Big Gou, he is the Second Gou, and his cousin is the Third Gou.

As for the cousin, she is a big duck, and the cousin is a duck egg.

"Why did you come here? Where are the third uncle and the third aunt? You are not the only one here, right?"

Chen Huashan asked curiously, his cousin was only 14 years old and considered a middle-aged boy. How could his uncle and aunt be so relieved?

The place where Nurse Chen found was the Hongqi Factory. When Liang Long saw that the other party was Chen Huajiang's cousin, he welcomed the person down and called someone to notify Chen Huajiang.

"My parents are busy. The scoundrel's family in the village is fighting with my family over the land boundary. What's the point of not watching over it? My family's boundary marker was knocked down by his family last time."

"Second brother, the mangy grandson used to be the most afraid of you. But after you left, they became bolder and dared to bully me. It's useless for me to bully my cousin. That guy looks like a dog. Smaller than the eye of a needle, I don’t dare to offend Leppy and his brothers at all.”

As soon as he saw Chen Huajiang, Chen Huashan started chattering with an angry expression.

The Lapizi family were their neighbors, and because the fields were adjacent to each other, there were a lot of bullshit going on.

This is a very common thing in today's rural areas. Whose family has more land and which family gets water for irrigation first are the core points of the conflict.

Generally, this kind of situation is due to fighting. Whoever has more males often has an advantage, and vice versa.

This aspect was not resolved until later generations in the general environment, where the countryside was dying and no one was farming.

If farming doesn't make money, then naturally people won't go to great lengths to plant more land and less land.

But that's not possible now. The fields represent the core interests of the villagers. Whoever plants more crops will have better harvests, and vice versa. No one can retreat when it comes to interests.

Chen Huajiang's thoughts were a little wandering. In the eyes of his cousin, he had only left the countryside for a few years, but in his mind, his thoughts about the countryside were actually decades ago.

He couldn't even remember the look of the scoundrel, it was like a mosaic picture, very blurry, and he could only remember a rough idea that there was such a person.

But if he wanted to think clearly about the face of the target, Chen Huajiang couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried.

Lapizi's family also has the surname Chen, and his name is Chen Jianjun.

To be precise, most of the people in Hedong Village have the surname Chen, which was called Chenjiacun during the Qing Dynasty. Most of their ancestors were people who fled here to avoid war in the late Song Dynasty.After that, it spread out and eventually formed Chenjiacun, now Hedong Village.

Chen Jianjun's family has many brothers, including three.The eldest is Chen Jianye, the second is Chen Jianjun, and the third is Chen Jianbing.

Different from the relationship between Chen Huajiang's family and cousins, they are brothers and have more cohesiveness.

Because they are of the same age, cousins ​​Chen Huahai and Chen Jianye belong to the same generation, he and Chen Jianjun belong to the same generation, and cousins ​​Chen Huashan and Chen Jianbing belong to the same generation.

The scoundrel refers to Chen Jianbing, the youngest of their family, with the most naughty temper.

Because his second brother Chen Jianjun had fought with Chen Huajiang several times and was no match for Chen Huajiang, Chen Jianbing was also more afraid of Chen Huajiang and did not dare to act mischievously in front of him.

But after Chen Huajiang entered the city, Chen Jianbing naturally had no brothers to protect him, so he was naturally bullied by Chen Jianbing.

"Okay, wait until I get back to chat with them and talk."

Chen Huajiang rubbed his cousin's head and smiled.

Following his words, Chen Huashan nodded heavily, perhaps thinking of the scene where Chen Huajiang helped him take revenge, and even laughed obscenely.

With his eyes rolling, Chen Huajiang was speechless. He looked so vulgar.

This aspect is probably also due to psychological factors. In his previous life, Chen Huashan was really not angry, and all kinds of vulgar tricks happened one after another.

After he became famous in his previous life, he also helped the other party many times, but it didn't work.

A more representative example of this is that Chen Huashan dropped out of high school, and his third uncle found connections to send him to serve in the army.

After he came back, he started looking for connections and got a job in a detention center. In the end, within less than a month of working, this guy took a group of prisoners out to play cards.

This incident caused an uproar, and Chen Huashan was naturally dismissed from his post and imprisoned for more than a month.

Fortunately, no one escaped at the time, otherwise things would have gone horribly wrong, and a crime of dereliction of duty or dereliction of duty would never escape.

Later, the third uncle came to see him and arranged various jobs for him, but whether he thought the working hours were too long, the hardship was too hard, or the wages were low, there was no job he could hold for two months.

In the end, Chen Huajiang had no choice but to give up on him. It was too difficult to support him. Moreover, he provided funds and manpower three times to support the other party to start a business, but they all ended in failure.

However, the world is so strange. Later, Chen Huashan relied on his own ability to get ahead.

That was what happened a few years ago when Chen Huajiang traveled through time. At that time, online live broadcasting was very popular. Chen Huashan relied on his ability to do various 'entrepreneurial' and 'doing' live broadcasts. Instead, he caught up with the live broadcast trend at that time and became a well-known person. Internet celebrity.

For example, if you start a business and raise bamboo rats, you will grill one today and another tomorrow. The live show of starting a business and raising bamboo rats has turned into a barbecue gourmet show.

If you start a business and build a fish pond, one group of people will die in the fish pond today, and another group will die tomorrow.There were no problems in starting a business to raise pigs, but in the end, the total ledger was still lost.

Good guy, later people on the Internet nicknamed him "Entrepreneurship Expert".

(End of this chapter)

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