Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 177 Truth is weakness, fist is truth

Chapter 177 Truth is weakness, fist is truth

Zhao Shanhu and Chen Huajiang also know a thing or two. After all, it is impossible to become the "head" of the village without some skills and reputation.

Hexi Village is located downstream of the Sancha River, where there is more river sand.In later generations, real estate developed rapidly, and the demand for river sand increased crazily.

Hexi Village also relies on mountains and rivers. Zhao Shanhu was the first person in Hexi Village to engage in the sand mining industry. At its peak, he had more than ten sand mining boats, making him the most successful person in Hexi Village.

As for now, Chen Huajiang doesn't know what he does.After all, most of the memories of the other party in his mind were places where he succeeded later.

Zhao Shanhu frowned. He did not expect Chen Huajiang to say that he would return double the gift.

This has given them Hexi Village a lot of face, but this matter is a matter of Zhao Tiezhu's family, and he still has to see what Zhao Tiezhu's family means.

So he walked back, and Zhao Tiezhu naturally refused.

"No, I want Wu Min, not the bride price!"

"I paid the betrothal gift, and their family accepted the betrothal gift, and it was settled. Wu Min is my wife, and there is no way to withdraw the betrothal gift now."

"You two adulterers, do you think I, Zhao Tiezhu, am easy to bully? Let alone double the betrothal gift, I would not agree even with ten times the betrothal gift."

Zhao Tiezhu waved his arms angrily, looked at Chen Huajiang with hatred and said loudly, his face ferocious.

"Geez, what the hell, are you really treating our Hedong Village as a soft persimmon? You Hexi Village doesn't care about this matter!"

"Who told you that if you accept the betrothal gift, you will become your wife? Wu Min didn't take it, it was her relatives who took it. Refunding you double the betrothal gift has already given you face, don't be shameless!"

"Do you think our Hedong Village is afraid of your Hexi Village? If you don't reason, then do it. Who is afraid of whom?"

Following Zhao Tiezhu's words, the young people in Hedong Village also became angry, waving their weapons one by one and saying angrily.

Naturally, the Hexi Village side also stopped working. The two sides exchanged words and exchanges, and the atmosphere on the scene skyrocketed.

"Zhao Shanhu, today I, Chen Huajiang, also put my words here. The matter is very simple. If everyone wants to be reasonable, I, Chen Huajiang, will speak the truth."

"If you are not being reasonable, fine, let's start fighting. The fights in Hedong Village and Hexi Village are no longer a matter of a day or two. Who is afraid of the other?"

"Today, let's start with a fight. If you accept, the matter will be resolved. If you don't accept, we will continue tomorrow. Both sides will recruit people to fight."

Chen Huajiang looked at Zhao Shanhu and said loudly, now is no longer the time to reason, and it must be resolved by one party overpowering the other.

Either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind overpowers the east wind. There is no third way.

"Okay, I, Zhao Shanhu, will come to meet you and see how awesome you, Chen Huajiang, are, to be able to do such an arrogant thing like stealing someone's wife!"

Zhao Shanhu said loudly, waved his hand to signal the villagers to retreat, strode to the middle and also labeled Chen Huajiang as "immoral".

"Haha, I didn't expect you, a thick-browed person, to play such a shameless trick of confusing right and wrong. I really look down on you."

"Stop talking nonsense, stand up straight when you get beaten, show your skills!"

Chen Huajiang laughed and said disdainfully.

At the same time, he also took off his cotton-padded jacket, threw it directly to the ground, and strode out.

"Fuck him, fuck him!"

"Come on Shanhu, kill him!"

People in Hexi Village raised their weapons and shouted loudly to cheer for Zhao Shanhu.

"Fuck him, fuck him."

"Come on Huajiang, kill him!"

The people in Hedong Village cheered for Chen Huajiang and shouted loudly.

Zhao Shanhu made a move first, with a lunge, he swung his right hand and punched Chen Huajiang's head.

Chen Huajiang didn't give in. Instead of retreating, he advanced forward. He protected his head with both fists and slid sideways to get rid of the opponent's attack and close the distance.

This is related to the height of the two. Chen Huajiang is only 1.7 meters tall, while Zhao Shanhu is over [-] meters tall. Their wingspans are also different.

Chen Huajiang is at a disadvantage in terms of size and wingspan. Faced with this situation, only by closing the distance can he make up for his disadvantage and be better able to fight.

"court death!"

Zhao Shanhu's fist move was just a feint. When he saw Chen Huajiang approaching, he shouted coldly with disdain.

He was from the army, and he also had his own tricks for close combat. He turned around and hit Chen Huajiang on the head with his elbow and ribs.

This is a sweeping attack with a large range that ordinary people cannot dodge.

But Chen Huajiang is not an ordinary person. He has rich fighting experience, especially close combat experience. On the spot, he punched Zhao Shanhu in the ribs with a short body.

With a bang, Zhao Shanhu arched his body in pain and took a step back. He put his hands in front of his head in a defensive posture. Because he had lost his breath, his breathing became unsmooth, and it was even difficult to inhale.

Zhao Shan's expression finally changed, no longer as confident and solemn as before.

In this fight, he already knew that Chen Huajiang was an expert, not an opponent he could knock down in a few hits as he had thought before.

Chen Huajiang succeeded with one move, and immediately gained the upper hand without mercy. He began to attack wildly, punching with both fists rapidly, and hitting Zhao Shanhu like rain.

Although Zhao Shanhu's defense was in place, he lost the rhythm and was beaten back by Chen Huajiang.

"Okay, good fight!"

"Brother Huajiang is awesome!"

"Fuck him!"

When the people in Hedong Village saw Chen Huajiang suppressing Zhao Shanhu and fighting, they immediately became excited and energetic.

"Come on, come on Shanhu!"

"Shanhu holds on, come on!"

Although Hexi Village is also cheering for Zhao Shanhu, their morale has declined a lot, and their voices are not as loud as those in Hedong Village.

If you defend for a long time, you will lose, especially when facing a master like Chen Huajiang. Zhao Shanhu soon lost.

Chen Huajiang seized the opportunity for the opponent to stagger back and jumped forward. He held Zhao Shanhu's head in the air with both hands, clasped the back of his head tightly, and raised his right knee vigorously to hit his face.

Although there were two fists in front of his head, the strength of his arms could not block the knee collision, not to mention that Chen Huajiang still had the kinetic energy to jump forward and accelerate.

Zhao Shanhu fell to the ground immediately. His brain was dizzy after being hit, and his nose was bleeding. He couldn't get up for a long time.

"Win, Huajiang wins!"

"Well done, Chen Huajiang wins!"

"Brother Huajiang is mighty and wins beautifully!"

Seeing Chen Huajiang defeating Zhao Shanhu, the young people in Hedong Village became excited and waved their weapons, making the sound boom in the sky.

"Mountain Tiger, Mountain Tiger."

"Shan Hu, are you okay?"

"Damn it, how can we fight with them!"

The people in Hexi Village were in panic and stepped forward to help Zhao Shanhu up. Some people waved weapons and wanted to fight against Hedong Village.

"Dute meow, stop! Do you want me to lose again and again?"

Zhao Shanhu roared angrily. He took a deep breath and wiped his face with his right arm to wipe away the spurting nosebleeds.

He called out to a few young men who were about to rush forward to fight with Hedong Village, and then looked at Chen Huajiang fiercely: "Okay, okay, I didn't expect you to be a practicing master. This time I, Zhao Shanhu, have admitted defeat."

"But if you want me to be convinced, don't even think about it. Let's recruit others and let's solve the problem in Sanchahe tomorrow!"

He said through gritted teeth, and finally turned around and left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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