Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 178: Recruiting people to help out and doing big business by the way

Chapter 178: Recruiting people to help out and doing big business by the way
As the people from Hexi Village left, people from Hedong Village also surrounded Chen Huajiang and returned to the village.

Everyone was in high spirits. Under everyone's inertial thinking, being able to defeat Hexi Village was a matter of face and pride.

Even Chen Jianjun and others looked at Chen Huajiang with admiration, because compared to other aspects, young people value direct force more.

But everyone also knows that tomorrow is the key to the matter.

Chen Huajiang borrowed a tractor and rushed to Nanming City, found Heihu and Ermao, and asked them to take the brothers to Sanchahe to help boxing tomorrow.

Then they approached Jin Sanshun and asked him to call for some help, and finally Wuxing Village.

Chen Huajiang originally didn't have much hope in this regard, because Wuxing Village and Hexi Village have a good relationship, and there are many people named Zhao in both villages.

In terms of closeness of relationship, Wuxing Village prefers Hexi Village. Originally, Chen Huajiang came to say hello to Zhao Hongmei, hoping that for the sake of cooperation, the people in their village would not help Hexi Village.

Because the effect of using too many people on one's own side is the same as using too few people on the opponent's side.

But what Chen Huajiang didn't expect was that Zhao Hongmei actually agreed.

"We can help you, but you have to purchase two thousand tons of oranges from our Five Star Township, and give us your orange soda technology."

Zhao Hongmei made a deal as soon as she opened her mouth and looked at Chen Huajiang with bright eyes.

And what she said was Wuxing Township instead of Wuxing Village. The difference was huge.

Chen Huajiang was confused by what she said, but he quickly shook his head decisively.

"Are you kidding? Do you think I'm stupid? Two thousand tons of oranges, I want to eat them."

"At most five hundred tons, I can't eat any more, and five hundred tons is already my limit."

"Don't give me the lion's share of the name. To put it bluntly, even if the two villages set up a fight, even if you Wuxing Township dares to come to help, I won't dare to accept you."

Chen Huajiang said disdainfully, are you kidding? Townships and villages are different. In later generations, townships will be towns. Townships will be removed and merged into towns.

At present, a township can have as few as a dozen villages as many as several hundred villages, with a population ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. For example, Wuxing Township has a population of more than 30.

This is not a war. Chen Huajiang would only agree to this if he has a bad mind.

If he really dared to do this, he might be targeted!

It's no big deal if a few hundred people gather to fight in a village, but if tens of thousands of people gather together, what do they want to do?Wouldn’t anyone believe it if it wasn’t rebellion?

Zhao Hongmei smiled, she just wanted to bluff Chen Huajiang, talk all over the sky, and discuss it on the ground.

"This year's oranges in Wuxing Township are slow to sell. In previous years, at least half of the oranges were sold during the Chinese New Year. But this year, more than half of the oranges are left, and the oranges will go bad after the Spring Festival."

"Not only our production team, but the entire Wuxing Township production team is worried about this matter, and they can't have a good New Year. Originally, I planned to go to Nanming City after the New Year to see if you can help buy more. Oranges, can the extra oranges be made into orange soda?”

"Since you came here for help today, let's discuss it with each other. I can still easily get ten production teams. You don't have to buy the oranges, but you have to leave the technology for producing orange soda to us."

Zhao Hongmei said with a smile, straight to the point.

As she said, even if Chen Huajiang doesn't come to her today, she will take someone to find Chen Huajiang after fifteen.

This is related to the interests of the entire villagers of Wuxing Township. Even if Chen Huajiang does not cooperate, she is not afraid. There is no such thing as private means of production these days, and private individuals have to stand aside when it comes to the interests of the collective.

Chen Huajiang had a headache. Of course he understood what Zhao Hongmei meant, but he didn't have a way to deal with it.

"Any technology and formula are invaluable. Any mistake, the loss is not me, but you."

"I can provide production technology and even equipment, and teach you the craftsmanship of preparing orange soda in Wuxing Township. But this requires cooperation. I will take half of the shares with technology and equipment, and your township will take half of the shares with oranges and manpower. ."

"Let's share a soda factory together. In addition, I also have some canning formulas and techniques, and we can cooperate in the future. But if you want to come up with nothing, I'm sorry, but you are destined to not succeed."

Chen Huajiang thought about it and looked at her and said seriously.

This is a normal way of cooperation in later generations, but it is really hard to say in the present.

After all, Stupid Melon Seeds are currently quarreling in full swing, and the content of the quarrel is naturally about whether to take Stupid Melon Seeds into public ownership.

It will take a few more months before the dust settles after the conference, and then private factories, workshops, and companies will spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

"So you are a capitalist roader?"

Zhao Hongmei suddenly looked at Chen Huajiang and said, frowning.

Chen Huajiang rolled his eyes, a little speechless, and complained: "Can we stop talking about this? Can it be simple?"

"Well, let's do this first, sign an agreement, and if it doesn't fit in the future, the factory will belong to you."

"But there are gains and there are losses. If the wind direction changes in the future, I will hold a 50.00% stake in the factory."

Then Chen Huajiang said solemnly that he also somewhat understood the entanglement in the other party's heart. He wanted to do something, but was afraid that something would happen if he didn't follow the rules.


Sure enough, following Chen Huajiang's words, Zhao Hongmei nodded in agreement.

"Tomorrow I will bring people to help you, and then I will inform the township chief about the soda and canning factory. I can't make a final decision on this, but I think it won't be a problem."

"Even if there is a problem, the big deal is that our production team will cooperate with you."

Zhao Hongmei stood up, stretched out her hand and shook it vigorously with Chen Huajiang, smiling happily.

In her opinion, they took advantage of it!
No matter how the limelight changes, through smuggling, their village or production team can get all the soda water factory, and smuggling will only give out an extra [-]% of the shares.

"Okay, happy cooperation."

Chen Huajiang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, reaching a verbal agreement on this matter.

Naturally, he was happy in his heart. He didn't expect that by pulling people to help him, not only did he not need to spend money, but he also made a deal.

As for public and private matters, Zhao Hongmei is the only one who likes it. As a person who knows the future direction, does Chen Huajiang need to worry?It's not necessary at all.

The next day, Sancha River.

Hedong, a large group of villagers from Hedong Village.Hexi, a large group of villagers in Hexi Village.

They stand along the river to each other, but Hexi Village is even more impressive because of the large number of people.

Hexi Village started to mobilize the whole village yesterday, but Chen Huajiang in Hedong Village did not do this.

There's no point in calling out to the elderly or children. It's just to pull people's heads to gain momentum. It's too low-end.

"Chen Huajiang, what do you have to say today? When will the fight start!"

Zhao Shanhu stood up and shouted at Chen Huajiang across the river.

Today, his momentum is back, and with the support of the BUFF in large numbers, his momentum is even greater.

(End of this chapter)

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