Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 180 Who has more people now?

Chapter 180 Who has more people now?
"My God, what's going on!?"

"Are you kidding? Why are there so many people!"

"No, they are reinforcements from Hexi Village, and they are rushing towards them."

Everyone was shocked, because this time it was really a large force, larger than any previous reinforcements.

Dozens of tractors, a dozen ox carts, at least three to four hundred people.

Chen Huajiang laughed, because this time it was his reinforcements, and the person sitting on the first tractor was Zhao Hongmei.

However, the people in Hexi Village also became excited, because the people led by Zhao Hongmei were driving towards them, and they misunderstood them as reinforcements from their own side.

"Hahaha, there are more people than us, and their Hedong Village is nothing."

"Now our troops are several times more numerous than theirs. Let's see if they still dare to be arrogant."

There was no sound from Hedong Village. Everyone was probably scared out of their wits, hahaha.

Hexi Village was filled with laughter and excitement, and everyone had excited smiles on their faces.

But except for Zhao Shanhu, he looked confused. Why did so many people come? How did these people come?It seems that he didn't contact the other party.

And he doesn’t know him either!

However, Zhao Shanhu still had a smile on his face. No matter how he came, he was here to help them after all.


"Here, you are in the wrong place!"

Chen Huajiang stood up and shouted loudly to Zhao Hongmei.

"Wait a minute, it's over there!"

"Everyone turn around and go to the west side of the river!"

Zhao Hongmei recognized Chen Huajiang, knew that they were in the wrong direction, and rushed towards Chen Huajiang.

"I said there is a problem with your position. Didn't I mean that you are from Hedong Village? Then you should stand on the east side of the river, not the west."

Zhao Hongmei came over with a group of villagers and told Chen Huajiang as soon as they arrived.

"You really can't tell the difference between east and west, north and south. Isn't our current location just east of the river?"

Chen Huajiang rolled his eyes, thinking that the other party had clearly got the wrong location, and even giving him a lecture was too much of a shirk.

"Nonsense, this is east, this is west." Zhao Hongmei took the stance instead, demonstrating with her left and right hands in turn.

"I understand, you do not distinguish between east, west, north and south. Standing in your position, the left side is naturally my right side, and the right side is also my left side."

"But the distinction between southeast and northwest is because you face due north, so your left hand is west and your right hand is east. Now that you are facing due south, you are naturally left, east and right."

Chen Huajiang explained to her.

Hearing this, Zhao Hongmei opened her mouth, and then complained: "Anyway, there is something wrong with what you said. If you don't have to say southeast, northwest, just say up, down, left, right."

This made Chen Huajiang roll his eyes speechlessly, realizing that she was indeed "directionally blind" and it was hard to say anything else.

With the arrival of Zhao Hongmei and others, the number of people in Xiahedong Village has increased, and everyone's momentum has become more vigorous.

“Who’s in Hexi Village now?”

"Who has more people now!"

"Who has more people!"

Chen Jianbing and his men shouted and raised their weapons with excitement.

On the other hand, Hexi Village, because of the small number of people, seemed a little lacking in momentum. Although there were some buzzing sounds, compared to the shouting in Hedong Village, it was not systematic.

Even the sounds coming here are messy and indistinguishable.

Zhao Shanhu's face also became gloomy, but he still insisted on saying: "Chen Huajiang, there are indeed more people on your side than us. But so what, we refuse to guard against the river, and we are not afraid of you."

"Come on, come on, let's fight if you can. If you can cross the river, you win!"

The more he talked, the more confident he felt. The two villages had confronted each other before. As long as the difference in numbers was not too large, it was basically impossible to fight across the river.

"Cross the river if you can."

"Cross the river if you can!"

"There's something here!"

Following Zhao Shanhu's words, the people in Hexi Village started shouting again.

Although the number of people is not as large as that of Hedong Village, it is enough to guard the river with animals.

"Hongmei, why did you go over there?"

"Did you go in the wrong direction? This is the left hand direction!"

At this time, someone on the other side of the river shouted to Zhao Hongmei.

"Zhao Biao, why are you running over there? Come here quickly!"

"Don't you, the [-]th Brigade, make distinctions between east and west? No, no, don't you understand the meaning of left, west and right?"

Zhao Hongmei also saw the other party and shouted loudly.

This moment immediately stunned both parties, especially the Hexi Village side.

"What!? They are not reinforcements from our side, they are from over there!"

"How to do!?"

"This is what happened!"

The people in Hexi Village became nervous, and some young people even pointed their weapons at Zhao Biao and the others.

They originally planned to cross the river, but now looking at the situation, Zhao Biao and others dared to cross the river, so they took out their weapons and aimed them at Hexi Village.

This time the situation was tense. Before the people from Hedong Village had crossed the river, the Hexi Village phalanx was engaged in a confrontation.

Moreover, Zhao Biao led more people than the Hexi Village Square Formation.

Zhao Shanhu was dumbfounded, his face was so gloomy, and his lips were trembling.

He never expected that this group of people from Wuxing Township, although they all had the same surname of Zhao, were not here to help them, but to help Hedong Village.

"Zhao Shanhu, don't talk nonsense about resisting the river. Our people have already crossed the river now, and there are more people than you."

"Yesterday, the two of us had a fight, and you lost. Today, we recruited troops and called for a large army, but you still lost."

"I, Chen Huajiang, am not unreasonable. Relatives of Wu Min's family accepted a gift money of 200 yuan from Zhao Tiezhu from your village, and we in Hedong Village returned you a gift money of 400 yuan. This is the end of the matter. If you think this is not enough, that's fine." , let’s continue talking with our fists.”

Chen Huajiang looked at Zhao Shanhu opposite and said loudly. This was also his final statement.

The truth has been laid out. If the other party is still unreasonable, then fight.

There was a commotion in Hexi Village, and the voices of loud arguments came and went.

Zhao Shanhu also had an ugly look on his face. He never expected that Hedong Village would call out so many people, overwhelming them in numbers.

If a fight breaks out, they will be the ones who suffer.

He did not reply immediately, but looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said something gloomily.

Zhao Tiezhu was still unwilling, which made Zhao Shanhu's face even more ugly, and he became very dissatisfied with Zhao Tiezhu.

This is like kidnapping the entire Hexi Village with his own ruin.

"Let's just say this. Originally, it was you, Hedong Village, who made the mistake first. There is no reason why you can withdraw the betrothal gift at the same time."

"But this time we in Hexi Village will be reasonable and give you face in Hedong Village. You will return the bride price and this matter will be over."

Zhao Shanhu stood by the river and said loudly, although he was full of energy and his voice was majestic.

But as soon as he said this, everyone knew that he was timid.

Chen Huajiang waved his hand, asked Ermao to cross the river, and handed them 400 yuan.

Then both parties took their people out of both sides of the river and left one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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