Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 181 The worried uncle

Chapter 181 The worried uncle

"I brought so many people here, don't you Hedong Village set up a banquet?"

Originally, Chen Huajiang wanted to send Zhao Hongmei and others away directly.

As a result, Zhao Hongmei said something like this, which made Chen Huajiang unable to step down for a while.

Asking others to help and setting up a table for a meal is a very simple and normal thing in rural areas.

But Zhao Hongmei brought too many people, five to six hundred people. This banquet would make Chen Huajiang bleed.

But following Zhao Hongmei's words, everyone looked at Chen Huajiang, he could only bite the bullet and waved his hands, and said: "Of course there is a banquet, as long as you are afraid that you may not be used to it."

"There's nothing I can't get used to!"

'Yes, yes, how can you not get used to it? '

"As long as you have a table to eat, thank you very much, Boss Chen!"

Following Chen Huajiang's words, people on Zhao Hongmei's side started shouting.

Chen Huajiang had no choice but to let Er Mao take his brothers on a shopping trip, and then found a chef in the village to prepare an open-air banquet.

After a busy day, it was not until evening that Zhao Hongmei and others were sent away after eating and drinking.

Everyone was very happy, and some people even shouted with the strength of wine. If there is still such a thing as finding someone to support the scene, let Chen Huajiang not forget them and be there whenever he calls.

When Chen Huajiang settled the accounts, his head hurt because he spent a total of 300 yuan.

If this happens a few more times, he will go bankrupt.

In this way, Chen Huajiang and his family stayed in the village until the sixth day of the Lunar New Year and returned to the city on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

Naturally, he took Wu Min with him when he went back. To Chen Huajiang's surprise, Lin Jiayin chatted with him along the way, and the two of them were talking and laughing.

He even invited Wu Min to his home as a guest when he returned home, and asked Chen Hua if Jiang agreed.

Chen Huajiang's name is one of the first and the second one. He is not an idiot. The more his wife behaves like this, the less he can be obedient and disobedient.

How could a woman be so generous in such a matter, so of course he couldn't agree and asked Er Mao to find a room for Wu Min at the Blue Sky Hotel.

All shops will be open for business tomorrow, the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, and Wu Min will go directly to Kunlun Restaurant to work.

His arrangement was to let Wu Min work there for a while, and then he would help arrange it if he had any ideas.

At night, before going to bed, Chen Huajiang discovered the clue.

"Who is more beautiful, me or Wu Min?"

Lin Jiayin took Chen Huajiang's arm, stared at him and asked suddenly.

It was quite a sudden attack. Chen Huajiang was not stupid and naturally said without thinking: "You are beautiful."

"I didn't mean it, it was just a lie." Lin Jiayin said dissatisfied.

"How could it be? The more words are blurted out, the more subconscious recognition is in the human brain. Just like when I ask you what one plus one equals, what comes to your mind is two, and what comes out of your mouth is also two."

Chen Huajiang quickly cheered up and explained to Lin Jiayin with a smile.

"But I was thinking of three." Lin Jiayin said while watching her husband tit for tat.

These words are just another petty temper. Although in front of her husband today, she behaved peacefully with Wu Min and did not get into any trouble, but she was very upset in her heart.

Chen Huajiang and Wu Min were classmates in elementary school. They even called out hundreds of people to support each other and almost started a fight in Hexi Village.

Is this called a classmate relationship?If there were no other ideas, would a normal classmate relationship reach this point?Would you do such a thing?

Lin Jiayin is not stupid. She has long regarded Wu Min as an enemy and a woman who needs to be seriously guarded.

"That's because you are open-minded and divergent in your thinking, and you not only have the answer to two in your mind, but also the answer to three. It means-"

"It means you are much smarter than the average person. Oh, don't pinch me. If you don't believe me, listen to my heart and see if I am telling the truth."

Chen Huajiang licked his face and gave her a playful smile, but his arm was pinched so hard that he grimaced in pain.

Afterwards, he cursed and swore again, finally making Lin Jiayin seem to relax.

But Chen Huajiang also knew what was going on in his heart.

However, he knew that this matter was definitely not over yet, but he had a clear conscience. Lin Jiayin would definitely understand him when he saw people's hearts over time.

Because he and Wu Min were really classmates in elementary school, and his help was just to prevent the other from following the miserable path of his previous life.

The next day, on the eighth day of the lunar month, Chen Huajiang's family of three came to the Lin family. Originally, on the sixth day of the lunar month, they were supposed to go to the father-in-law's side.But I was delayed for a day due to matters with Hexi Village, so I had to come over on the eighth day of the lunar month.

Carrying a lot of gifts, he knocked on the door, but my father-in-law's face was dark.

"Good news from Huajiang is coming, come in."

Lin Laogen forced a smile and let the family of three in.

But upon entering the home, I was shocked to find that the hall was in a mess, with tables and chairs scattered on the floor, and broken teacups and tea on the floor.

The mother-in-law was cleaning the house with a broom, and Lin Jianguo was sitting on the sofa beside him, smoking heavily.

"Dad, Mom, what's going on? How could a Chinese New Year do this!?"

Lin Jiayin was shocked and asked excitedly as she walked over and took the broom from her mother's hand to help clean.

Chen Huajiang had no choice but to put aside Huanhuan, who was in his arms, and helped to lift up the fallen seat.

He was also filled with shock and curiosity as to what happened to the Lin family to such an extent.

"Nie Zi, Nie Zi!"

"My Lin family will be killed by this evil son sooner or later. What evil did I do in my previous life to give birth to such an evil son."

After hearing his daughter's question, Lin Laogen couldn't bear it any longer. He chopped his right leg on the ground and said with a look of grief and indignation.

Upon hearing his words, the shoulders of Lin Jianguo, who was hanging his head on the sofa, shook. He raised his head, and then lowered it instantly.

Obviously the matter is related to Lin Jianguo, and I don't know what trouble he caused.

"Dad, what's going on? What about big brother?"

"You tell us the matter first. If we really have something to discuss, it will be better than yours."

Lin Jiayin quickly suppressed her anxiety and said to Lin Laogen.

Chen Huajiang also nodded and said: "Yes, Dad, you have to tell me what is going on. You can't keep it in your heart and smash things. These are all money."

"It wasn't me who smashed it, nor our family. It was Secretary Wang from the match factory who brought someone to smash it."

"Hey, this bastard, this bastard really wants to piss me off to death. He won't let it go until he pisses me off to death."

Lin Laogen stamped his foot again and said angrily.

These words made Chen Huajiang and his wife Lin Jiayin look at each other with confusion on each other's faces.

Fortunately, Lin Laogen gradually told the story, and the two finally understood the cause and effect of the matter.

Everything has to do with Lin Jianguo. The efficiency of the match factory is really poor and it cannot make ends meet for a long time.

Lin Jianguo made a lot of money last year by opening a mutton soup shop in front of the textile factory. He also gained a lot of "face" in front of his former colleagues. He even bought a few packets of Zhonghua to gain face in front of his old colleagues.

As for those things like treating guests to dinner and drinks, naturally don't do too much. Earning one penny will be very impressive and make others think that he has earned ten percent of the money.

(End of this chapter)

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