Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 188: Change your approach to business

Chapter 188: Change your approach to business

"Hua Jiang, what's the problem?"

Lin Guoshan was somewhat aware of some problems and looked at Chen Huajiang and asked anxiously.

"It's nothing."

"Just keep working at the stall over there at the textile factory and don't do it again."

Chen Huajiang didn't say much, encouraged his uncle, and said goodbye.

After returning home, Chen Huajiang began to make plans and must get the match factory back on track as soon as possible.

Things are getting more and more troublesome, and Chen Huajiang feels that a web of conspiracy is approaching him.

This mess of a match factory would probably trap him to death.

Business people are most afraid of being dragged down by non-performing assets. If it comes to future generations, he can cut the knot quickly and spin off the match factory directly.

But it is definitely impossible now. Once he fails to develop the match factory, the workers of the match factory alone will be enough for him to drink a pot.

The next day, Chen Huajiang first contacted several old employees of the factory. On the one hand, he wanted to win over people's hearts, and on the other hand, he asked how to quickly set up the match factory.

After figuring it out, in the afternoon, Chen Huajiang went to upstream merchants to purchase a batch of second-hand equipment, mainly stalk extrusion machines, head stalk phosphate machines, and matchbox wrapping machines.

It is these three main equipments. Chen Huajiang does not plan to introduce other equipments. They can be replaced by manual work. This can be regarded as finding work for the workers of the match factory.

On the third day, Chen Huajiang went to the printing factory to customize a batch of leaflets, all of which were customized matches and beautified matches.

He decided to follow the path of later match factories, completely abandoning the mass market and taking the customized and niche route.

Chen Huajiang's first stop was Nantian Hotel. Because he rented a Nantian Catering store and had a good relationship with Niu Quan and Zhang Weimin, he easily won the order from Nantian Hotel.

During the three games of chess with Zhang Weimin, Chen Huajiang also told him about the dilemma of the match factory and asked him to write a recommendation letter for Zhang Nantian Electric Power.

After that, Chen Huajiang ran to the Grain Building Hotel, the Tea House of the Salt Industry Company, and a number of state-run restaurants.

Because the match factory itself is a state-owned match factory, and with Zhang Weimin's recommendation letter from Nantian Electric Power, small businesses such as customized matches also give each other face.

The most important thing is that no one takes this small amount of money seriously. They don't buy matches from anyone, and the matches Chen Huajiang arranges for them are specially customized, with their unit's icon and LOG.

In this way, it took two days for Chen Huajiang to basically capture all the state-owned hotels and hotels in Nanming City.

There are not many orders from one restaurant or restaurant, but the orders from hundreds of restaurants add up to a lot.

A week passed quickly, and the second-hand machines were also sent to the match factory. Chen Huajiang specially held a grand opening ceremony at the door.

Firecrackers roared, fireworks were everywhere, red satin was hung at the door, and flowers were placed on both sides.

The large iron gate was repainted bronze, and the walls on both sides were repainted white.

These costs are small, but compared to the previous match factory, it gives people a completely new look and a sense of prosperity.

"Is this still our match factory?"

"It seems that the new factory is going to do a lot of work. Now we can rest assured. We are afraid that it will break the pot."

"Tsk tsk, how dare he not care about it. He invested tens of thousands and still has a lot of debts. I'm resting at home this week, and the family court has discussed it all. All of this adds up to at least [-] to [-] yuan."

The employees who entered the venue also showed smiles. They put down their worries in groups and became positive.

As for the title of Chen Huajiang, he naturally became factory director. Without him, it has always been popular in state-owned enterprises to call him factory director, even in later generations.

For a while, the employees were naturally unable to turn around.

However, when entering the factory, the smiles of the workers suddenly froze.

Chen Changzi, that’s it?The [-] extruder is long out of date, and is only used by small workshops to make matches.

"No, this thing can only squeeze twenty match stems at a time. It can't even squeeze out a pack of matches. How can this be done? The efficiency is too low."

"The wrapping machine doesn't work either. This thing isn't a wrapping machine at all. It could just be called a tablet press. It's already outdated."

As soon as they saw several second-hand machines in the factory, the old employees looked disdainful, and then everyone started chattering noisily.

Both of them looked unhappy, and their hearts sank again.

"Please be patient, there are some things I didn't make clear to you."

"From now on, everyone needs to change their thinking. Instead of making traditional matches, we should make well-packaged matches. A pack is not the traditional [-]-piece match, but this kind!"

Chen Huajiang clapped his hands and signaled everyone to quiet down.

Then he took out a few samples to show everyone. The packaging was longer and narrower than the traditional matchboxes on the market, but the appearance of the packaging was very gorgeous.

The matchboxes are colorful and have patterns of cars.There are images of beautiful women, as well as images of delicacies and landscape paintings.

These patterns will be placed in the later generations, even if they belong to the category of "tacky" in a few years, but they look very "gorgeous" in the current monochromatic matchbox.

In particular, there is no longer the words 'State-owned Match Factory' on the package, the big characters above are the customized signboard names such as "Nantian Hotel" and "Grain Building", and the small characters of 'Kunlun Matchmaking' are written below.

When he opened it again, there were only ten match stems inside, but they were longer and thicker. The wood used was not the kind of yellow-brown corner wood and extruded material, but whiter and more delicate in color.

"Lighting a match like that? How is this possible!"

"No, a box of matches has at least 35 and at most fifty. Director, if you get ten matches, isn't this a sign of bad business?"

"Only a fool would buy this kind of match!"

Especially when they saw the number of matches in the matchbox clearly, everyone was a little dissatisfied and said in dissatisfaction.

"No matter who buys or doesn't buy, these are not your concerns."

"The specifications of the matches have changed, the production line has changed, and the factory has also changed. From now on, the salary will be calculated by basic salary plus performance salary plus welfare benefits. In this regard, I have arranged for people to go to the printing factory to print, and it will be posted in the factory at that time. .

Don’t worry, everyone. The basic salary is at least ten yuan a month. As long as you work normally, the performance salary is basically ten yuan, which will not be less than your previous salary.In the future, performance wages will be calculated on a weekly basis, with the emphasis on more reward for more work, so that some people will not feel comfortable if they work more and get the same salary as if they work less."

Chen Huajiang said loudly that he changed the wage settlement method of the original match factory and replaced it with the calculation method of later generations.

Everyone was a little restless, but when they heard that the salary would not be less than before, and performance pay was based on a weekly basis, they could only suppress their uneasiness by muttering to each other.

As Chen Huajiang said, everything has changed in the current match factory.

After that, Chen Huajiang asked everyone to start work in turn under the arrangement of Wang Gong, Zhao Gong and Liu Gong.

The machines roared and everyone started to get busy, and everything was initially on track.

But——the net arranged by Wu Fugui gradually moved towards Chen Huajiang.

(End of this chapter)

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