Datang violent otaku

Chapter 397 What to do?

"Forget it, I came here today mainly to watch the excitement. As for the poetry writing, I don't need it. Besides, I don't have any interest in it, so you can play by yourself."

For Li Tai's invitation, Li Chengqian just waved his hand, but did not agree.And these words are very interesting, what do you mean by watching the excitement, what do you mean by not being interested, and what do you mean by playing by yourself.Daringly, according to the literal meaning, this so-called reciting poems and composing fuss, in the eyes of the crown prince, seems a bit like a game.

As soon as Li Chengqian finished speaking, the court fell silent.Moreover, the complexions of many people changed suddenly, among them, Kong Yingda's complexion was a little ugly.If Li Chengqian's identity hadn't been taken into consideration, he might have lost his temper on the spot.

However, not everyone disliked Li Chengqian's rude words.At least, after Li Tai was taken aback for a moment, his heart immediately blossomed with joy.

"Brother, why don't you be humble? As we all know, your literary talents are outstanding, and you are a model for us and other brothers. Today, it happens to be such a grand event, why don't you show off your demeanor, so that your younger brothers and everyone present can look up to you One time. Third brother, fifth brother, do you think this is the case, haha"

Although his heart was already full of joy, Li Tai didn't show anything, but continued to praise Li Chengqian and invited him to write poems.In the end, Li Ke and Li You were actually linked together.After all, this benefit is for everyone, and the resentment in the prince's heart should be shared by everyone.

"Well, what the third brother said is very true. Father also often exaggerates my elder brother's literary talent, so I have to compose a poem no matter what. In this way, I will not lose my majesty as a royal family."

"The third brother is right"

Seeing Li Tai dragging them into the water, Li Ke and Li You also had to speak out.Originally, if Li Tai hadn't said anything, they would never have said anything. After all, it would be nice to make a lot of money in silence.However, at this moment, even Li Tai said so.Then they can't help but not speak.

Of course, under such circumstances, they must be on Li Tai's side.Of course, the reason was not to annoy Li Chengqian for Li Tai, but Li Chengqian's words were indeed too much.It was Li Chengqian himself who made him unable to step down, no wonder they were there.

Moreover.This is a poetry club, since I came to the venue of the poetry club, it is quite normal to recite a poem.Therefore, their words are indeed reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with them.If they just ignore Li Chengqian.Playing on the field by yourself, it will be a kind of big or small.It doesn't matter whether you are superior or inferior.

"Hehe, since everyone thinks highly of me, then I'll make a fool of myself. However, I didn't prepare for it just now, why don't some imperial brothers come first, and let Brother Wei prepare one or two, how about it?"

This time.Li Chengqian was extremely cooperative, and did not shirk anything.only.But he asked Li Tai and the others to go first, and him to be the last.Judging from the grinning look on his face, he didn't seem to be bothered by it.

"Hehe, since the eldest brother needs time to prepare, let the younger brothers come first, and the eldest brother will be the last to hold the line. Third brother, fifth brother, which of us will come first?"

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, Li Tai and the others were not reluctant.They are clear about Li Chengqian's talents, as long as he is willing to fight.At that time, as soon as the poem is written, the superior and inferior will be judged. In this way, their goal will be achieved.

"Let's invite the fourth brother first"

"Four brothers please"

Needless to say, Li Tai must be the first to start.After all, he was the one who fired the first shot at the prince, and then, of course, he was the one who took the lead.Therefore, Li Ke and Li You said almost in unison.

"Since the third brother and the fifth brother are so kind, then I will not shirk it and show my shame. It just so happened that I suddenly came up with a poem. I hope Master Kong and everyone here can give me more advice."

Li Tai didn't care about Li Ke and the others letting him take the lead. This was already expected, so he was not polite.First he turned around and bowed in the direction of Kong Yingda and the others, then he bowed his hands to the people around him, then stood still and prepared to publish his masterpiece.

Li Tai's humility and courtesy, compared to Li Chengqian's bold words just now, of course made the people around him feel much more comfortable.Even Kong Yingda kept nodding his head there. Obviously, this hadn't even started yet, and Li Tai's performance had already won their praise.

"Five Ding Swords Defeat Yunni"

After setting up his posture, Li Tai raised his head and looked at the sky, and then a very bold voice began to come out of his mouth.This first sentence alone makes people feel imposing and magnificent.Moreover, everyone present had heard of Li Tai's literary talent, so they all pricked up their ears.

But he seemed to be very satisfied with everyone's reaction and demeanor, and then he began to recite every word with high spirits.

"Take Tianhe Xiadi Ji directly"

"Three million Jade Dragons after the battle"

"Destroyed scales and armor flying all over the sky"

After reciting the poem that had been brewing in his heart for a long time in one breath, Li Tai bowed his hands to the crowd, stopped talking, and went back to his seat directly.However, the moment he sat down, he glanced at Li Chengqian who was not far away. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything unusual on Li Chengqian's face, so he looked away resentfully.

"Could it be that he has other preparations or other reliance? Impossible, the position he is sitting in is so conspicuous, even if he wants to be like others, he can't. Then, why is he so calm? Then, according to the past situation, It's impossible for him to be so calm at this moment..."

Although he had already sat down with a smile on his face, seeing Li Chengqian's calmness, Li Tai also started to mutter in his heart.

It is true that during this period of time, Li Chengqian's limelight has been too strong.This made Li Tai a little anxious.In the past few days, Li Chengqian has done several major things, which made his reputation as a prince in the court suddenly improved.Most importantly, Li Shimin seems to have seen hope in the prince again.Pay more attention to Li Chengqian.

Look at it now, even such an important matter as peace talks with the Turkic people was directly handed over to Li Chengqian.This made Li Taina feel a little anxious when he saw it.You know, this Li Chengqian is the eldest son, if he doesn't make any big mistakes, according to the orderly rules of seniority, the throne will have nothing to do with Li Tai.

During this period of time, through the joint efforts of Li Shimin and a group of ministers, Datang's national power has become stronger and stronger.In other words, it is becoming more and more stable.At the beginning, the reason why Li Shimin was able to win the throne was that he was indeed better than the hidden prince Li Jiancheng in terms of talent and learning.The most important thing is the particularity of that period, which allowed Li Shimin to control most of the military power.

But now, all the systems have begun to improve day by day.It is simply impossible to be like Li Shimin back then.

so.Now the only way to realize what I want in my heart is to get the approval and support of more people, and the most important thing is of course to get the approval of the emperor.To achieve this goal, there is another way besides trying to express yourself.That is to suppress the opponent.

For example, the former Li Chengqian almost made all the ministers and the emperor despair.It is precisely because of this that he sees hope.However, the changes that occurred during this period were so great that it was really hard for him to accept.

"Well, the momentum is magnificent and the technique is exquisite. The whole poem is written in snow without seeing the words of snow, but it also vividly depicts the scene of heavy snow drifting. The implication is even more extraordinary. I often hear that Wei Wang's literary talent is extraordinary, and now I see it. It really lives up to its reputation Ah...but, in this way..."

As soon as Li Tai's poem was finished, Wu Zhao, who was sitting next to Li Feng, immediately began to praise him in a low voice, and he was also full of admiration for the talent of Wei Wang Li Tai.However, soon, her face began to change, and then she looked worriedly at Li Chengqian in the field, and then turned her head to look at Li Feng.

"Huh, this little four is really not a thing. I write about Xue, and he also writes about Xue. Isn't this sincerely embarrassing me..."

At first, Li Yuanchang, who was sitting by the side, was at a loss, because he didn't understand what Li Tai was writing.It wasn't until the person at the side reminded him that this made him show a look of indignation.

However, Li Feng was unmoved by these changes.At first he didn't know whether Li Tai's poems were good or not.However, after hearing such a comment from Wu Zhao, I knew it was definitely not bad.As for Li Chengqian, he wasn't worried, he was just curious about why this kid was so calm.

Sure enough, several judges, led by Kong Yingda, made speeches and praised Li Tai's poem.This made the smile on Li Tai's face even sweeter. Coupled with his fat face, Li Feng looked like the Maitreya Buddha in Journey to the West.

After some comments, Li Ke came on stage.Speaking of talent, he is no worse than Li Tai, so his poems are also well received.The only thing that surprised Li Feng was that the poem written by Li You, King of Yan, was actually quite good, which was beyond his expectation.

However, all of these were quickly forgotten by people, because, immediately after, it was time for the man who held the line, that is, the current crown prince Li Chengqian to play.All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on Li Chengqian. As for what they were thinking, it was unknown.

"Since everyone thinks highly of me, I have to compose a poem today no matter what. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of everyone."

Li Chengqian was unambiguous, and when everyone turned their attention to him, he stood up without waiting for anyone to speak, and walked towards the center of the field.However, when he was talking, he looked at Li Tai and the others intentionally or unintentionally.However, it's just a glance, and I don't look at it.

"To be honest, these days, I have really learned a lot of poetry, and I have a lot of understanding of the way of poetry. Especially what I saw and heard from my four emperor uncles made me I have a deep feeling. Today, I wrote a poem on this to express..."

Seeing Li Chengqian talking eloquently, Li Feng didn't have the slightest clue in his mind, because he couldn't figure out the eye medicine sold in Li Chengqian's gourd.However, when he heard Li Chengqian talk about himself and said that he got inspiration from him, Li Feng's expression suddenly became a little silly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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