Datang violent otaku

Chapter 431 Negotiated

Li Shimin had made an agreement with Wasted yesterday and told him to come to court today. After all, although the matter was delayed by yesterday's accident, it didn't mean that the matter was over.Of course, the waste who is the protagonist of this matter cannot be absent, otherwise, this matter will be impossible.

Anyway, there is nothing to do in Chang'an City. Although the business in the store is still very hot, there is no need to waste a whole day staring at it.The clerks are already familiar with their jobs after these few days, and the accountant was specially sent by Cui Yingying, so you can rest assured.

If it was changed to before, Li Feng likes to sleep late.However, since he came to Datang, he got used to getting up early every day.There is no way, this body seems to have an extremely small requirement for sleep, and this biological clock is extremely accurate, it will wake up when the time comes, and can't fall asleep again, even if Li Feng wants to sleep late.

The other one is Rou Niang, who is used to thrifty housekeeping, she doesn't sleep in late, no matter what she has to do every day, whether it's sunny or cloudy or rainy, she always wakes up early.In this way, even if Li Feng wanted to sleep in, it would be boring to fall asleep alone.

"It seems that these officials are also working hard. It is really difficult for them to go to work so early every day."

The genius was slightly bright, and Li Feng was riding a horse on the street that was still very dark. Since it was still early, there were fewer pedestrians on the street, which formed a sharp contrast with the busy scene during the day.

It's just after five o'clock now, and it's already winter, with long nights and short days.This made Li Feng think of those officials who go to court every day.It's really hard for them to get up so early in the cold weather.

But, there is no way, this morning court is held at this time, it is not possible to get up early.This is because it is winter, and the emperor postponed the court time in order to take care of everyone, if it is summer.At this time, the morning has already begun.Those officials who live far away even have to get up as soon as the third watch is over.This is one of the main reasons why most officials live near the palace.

"Hehe, this ancient emperor, there is no chance that he has the potential to be skinned in the current week"

Thinking of getting up to go to court in the middle of the night, Li Feng felt a chill in his heart.This is too harsh.

At first Li Feng thought that he came earlier, but when he arrived at the gate of the palace on horseback, he realized that there were many people who came earlier than him, and there were already a large group of people at the gate of the palace. Say it there.

Li Feng was still worrying about where to put the horse, but when he got off the horse, a man dressed as a guard came over.Respectfully took the reins.After Li Feng inquired, he learned that they were responsible for taking care of the horses.

Speaking of this Tang Dynasty.Basically, people who came to the morning court, as long as it was not raining, they would come to the court on their own on horseback.Even in bad weather, it's just a carriage instead.The sedan chair was not popular at this time.Therefore, whether it is a civil servant or a military general, they all come on horseback.

Of course, the reason for this.It is also inseparable from the style of martial arts in the Tang Dynasty.In order to encourage people to practice martial arts, Li Shimin even stipulated that generals should wear weapons when they go to court.Well, riding a horse is of course one of the measures.

"Old Cheng, good morning"

After getting off the horse, Li Feng also walked towards the palace gate.From a long distance, he saw Cheng Yaojin talking and laughing happily there, so he went directly to say hello.There is no way, for the officials in the court, there are only a handful of people he knows.

"Ah...hehe, it's the handsome man, you're too early, handsome"

Cheng Yaojin was taken aback by the sudden old Cheng's voice, but when he turned his head, he saw that it was Li Feng, so he quickly talked to Li Feng very enthusiastically.We also didn't expect that Li Feng would come to the morning court today.

And at this time, the people around also noticed Li Feng's arrival, and immediately, everyone looked at Li Feng, and soon, a little surprise appeared in everyone's eyes.Then, they all turned their heads away.It's just that, in this way, no one chats anymore.Instead, they all stood there one by one, not knowing what they were thinking.

The scene suddenly fell silent, making Li Feng feel depressed for a while.I thought to myself, is it possible, we really don’t let people wait and see.Cheng Yaojin on the side showed an embarrassed smile, and didn't know what to say.

But fortunately, at this time the palace gate finally opened slowly, so everyone walked towards the inside one after another.

Entering the Tai Chi Hall, this time Li Feng didn't need anyone to remind him, he went directly to the position where he was standing yesterday, and then he closed his eyes and meditated like an old monk in meditation.However, although Li Feng did not open his eyes, he felt very keenly that there were glances at him from time to time around him.

Just after everyone entered the hall, Li Shimin also arrived.After a while of greetings, the entire hall returned to a state of tranquility.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Li Shimin first looked at where Li Feng was, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that he had arrived as scheduled.To be honest, he was really worried that Li Feng would not come.At that time, this play can't be sung anymore.

First of all, let's proceed step by step and discuss some daily government affairs.Regarding this, Li Feng listened carefully there with some curiosity. To be honest, he had come to him many times this morning, but he really didn't know what he was doing this morning.However, after listening to it for a while, I found it boring.

He and we didn't expect that such things were discussed in the early court.Some, in Li Feng's view, are trivial matters, but unexpectedly, they were brought up to the court to discuss.It was completely different from what he had imagined.From his point of view, this court is of course to discuss some important national affairs.

However, Li Feng didn't think about it either. In ancient times, the government affairs of the country couldn't be compared with modern society. How could there be so many important things.

"My dear friends, let's continue the discussion on yesterday's topic. Last night, I thought about it carefully. I thought about it over and over again. I have some thoughts on this. Today, I will talk about it in the early morning. the opinion of"

Seeing that there was no government affairs to talk about, Li Shimin immediately spoke.In fact, the next words should have been spoken by Li Feng, that is the best, and it can be regarded as Li Feng's own defense, isn't it.But.But Li Shimin said it directly. It's not that he didn't know that it was against the rules, but he couldn't help it.If Li Feng is allowed to start again, who knows what will happen to his fiery temper.Therefore, after much deliberation, it is better for him to come by himself.

Everyone.I also know that now the main event begins.Therefore, each of them stood there, listening carefully.

"Let's talk about the ancestral system first..."

Next, Li Shimin started from the topic of the ancestral system.Then, he started talking all the cited many examples.For example, the system for selecting talents used to be the recommendation system, but now it is the imperial examination system that is more widely used.In short, a lot of bits and pieces have been said.

When everyone listened, they came back to their senses.At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart, the emperor is really enough to protect this brave king.The emperor said so much.Nothing more than to say one thing, that is.This ancestral system is not impossible to change.

However, the emperor was still talking, so of course everyone could only listen carefully.Besides, the examples cited by the emperor are real, and they cannot be refuted.

"Therefore, I believe that we should abide by good rules and regulations and carry them forward. And if they are bad, or outdated old habits, then we must spare no effort to correct them."

"And what is the standard for judging whether something is good or bad, or what is right or wrong? I don't think it's what the emperor says. Similarly, what the love ministers say doesn't matter. The country is based on the people, and the water What can carry a boat can also overturn it, so only the common people, what most people say, counts.”

"Therefore, as to whether this matter is right or wrong, in my opinion, there is no need to argue in this court. It is meaningless. We should listen to the voices of the people in the world and let them judge whether this matter is right or wrong. , what do you love me think?"

Li Shimin finished speaking in one breath according to the agreement with Li Feng yesterday, and then asked the officials for their opinions.

Like everyone else, Li Feng seemed to be listening to Li Shimin's words carefully.However, he gave Li Shimin a thumbs up in his heart.This eloquence, this thinking, there is really nothing to say, he is simply a genius orator.

And obviously, the officials below did not expect that Li Shimin would make a sudden and strange move to bring disaster to the east.Many officials who had been prepared for a long time were dumbfounded at once.It's like, reciting math formulas all night long. Unexpectedly, when I entered the examination room, I found out that the test was actually Chinese.It was as uncomfortable as it felt.

However, Li Shimin's words were so impeccable that those people couldn't find any flaws at all.

"What Your Majesty said is very true. Water can carry a boat and it can capsize it. The people in the world should discuss the affairs of the world. Although we have the duty of educating the people, there are many things that cannot be done on our behalf."

After hearing Li Shimin's words, Wei Zheng was the first to speak up.Because, his political views have always been like this, the country is based on the people.Since this is the case, many things should be based on public opinion.

"I also agree with Your Majesty's opinion, but I just don't know how to implement this matter. This matter seems simple, but it is a bit difficult to operate."

Seeing that Wei Zheng was the first to come out to support Li Shimin, the officials soon began to express their opinions.Of course, they are all supported.It won't work if you don't support it. This has risen to the fundamental strategy of governing the country. Who dares to say that it is wrong.

It cannot be expressly opposed, of course.But, you can't let this matter just let it go, can you?These people are all spirit-like characters, and they quickly found the key point.That is, how this thing works.

It is true to listen to public opinion, but this thing is easy to say, but it is too difficult to do.It is not always possible to go door-to-door, solicit opinions one by one.

Li Shimin had expected that someone would come out to make trouble, but this was what he wanted most.Wouldn't this justifiably draw out the method he said he would implement?

However, (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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