Datang violent otaku

Chapter 432 The Power of Old Names

Li Shimin was above the court, and he must have a big hat, which immediately made everyone speechless, and the matter was decided just like that.And everyone's focus suddenly shifted from Li Feng to this debate meeting.And the contradiction suddenly shifted from Li Feng's treason and disobeying the ancestral law to whether the ancestral law should be obeyed or not.

In a word, Li Shimin's technique of embedding flowers and trees and diverting disasters from east to west can be described as exquisite, which makes this matter more complicated and confusing, and also makes people's minds different.

Because of what happened yesterday, Kong Yingda did not come to the morning court today.This is not because he is unwell and needs to recuperate, but because he feels embarrassing. After all, yesterday's scene was really embarrassing.However, although he didn't come to the court meeting, it didn't mean that he knew nothing about the court affairs.

As soon as the court meeting was over, many officials immediately rushed to the Confucian mansion one after another.After all, as the most important person in this incident, they need to follow his opinion on many things.Besides, when things have developed to this point, everyone is a little confused and a little overwhelmed.

"Hmph, it's a good way to divert disasters to the east, to steal the beam and change the pillar. However, if you want things to be so simple, there is no way. If you want to reason, then let's have a good theory and wait until the theory comes out. When the time comes The old man wants to see how this drama ends.”

After sending off all the people, Kong Yingda murmured to himself with a face full of resentment.Kong Yingda was still very angry about Li Shimin's shielding of Li Feng.In his opinion, this matter was Li Feng breaking the rules.However, he was maintaining the saint's etiquette and morality in the world. In the final analysis, he was also for the sake of the imperial power. He did not expect that such a result would be exchanged, so how could he not be disappointed.

In addition, Li Feng was above the court, so arrogant and insulting him.It made him even more angry.If Li Feng can't be dealt with, then what is the etiquette of the saints, what kind of face do these disciples of the saints have in this world, and the most important thing is, if they let this matter go, let it go like this, in the long run.Does it mean that the Confucian way of governing the country will be overthrown?

"No, absolutely not, even if the old man risked his life, he still has to uphold the saintliness."

Thinking of this, Kong Yingda was startled for a while, and then said in a deep voice with gritted teeth.

but.All of this can only be carried out after the debate meeting is over.As for this debate conference.He wasn't worried.Reasonable, the principles of the world, can it be greater than this saint's etiquette?Debating is something that scholars like them are good at. Could it be that these scholars can't argue with ordinary mountain and country folks, what a joke.

However, he is still clear about the fact that the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.Therefore, they immediately began to make arrangements in full swing.In short, they must win this debate.

While Kong Yingda and his group were making arrangements for this debate conference, Li Tai and Li Ke sat together again, but this time they were in Li Ke's Wu Palace.After all, the last meeting was in Li Tai's Prince Wei's Mansion, and it was not indecent to come and go.

However, compared to Kong Yingda's determined expression, Li Ke and Li Tai had sad expressions on their faces.They are not pure scholars like Kong Yingda, and they don't see things so simply.They are not so optimistic about the results of this debate conference.

"Third brother, something is not good."

What happened this time was indeed a little too sudden, and the form changed too quickly, so Li Tai suddenly became a little overwhelmed.Therefore, after knowing the news, he immediately rushed to Wu Wang's mansion. After seeing Li Ke, he didn't hide it like last time, but directly spoke to Li Ke.

"Well, that's true. The royal father's skill of moving flowers and trees is really amazing. The debate meeting... Hehe, it's really a wonderful and novel trick. In my opinion, this doesn't look like the royal father's style of doing things. This idea must have been proposed by our fourth uncle. In this way, this matter is indeed somewhat disadvantageous. In fact, there is no need to argue about this matter at all. The burden of long hair can be understood by just thinking about it The common people are not the bunch of scholars who have nothing to do and have no worries about food and clothing, and they don’t think like those scholars. The so-called sage etiquette is not important to the common people. What they care about is the real benefits. Therefore, The result of the debate is predictable, and it must not be optimistic.”

Li Ke was not anxious at this time, so he frowned while talking.

"Uncle Four? Hehe, how could he be the one who came up with such a trick? It seems that I underestimated our Uncle Four. The results of the debate are no longer necessary to think about. At that time, Emperor Father will definitely use this as an excuse to slap those old masters hard. You know, Emperor Father has been very tired of them for a long time, and even, next may... Well, I What I am most worried about now is that after this incident, the status and prestige of our Fourth Emperor Uncle is really unshakable, after this..."

If you want to cooperate, of course you need sincerity. Therefore, at this time, the two people don't have so many scruples when talking.Therefore, Li Tai expressed the most worrying thing in his heart.They don't care about other things. What they care about is the consequences if this matter is allowed to continue.

Needless to say at that time, the name of this brave king will definitely be famous all over the world, and the status of this brave king will become even more unbreakable.Needless to say, the relationship between King Yong and the crown prince is one of sharing weal and woe, so for them, that matter is very unfavorable.

"Fourth brother, don't worry, everything, it's better to follow the plan. However, in this case, we have to be more careful, and we must not reveal any clues. Otherwise, you and I will not be able to bear it by then gone"

The matter was now settled, so there was nothing to discuss.But fortunately, in this way, their plan will come to fruition when the time comes.only.In this case, it becomes more difficult to implement the previous plans, and at the same time, the risk becomes greater.

"Well, what the third brother said is very true, and the little brother is also thinking in this way..."

Li Tai didn't come here with such a mind.They are now grasshoppers on the same rope, everyone shares the good things, and everyone can't escape the bad things.He also realized that the situation had become serious, so he came here specially to Li Ke.Still, it's obvious.His worry is a little unnecessary.

The emperor personally issued an imperial edict, so the matter of the debate meeting can be said to be progressing rapidly.Whether it is the layout of the scene or the publicity work on this matter, it is in full swing.overnight.The people in Chang'an City already knew about this, so the streets and alleys, teahouses and restaurants once again became lively.It can be said that the debate conference has not yet started, and the non-governmental debate conference is already going on fiercely.

A few days later.All preparatory work is done.And this debate meeting, which has everyone arguing endlessly, is finally about to begin.

In order to accommodate more people, let more people participate in this matter.The venue of the debate conference was deliberately chosen in the big school field outside the south gate of Chang'an City.On the day when the debate started, countless people flocked towards the south gate.Soon, there were dense crowds of people around the university field, and the scene was much more spectacular than the long-distance running around the city.

Obviously, Li Feng has no interest in such lively scenes.Besides, this matter started because of him.He didn't want to be on the scene and become the target of public criticism.What's more, he is really busy these days, and he can't get away at all.

However, for this kind of lively scene, Gao Yang and the others liked it the most, and went to watch the excitement like those people early in the morning.Li Feng had no choice but to arrange for two soldiers from the Black Tiger Army to go with them to avoid any accidents.

It is worth mentioning that since the detailed information of this debate meeting was released to the world.Instead of becoming bleak, the business in the store has become even hotter.Moreover, Li Feng also discovered that many people had already cut off their long hair and came in with short hair to buy clothes.

Of course, they didn't directly make a bald head like Li Feng, they just cut their hair very short.Seeing this, Li Feng knew more about this debate conference.It also confirms that sentence, the eyes of the people are sharp.

This debate conference can be described as a novelty. At the beginning, most people watched it with the mentality of watching the excitement.But, listen, some people have become participants in this debate conference.As more and more people participated, the debate became more intense.

Anyway, the emperor's imperial decree had already been promulgated at the conference, and the imperial decree had been said, so one could speak freely at the conference, and not be convicted of a crime by speech.

Of course, there are pros and cons in the debate. Needless to say, one of the parties is of course those scholars who uphold the sage's orthodoxy.At the beginning of the meeting, they gave bursts of aggressive tirade, which can be said to have stole the limelight.However, as more and more opponents joined in and raised more and more objections, these scholars gradually became overwhelmed.

After all, their only reliance is nothing more than the sage's etiquette that cannot be changed.However, the common people are really serious. In the past, it was fine if this issue had not been brought up, but now, once it is mentioned, the common people will have an idea in their minds.It can be said that the wisdom of the working people is infinite, and it quickly overwhelms these people who study, and they don't even have the strength to resist.

For this reason, a lot of jokes were made at the conference.For example, in order to refute the other party's sentence, one cannot just throw away what the parents gave, and suddenly asked a weak sentence.That is, when the child is born, the gas in the stomach is considered to be given by the parents. If the child farts accidentally, what should I do?As soon as this question came out, the audience was silent for a while, and then of course burst into laughter.

Of course, some people would definitely not be able to laugh. Instead, they blushed and stared with anger, but they didn't know how to refute.

The matter did not end here, on the contrary, it aroused many questions from the common people.And these problems are all aimed at those unreasonable ancestral rules.These questions one after another made those scholars even more overwhelmed. They only said one sentence, and the ancestors changed the rules.

However, there are also some people who are smarter, shut up obediently, and have even begun to switch camps and join the common people.

"Haha, the power of the people is indeed the most powerful force in this world. No wonder the fourth brother always said that we people have power. It seems that this is true."

In the palace, after hearing the news, Li Shimin was overjoyed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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