Datang violent otaku

Chapter 439 Rushing to the Palace

Indeed, just as Li Feng thought, Li Shimin is anxious, angry and helpless now.He really didn't know what to do with the group of scholars who were kneeling outside to petition.

Take care of this matter, I don't know how to manage it.Going out to persuade this group of people is a waste of words without even thinking about it.Unless their requirements can be met, however, this is absolutely impossible.Send troops to suppress them, or put them all in prison?Li Shimin did have this impulse, but he had to consider the consequences of the impulse.

First of all, as Li Feng guessed, once he did this, Li Shimin would bear a bad reputation.Just like Qin Shihuang burned books to bury Confucianism.In addition, there is another more important reason, that is, the management and construction of the country cannot be separated from these people for the time being.It can be said that the time has not come.

However, if you don't care about it, it's not the same thing to let these people kneel outside like this.How ugly it is to spread this matter, and it will damage the country's reputation.If it continues like this, if these people don't get a response, they will definitely have to make more noise. At that time, it will be even more troublesome.

"I don't know what's going on with the fourth brother, but don't make too much trouble."

Thinking of the situation in front of the palace gate, Li Shimin immediately thought of Li Feng's situation.In his heart, he was even more worried about Li Feng's situation.

"Report to Your Majesty..."

"Tell me, what's going on with King Yong?"

Just when Li Shimin was worried about what was going on with Li Feng, a servant bent over and ran in hastily.Li Shimin saw that this was the servant in charge of inquiring about Li Feng's situation, so he asked anxiously without waiting for the other party to salute.

"The Yongwang has already finished handling the matter. His Royal Highness directly led the Black Tiger Army to arrive, arrested all the people who were about to smash the store, and then ordered them to take them to the monument. One person beat [-] Army sticks... And, also, everyone was fined, saying that... these people delayed the business of the store, and they were fined."

Thinking of how Li Feng dealt with those scholars at that time, the servant was also terrified.He has also stayed in this palace for countless years.There are a lot of big and small things that I have seen and heard, but, like this time, like Li Feng, he doesn't show any affection at all, and he doesn't even say a word.This is the first time I've seen such a direct action.

after all.According to the usual practice, everything should be done by a master who is famous, but this time, they don't talk about it at all, and they are quick to do it.

"Twenty army sticks? A fine? No more?...Well, by the way, did those students do anything afterwards?"

who knows.This servant had greatly underestimated Li Shimin's ability to bear, or underestimated Li Feng's ability to cause trouble in Li Shimin's heart.After the emperor heard his report.Not only did he not show any signs of getting angry or anxious, on the contrary, it made the servant feel that it seemed that the emperor thought that this was not enough.

Of course, Li Shimin also quickly found out that his words were inappropriate, and immediately asked about the reactions of those scholars afterwards, which was also what he was most concerned about.

"How can there be any reaction? One by one hurriedly paid the money, and they were so frightened that they hurriedly asked someone to take them home. Those who had no money immediately borrowed money from their companions. That speed, It's like running for your life. But yes, even if I watched from the side, I didn't dare to take a breath. I didn't expect that the black tiger army would become so terrifying when they put on their armor, mounted their horses, and took up their weapons. , It makes people feel a bit cold when you are far away. Not to mention those scholars, and... Ah, please forgive me, the villain is too talkative..."

Recalling the scene of seeing the heavily armed Black Tiger Army, the servant suddenly forgot where he was and who he was reporting the situation to.Then he began to describe what he saw endlessly there.However, he can't be blamed for this, but the momentum of the heavily armed Black Tiger Army is really amazing.

You won't understand until you experience it yourself.And those who have experienced this feeling can finally understand why the Black Tiger Army was able to fight against tens of thousands of Turkic troops with a small 1000 troops on the Dingxiang battlefield.If it was me, it is very possible that I would tremble all over watching the black tiger army rushing, let alone fighting them.

"Okay, you go down, um, pay close attention to the movements of those scholars, and if you find something, come and report it immediately"

However, after Li Shimin heard this, he didn't mean to be angry at all. He just explained and asked the servant to step down.

"Hehe, it really is a scholar who meets a soldier, there is no reason for it. It seems that I really answered the words of the fourth brother. I am afraid of violence. I will also learn this... No, no, forget it, Let's figure it out slowly, it's really a headache. You can't beat, scold, kill, and it doesn't make sense, and you can't explain it clearly. Kneel if you love, I still don't believe that they can kneel the stone at the gate of the palace It won’t work if you wear it. I just hope it’s not too much, if not…”

There was nothing to do about it for a while, so Li Shimin didn't want to think about it.Since the other party is willing to spend it, then it's better to spend it like this.As for making jokes, let others laugh.Thinking of this, he was ready to sit back in front of the dragon case and deal with official duties.

"Report, Your Majesty, it's not good, His Royal Highness King Yong came to the palace with the Black Tiger Army. And...and, they are all fully armed"

Unexpectedly, at this time, there was a more urgent voice from outside the palace door, and then another servant ran in sweating profusely.

"What? Come on, follow me immediately... Well, wait, wait, go, follow me quietly to have a look"

Li Shimin was taken aback when he heard that Li Feng was coming here with the Black Tiger Army.Of course, unlike this servant, Li Shimin was not worried about the threat Li Fengfeng would pose to the palace.It is absolutely impossible for Li Feng to lead the team to attack the palace, and Li Shimin is absolutely sure of this.Even if he really wanted to break into the palace.He will not come with troops, he will only go alone.

And since this possibility has been ruled out, there is no doubt that he came here with his men and horses for only one purpose, and that was to target the group of people outside.How could Li Shimin not know about Li Feng's fiery temper.If those people dared to smash his shop, he definitely dared to bring troops over to deal with them and return the favor.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin was terrified.Because, he immediately realized that it would be no wonder that the Black Tiger Army didn't tear the weak scholars outside to pieces.

However, soon, he found that his own thinking was wrong.According to the report just now, for those who want to smash the store.Li Feng just ordered people to beat twenty army sticks and pay some money.There is no reason to come here and start a killing spree, this is not in line with common sense.

Thinking of this, if he went there rashly, it would probably make things even more out of hand.At that time, he, the emperor, will be caught in the middle.It can be said to be in a dilemma.

However, it’s okay not to go.If the fourth brother really loses his temper when the time comes, who knows what will happen.And in this world, Li Shimin can barely be regarded as the one who can stop this fourth brother.Only by looking at it in the past can he feel relieved.Moreover, he also wanted to see it.What kind of tricks does this fourth younger brother, who is becoming more and more unpredictable, want to play.

therefore.After thinking about it, the best way is of course to go quietly.

As for the emperor's mind, it is naturally impossible for the servant to know.However, the emperor had already ordered to go secretly, so he could only obey the order, and ran out first to make arrangements.You know, there are many people in this palace, and if you want to act secretly, you have to make some arrangements.

There were obviously more people petitioning at the entrance of the palace than those who went to smash the store. There were at least a thousand people, all kneeling at the entrance of the palace, even blocking the entrance.And many people gathered around to watch the fun, pointing at these people in the field, and then you started a discussion with each other.It can be said that the gate of the palace is very lively at this time.

"Ah... Everyone, get out of the way, there is an army coming"

"Oh, why is it the Black Tiger Army, why are they here again, haha, this time there is another good show to watch"

From afar, you could hear the sound of roaring horseshoes, and when you looked back, you found that it was a cavalryman, so someone shouted immediately.And some people who had just moved over from the square saw that it was the Black Tiger Army who had arrived, and they were immediately overjoyed.I just watched an extremely exciting show there just now, but I didn't expect that I could continue to watch it here.

"Hehe, these guys, I'm not stupid. It's winter, kneeling on the ground, I don't know how cold it is."

It was the Black Tiger Army led by Li Feng himself who came. Li Feng, who was at the front of the team, followed the avenue that the spectators let out, and found that there were so many people kneeling here, and he muttered gloatingly. .However, murmurs go back to murmurs, but the speed of the horse under him has not weakened in the slightest.

Following the black tiger army straddling their horses, they lined up neatly, galloping and approaching continuously.Those people who wanted to watch the excitement suddenly felt a burst of evil spirits, and their bodies began to retreat involuntarily, and the gap opened was getting bigger and bigger.

The group of kneeling scholars also noticed this abnormal situation, and many of them turned their heads one after another, wanting to see what happened.However, just looking at it for a moment, the spirit of death suddenly began to rise in my heart.Especially those people at the back, seeing such a large group of cavalry rushing towards them, they wanted to stand up and dodge.

However, maybe it's because I've been kneeling for a long time, and my legs are a little numb.Or maybe it was frightened by the posture of the black tiger army, his legs were a little weak, and his heart was anxious and afraid.Therefore, one by one just stood up and was about to flee, but immediately fell to the ground, and then looked at the black tiger army that was getting closer, and one by one started to scream.

"Calm down, give this old man calm down..."

These scholars pay more attention to seniority and seniority. Those who rank at the bottom are all young people with relatively low age and qualifications. Of course, the ones in front are those seniors or gentlemen who are highly respected.However, at this time, because they all turned around, it happened to be the other way around.

After the chaos, those Cai who were at the front but now at the back of the line reacted.After all, as an old senior, I have seen many more scenes than these young people, so someone yelled desperately there to keep everyone calm.

They didn't believe that the black tiger army dared to do anything to them at the gate of the palace.And after hearing these voices, it really calmed down those panicked people. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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