After a while of panic, the scholars who had calmed down a little bit cheered themselves up in their hearts, trying to convince themselves that "I am a scholar, a disciple of a sage, and there are thousands of people here, measure this black tiger!" The army absolutely dare not be presumptuous. Isn’t it just a bunch of soldiers, what’s the big deal.”But I wanted to die in my heart, but looking at the black tiger cavalry who didn't stop at all, and didn't even intend to slow down, this group of people actually didn't know what to do.

Now in their hearts, there is quite a gamble in their hearts, that is, to bet that the Black Tiger Army will not dare to rampage against them.

"Hehe, you're quite courageous, right? Well, let's try it out today. How much backbone do you frail scholars really have?"

Looking at a large group of scholars who were already not far away, the teacher was a little surprised to find that they did not flee in a panic after a while of panic.However, he narrowed his eyes very quickly, he wanted to see if these guys would dare to stand up like this.

"Brothers, give me speed, go"

Thinking of this, Li Feng roared loudly, and then took the lead in mounting the horse and began to speed up.And the Black Tiger Army behind them saw Li Feng speeding up, and none of them fell behind.Soon, the team showed a charging mode, and the cavalry team, which was already fast enough, resounded even more through the sky.The tidy sound of horseshoes made the world seem to change color, and the ground began to tremble.

The faces of the people watching the excitement around them suddenly changed drastically, and then they began to disperse again, making way for a wider road.

The neat cavalry team certainly showed an earth-shattering momentum.Makes everyone daunting.However, the most important thing is that these soldiers of the Black Tiger Army, following the horses galloping wildly, have already entered the state, and the evil spirit hidden deep in their bones is released at once, making people feel fearful at the first sight. meaning.

You know, the Black Tiger Army went through a bloody battle on the battlefield of Dingxiang, and each Black Tiger Army soldier killed dozens or even hundreds of Turkic soldiers.It can be said that every Black Tiger Army soldier is a living butcher.The most important thing is that their fighting style is cruel and bloody, which is not enough to describe it.

thus.The bloody evil spirit on his body is so heavy.Not to mention these ordinary people, even those Turkic soldiers who have experienced many battles are not terrified in front of them.

No one in the Black Tiger Army opened their mouths to speak, they just rushed forward at an ever-increasing speed.And those who watched the excitement were also terrified by this scene, so they didn't care about discussing anything.As for those scholars.Not to mention, the salute is now beating a drum.

for a moment.At the gate of the palace, there was nothing but the sound of horseshoes.Even, it seems that there is only the deafening sound of horseshoes left in the world.However, in this way, the air was filled with an oppressive atmosphere that made people feel chills all over and made their heart beat faster.

Bet on whether the Black Tiger Army dares to rush over.This takes courage, and it's a bet on one's own life.obviously.These scholars simply do not have such great courage.Even if there were, but facing this group of black tiger army who let Buddhas and demon gods descend into the world, their bodies couldn't help but retreat.


"Run away..."

I don't know which unlucky ghost it was, just kept retreating, didn't pay attention to the situation behind, and didn't know what tripped me to the ground.Looking at the black tiger army approaching, he suddenly let out a cry of panic.And this cry seemed to be like a catalyst, instantly igniting the fear in these people's hearts.

Ever since, with the sound of screams coming one after another, the group of people began to flee in a panic.At this moment, if there is any other thought in my heart, other than thinking about escaping from here, other than fleeing for my life, any petitions and demonstrations, the dignity of disciples of saints, and any etiquette gestures, all go to one side.Compared with life, these things are nothing.

"Don't make a mess, don't make a mess... It's really an old man of Qisha, what kind of a person is he, what a person... ah..."

Of course, not everyone is like this.At least, the group of old masters at the back didn't have peaches, but tried desperately to dissuade everyone from chaos and escape.However, there is a saying that goes well, the army is defeated like a mountain.The scholar team at this moment is like a defeated army with no morale, how can it be stopped.In the panic, they only cared about escaping for their own lives, crowded and pushed, not to mention the old man, teacher, even if the old man came, it would not work.


The riding skills of the Black Tiger Army were extremely superb. As Li Feng was the first to stop the horse in front, the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army also pulled the reins one after another, causing the horse to stop instantly.The whole team didn't appear to be in the slightest mess.

Seeing that Li Feng really stopped his horse, Li Shimin, who was hiding not far away to watch, finally breathed a sigh of relief. You must know that his heart was beating in his throat just now.

"a shame"

But when he saw the actions of those scholars in order to escape for their lives, Li Shimin immediately said something with contempt on his face.He saw it with his own eyes. Just now, in order to escape for their lives, those people actually pushed a respected old man from the Imperial College to the side and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, these people are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, and they are full of giving up their lives for righteousness.Now that the calamity is not yet imminent, one by one all the ugliness that has been hidden has been revealed.

Seeing this, Li Shimin didn't need to look any further, and immediately turned around and walked towards the palace.

"Who are you waiting for? Why did you gather people here to block the general's way? You can see that obstructing military affairs is a serious crime. Make sure that the general stops the horse in time, otherwise your life will be in jeopardy."

After stopping the horse, Li Feng first looked at the messy scholar team for a while, his eyes filled with contempt.He has already seen through these people.Talking is better than anything else, but when it comes to the critical moment, there is no fart.The mouth is full of benevolence and morality, and the righteousness is awe-inspiring.In fact, they are male robbers and female prostitutes, as timid as a mouse.

Playing conspiracies and tricks, these people are more powerful than one, more ruthless than one, and more poisonous than one.However, when it comes to backbone, these people are really not the same.

Contempt in my heart is contempt, but things can't be so exhausting.Therefore, after scanning with the eyes for a while.Li Feng immediately spoke slowly.

Who knew, his opening made everyone even more dazed.And many Black Tiger Army soldiers behind Li Feng immediately blushed, their eyes widened, and their necks became red and thick.The expression on his face is even more weird.

Of course, the reason why they had such weird expressions was not because they ran in a hurry just now, but because they were holding back their smiles.

"Hehe, I thought I was a mess and shameless. I didn't expect that the instructor would open his eyes and talk nonsense even more than I did when he did this. Isn't this the villain who sued first... Bah, bah, this should be called a preemptive strike." Well, this trick is not bad, it seems that we have to learn a little bit..."

Cheng Chubi, who was in the team, admired Li Feng so much at this moment, look at how calm, graceful and imposing he is when he talks nonsense.

The scholars who were frightened to death by the Black Tiger Army led by Li Feng heard Li Feng's words.I almost fainted out of anger, what is "Who are you waiting for?".They didn't believe it, Li Feng didn't know who they were.You know, among them, a small number of them went directly to Li Feng's shop.

Just now when they saw Li Feng coming with the Black Tiger Army in a menacing manner, apart from feeling sad for those companions, they immediately guessed Li Feng's reason for coming, which was for revenge.It was also thinking of this that made them choose to escape at a critical moment.

"What do you mean by His Royal Highness, I am here to petition His Majesty, asking His Majesty to punish those villains who ignore the teachings of the saints and respect the family law of their ancestors in accordance with the law, so as to maintain the righteousness of the court and the morality of the world. Is it possible that this also hinders His Royal Highness the King of Yong will fail."

After hearing Li Feng's words, these people's lungs were about to explode, thinking to themselves, how can there be such a rascal.It is obvious that you led the cavalry on a rampage indiscriminately, which made your side embarrassed and ugly.Now, pretending to be crazy and acting stupid is simply abhorrent and hateful.

Therefore, one of the old masters came out, stared at Li Feng and said.The words were full of raging anger and the smell of gunpowder.It can be said that between words, it is directly pointing at Li Feng.If it weren't for Li Feng's status, and because they should pay attention to self-cultivation as scholars, this one might want to yell at him.

Speaking of which, this one was unlucky just now, just when he was about to stop those companions from running away in a panic, he suddenly felt that someone pushed him hard, and he couldn't prevent him, so he was pushed like a dog Chewing shit, fortunately this panic stopped quickly, so that the disaster of being trampled on was avoided.

However, even so, the fall just now caused him to fall badly. There was a burning sensation in his palms and knees, and his clothes were also dirty.Most importantly, such an ugly appearance is simply degrading.Therefore, the anger in his heart needless to say.Among them, there are those against Li Feng and the Black Tiger Army, and even those against those accomplices.

"Oh, it turned out to be a petition. This general has nothing important to do. For some reason, a group of lawless gangsters appeared in Chang'an City. They dared to rob shops openly. It is extremely arrogant. This general received a report. This is not arresting these scumbags. If you see it, please come and report it."

"Speaking of which, I blame those damn bandits. Since they are dressed as scholars... well, they look similar to yours. These people are really shameless. I would have seen so many gangsters here from afar. Well, no , should be dressed like those gangsters, who thought that those damned gangsters would dare to attack the palace... Hehe, since you are petitioning, I will not disturb you, you go ahead..."

Li Feng came here today just to vent his anger, now that his goal has been achieved, he won't stay here much, lest he go too far and embarrass Li Shimin.Therefore, after leaving a few words, he led the troops and left in a hurry.

It's just that, in his mouth, one mouthful of gangsters, scum, scum, etc., but he heard the blue veins on the other party's forehead, blowing his beard and staring.

Such a farce made the petition impossible to continue.It can be said that these people are ugly when they are treated like this by Li Feng today, so why would they want to show embarrassment here?So, in twos and threes, they soon began to disperse. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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