My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1001 Layout

Chapter 1001 Layout
The head of the white snake stretched towards the location of the crack.

Lu Chen looked over where it pointed, and his expression changed slightly.

"Is this world about to turn around?"

Because, he saw that the small five-element grass suddenly increased a lot, which was a sign that it had absorbed enough spiritual power.

In other words, this world is beginning to recover.

The resurrection of the world means that spiritual power will appear everywhere. Although this spiritual power is very weak, this world is more conducive to the practice of martial arts by the entire human race.

I'm afraid, the era of all people taking arms is about to begin.

Soon after, I'm afraid those demonic energies will surge up, and all kinds of demons and monsters will become active.

"It seems that I have to plan in advance."

Lu Chen muttered to himself.

He knows that the world is about to change, and there is definitely no problem for him to protect himself, but it may be very difficult for the people around him to become stronger.

So now he wants to build his own power.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen hurriedly left Guo Dazhuang's farm, and then came to his second uncle Lu Yuanzhen's place.

Lu Yuanzhen has been in charge of biopharmaceutical research.

Of course, what others don't know is that Lu Yuanzhen also secretly organized people to refine crude elixirs. These elixirs were delivered to Zhao Qing's people for use. Many of the people Zhao Qing has now are first-class warriors. He is a master, and there are many people who have already entered the realm of half-step martial arts.

"Second uncle, now I have a more important thing for you to do."

After Lu Chen found Lu Yuanzhen, he spoke.

"Oh, what's important?" Lu Yuanzhen rarely saw Lu Chen speak so seriously.

To be honest, Lu Yuanzhen was very happy with Lu Chen's performance during this period.

Because of this year, Lu Chen has changed a lot.

The current Lu Chen seems to be a different person. This state is what Lu Yuan really wants to see. He really wants to tell his dead brother that his son is promising.

The current Lu Group, to be honest, is inconspicuous, but if all its industries were known, its size would really not be smaller than that of the Lin Group.

It's just that the Lin Group is famous, and the Lu Group is decentralized.

Lu Yuan really admired Lu Chen.

"I want to mass-produce some medicines for cultivation. There will be a lot of old medicines on the market soon. You should try your best to buy them. In addition, all our pharmacies will buy these medicines at high prices. You can buy as much as you can. , it doesn’t matter how much you spend.”

Lu Chen understood that in the future money would no longer be considered money. The rigid needs in the future would not even be considered gold, but would be some cultivation materials. Therefore, Lu Chen had to take advantage of the fact that he knew that the environment of the world was going to change. Yes, get money in your hands quickly.

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

Lu Yuanzhen admired Lu Chen's business vision very much. Since Lu Chen said what to do, he would do it. He believed that the Lu Group would become bigger and bigger in the future.

Of course, he had no idea that Lu Chen was currently storing strategic materials.

After arranging things for Lu Yuanzhen, Lu Chen went to find Zhao Qing again, and then asked Zhao Qing to step up the training of the following personnel and continue to recruit a large number of people.

Because there are definitely not enough people under him now, and these people may not be able to protect themselves in the future.

In the past, when Lu Chen was in a large sect, there were millions of disciples in the sect. With so many disciples, he would definitely be able to find some good ones.

After giving arrangements to Zhao Qing, Lu Chen arrived at Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan is his most important consideration.

Lu Chen couldn't guarantee that he could always be by Lin Qinghan's side to protect her, because if the world was about to be in chaos, he might have problems protecting himself.

Although he has the relevant experience of the Immortal Emperor, these experiences can only be experience. There is a saying that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

His current strength is not high and he cannot use many of his abilities. If he meets someone who is more powerful than him, he will still be completely crushed.

Just like the fortune teller Lu Chen met last time, at that time he was just getting a glimpse of martial arts, but the other person was an innately strong person.

Even if he tried his best at that time, he might not be able to kill the fortune teller.

Therefore, Lu Chen still felt a sense of crisis.

When he entered Lin Qinghan's office, Lin Qinghan was processing the above documents there.

It can be seen that she handles it very seriously, and when she is serious, she is very attractive.

"Honey, stop what you are doing first, let me discuss something with you."

Lu Chen came to Lin Qinghan, took the documents away from her hand, and chuckled.

"Tell me, what do you want to discuss?"

Lin Qinghan moved away from his position, then crossed his arms across his chest, exposing all his beauty.

Lu Chen beside him couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

This is really attractive.

"Is such that."

Lu Chen said: "I know a set of exercises. After you practice this set of exercises, you will become more beautiful. Are you willing to practice it?"

"Are you saying I'm not pretty enough?"

Lin Qinghan said with a gloomy face.

Hearing this, Lu Chen, who was standing next to him, smiled and said, "Honey, are you kidding me? In my mind, you are the most beautiful."

"Then do I still need to practice?" Lin Qinghan asked.

Lu Chen immediately choked up. He originally thought that every woman loved beauty, but now he realized that Lin Qinghan was already beautiful enough. Now it would be difficult to use this to seduce her into practicing.

After a moment, he rolled his eyes and said, "Let me tell you, after you practice, you will be very powerful, so no one can hurt you."

"So, you don't have the confidence to protect me? Then what's the point of me marrying you?" Lin Qinghan asked again.

Lu Chen felt ashamed.

"Honey, that's not what I meant. Listen to me. After you practice the exercises, you can prolong your life, stay young forever, and maintain your current appearance in the future. Aren't you excited?" Lu Chen continued.

"I just want to be a mortal, experience birth, old age, illness and death, and experience the four seasons of life." Lin Qinghan's mentality was very calm. She didn't think about how powerful she was, nor did she want to be an immortal witch.

This time, Lu Chen was at his wits end.

He thought for a long time and didn't know what method to use to persuade Lin Qinghan.

"Honey, how about this, I will teach you a method of nourishing qi and exhaling. After you practice this set of methods of nourishing qi and exhaling, you only need to close your eyes for an hour a day, and your energy will be very vigorous." , so that you can work at least eighteen hours a day." Lu Chen thought for a while, and felt that Lin Qinghan was a workaholic, so he couldn't help but seduce him.


Lin Qinghan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

If she really only had to close up for an hour a day and not have to sleep, then she didn't know how much time would be saved. This time she was really excited.

(End of this chapter)

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