My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1002 Helping Lin Qinghan practice

Chapter 1002 Helping Lin Qinghan practice
"What did I lie to you, haven't you noticed that I am very energetic every day?" Lu Chen rolled his eyes and said.

Hearing what he said, Lin Qinghan reluctantly believed it.

After all, she had always noticed Lu Chen's good spirits. If she practiced cultivation, she would have better energy and have more time to deal with things. This would be equivalent to improving the efficiency of her work. Definitely willing.

"Okay, then teach me."

Lin Qinghan finally compromised.

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he was a little speechless. Under normal circumstances, who wouldn't want to cultivate longevity, and which woman wouldn't want to become more beautiful?
Lin Qinghan was the only one who was not interested in the matter of cultivation at all, and he had to induce her to practice by himself. This was completely unreasonable.

"Okay, I'll teach you."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he said to Lin Qinghan: "Come over here and sit with your legs like this on the sofa, and I will teach you how to breathe in and out. From now on, you can just breathe out in this way.

The exercise that Lu Chen taught Lin Qinghan is called longevity exercise.

This Immortality Kung Fu is actually a relatively useless technique, not very aggressive, but precisely because it is not very aggressive and not very powerful, it is not very difficult to practice, making it easier to master and break through.

With Lu Chen around, Lin Qinghan doesn't need to practice aggressive exercises, she just needs to be willing to practice.

What she has to do more is to maintain her health so that she can live younger, better and longer.

In short, Lu Chen promised her eternity, so she would live as long as heaven and earth.

This was Lu Chen's plan. Of course, Lin Qinghan didn't understand such a plan. When she looked back and thought about it later, she felt Lu Chen's good intentions.

Lin Qingjin came to the sofa as promised. Lu Chen touched his nostrils and said, "I'm afraid you have to take off your clothes, including your pants."

"Tell me, do you want to take advantage of this girl in this way?" When Lin Qinghan heard this, his face immediately turned cold and he said in a deep voice.

"Honey, I have such lust but I don't have such courage." Lu Chen felt aggrieved.

"Hmph, I think that's how it is. I don't practice this exercise anymore." Lin Qinghan said.

Lu Chen was speechless for a moment, and he said, "How about this, wife, you don't have to take off your clothes anymore, I'll teach you the exercises first, and if you feel hot later, you can take off by yourself, okay?"

"this is okay."

Lin Qinghan agreed at once.

Afterwards, Lu Chen began to point at the center of Lin Qinghan's eyebrows, and Lin Qinghan instantly felt countless pictures appear in his mind.

These pictures are completely different from the modern pictures she has seen, but they are beautiful and full of fairy spirit.

In short, the environment there is very natural that she yearns for.

She felt very free when she saw people flying in the sky, just like birds. This kind of freedom made her yearn for it very much.

This feeling was very good, and not long after, she slowly opened her eyes.

"Open your mouth."

At the same time, Lu Chen said to Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan opened her mouth reflexively, and then Lu Chen threw the Peiyuan Pill he had prepared into her mouth.

The effect of this Peiyuan Pill is very powerful. The brothers below Zhao Qing all drink it slowly by turning it into water, so that they will not explode due to excessive dosage, which is not worth the gain.

The endurance of the human body is inherently limited, like those very weak bodies, most of them will not be replenished.

Normally, Lin Qinghan's body would not be able to absorb a Peiyuan Pill at once, but with Lu Chen at the scene, this problem could be solved very well.

After Lin Qinghan swallowed the Peiyuan Pill, she felt an energy burning in her body, and she felt like a balloon blown up by someone, which might explode at any time.

However, at this moment, she felt a cold breath enter her body.

Then Lu Chen's voice sounded beside Lin Qinghan, saying, "Feel the movement of this energy carefully."

Lin Qinghan nodded slightly, and then began to feel the movement of this energy.

As time passed, Lu Chen's hand had moved away from Lin Qinghan's back, but the true energy was flowing continuously in Lin Qinghan's body.

Lu Chen showed satisfaction.

Lin Qinghan's cultivation talent and comprehension are very high, but unfortunately she doesn't like cultivation.

When Lin Qinghan was running this energy, the momentum of her body gradually increased, and at the same time, traces of black substance flowed out of her body surface.

These are the impurities in her body, because she has directly reached the level of a first-class martial artist at one time, so the impurities in her body have accumulated very much.

Unlike other people, because their strength increases slowly, their bodies are like metabolism, which is relatively slow and will not eliminate so many impurities at one time.

For Lin Qinghan, Lu Chen must have spared no effort to help, and other people could not enjoy this treatment.

Time passed, half a day passed, when Lin Qinghan woke up, she found that the whole room was very smelly, she couldn't help frowning and asked: "What is this smell?"

Then, she looked at her body and found that the clothes she was wearing were covered in dirt.

Originally, Lin Qinghan was a person who loved cleanliness very much and was even obsessed with cleanliness. Now that her body is so dirty, how could she accept it.

So, her eyes fell on Lu Chen and she said in a deep voice: "Lu Chen, did you do it when I wasn't paying attention?"

"Wife, I'm so boring. Do you feel unhappy doing such a thing? You did it yourself!" Lu Chen replied speechlessly.

"How could it be that I did it myself? I've been sitting here without moving. How could it be that I did it?" Lin Qinghan asked in confusion.

Lu Chen then explained: "These are all the garbage in your body. Don't you feel the soft groan and renewal of your body now?"

After hearing this, Lin Qinghan felt her body carefully, and her eyes widened in surprise.

Because she felt that her body was very comfortable, as if she was lying in her mother's arms.

Lin Qinghan enjoyed this feeling very much, and she felt that all kinds of pressure had disappeared now, and she seemed to be able to feel a little sense of freedom.

"Lu Chen, a strange picture appeared in my mind just now. There are many people who can fly into the sky and escape from the ground. There is also a woman. I feel so familiar. That woman seems to be myself."

After Lin Qinghan calmed down, he suddenly asked Lu Chen.

"You must be familiar with her, because that's who you are."

Lu Chen said.

Yes, he put the video of Lin Qinghan who practiced in the past into Lin Qinghan's mind, hoping to evoke her memory.

Unfortunately, it still failed. Lin Qinghan just felt that the person resembled herself, without a real sense of substitution.

(End of this chapter)

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