My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1009 Dangerous Approaching

Chapter 1009 Dangerous Approaching
The woman the two were discussing was none other than Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan's current appearance can really be called a beauty in the world.

the reason is simple.

She was originally the most beautiful woman in the world, so Lu Chen made a beauty pill for her to eat. After eating it, she became even more beautiful.

Moreover, now she has begun to practice health-preserving techniques, which have improved her temperament. Her beauty can be said to be unmatched by anyone in this world.

She is a beauty with both appearance and temperament, and any man will be attracted by her.

"Hehe, she is in Guiyuan City, but let me remind you, her husband is very powerful. Seeing that I don't have this hand, I just suffered a loss in the name of her husband. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult for you to get her. Difficulty." Gu Canglong laughed sadly.

Hearing this, the Evil Lord laughed and said: "Gu Canglong, what kind of strength are you and what kind of strength am I? If you suffer a loss in front of him, then I will definitely be able to crush him. I am invincible in the innate world."

"There are currently no innate masters in the secular world, so I am invincible under the innate."

"By the way, Gu Canglong, you are the kind of person who can't afford to be early without profit. I'm afraid you recommended this woman to me just to let me deal with her husband, right?"

Gu Canglong admitted: "Yes, it is indeed to deal with him, because I want to make Guiyuan City my territory, and this person is now in Guiyuan City. As long as he is here, I will always be suppressed. day."

"As long as you can kill him, then when I take down Guiyuan City, I will get you any woman you want when you come to Guiyuan City."

"It's comfortable to make a deal with the ancient sect leader!"

Evil Lord chuckled and said, "We've made a deal."

He really fell in love with this woman.


Lin Qinghan has been very energetic recently.

The reason is naturally the reason why she practiced health-preserving techniques.

She found that just as Lu Chen said, she only had to practice for two or three hours a day to feel very energetic.

"Is this what Buddhism calls meditation and enlightenment?"

Lin Qinghan muttered.

She was happy during this time, but Lu Chen regretted teaching her how to practice.

Because he found that since Lin Qinghan started practicing, she sometimes simply stayed in the office at night instead of going home.

I work until two or three in the morning, then meditate for a few hours, and start working hard again in the morning.

"Master, Director Lin will not go back tonight, so I will wait for her in the company."

The call was made by Yafei. Every time Lin Qinghan didn't go home at night, she would call Lu Chen.

As long as Lin Qinghan doesn't go back during this period, Ya Fei will report to Lu Chen.

"Not coming back? Okay, I'll go check on you later. You must have hit a bottleneck in your practice, right?" Lu Chen said calmly.

"Well, how do you know?" Yafei asked curiously.

Lu Chen rolled his eyes and said, "I am your master, why don't I know?"

Yafei immediately stuck out her tongue.

Night falls.

A black cloud seemed to appear over the city.

I don't know when, a figure quietly entered a building called Lin's Building.

This building entered absolute silence.

On the top floor of the building, there are two pretty figures, one in the light and one in the dark.

The figure in the light is concentrating on modifying the file, while the figure in the dark seems to have fallen into sleep.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that the ears of the figure in the dark are erect. She is listening carefully to the surroundings like a cat.

At a certain moment, her ears moved.

Because she heard the noise outside.

She quickly looked outside and found a figure walking outside, and she felt a dangerous aura from this figure.

Not an opponent, she was definitely no match for this figure.

Because Yafei is good at assassination, she is very sensitive to dangerous smells, and those who come are definitely enemies rather than friends.

At this time, she didn't dare to make any sound, so she could only quickly take out her phone and send a message to Lu Chen.

"Master, there is an enemy attack and I cannot stop it."

Lu Chen was driving carelessly at first, but when he was halfway through the car, he suddenly received this message, and his expression immediately changed.

Then he quickly pulled the car over to the side of the road and ran quickly towards Lin's Building in the dark.

Rather than running, he was flying.

Fortunately, this was at night. If it were during the day, he would definitely scare a lot of people.

"It should be here."

The person who came was none other than Xie Zun. He had already found out that Lin Qinghan was here, and he was still working overtime at the company so late and was not going to go home.

When he thought that he could sleep with the most beautiful woman in the world in the office, his blood surged with passion.

However, the moment evil fire rose in his lower abdomen, his hair suddenly exploded because he felt a hint of danger, and he quickly moved aside.

And where he was, a beautiful shadow appeared here. The shadow quickly turned from dark to bright, as if it had transformed into a Sailor Moon.


Yazun growled lowly, and then he looked towards the opposite side.

"So beautiful, my God, how come today's secular women are more beautiful than the women in the mountains?"

The person who took action was naturally Ya Fei.

She was good at assassination and was not prepared to attack the Evil Lord head-on, so she chose a sneak attack. However, her strength was too different from that of the Evil Lord, so even her sneak attack failed.

Yafei is indeed very beautiful, and can be regarded as a beautiful woman, and because of her dress, she has a heroic spirit about her.

Therefore, she looked different from Lin Qinghan's classical beauty, but full of wild beauty. Xie Zun was immediately fascinated by Ya Fei.

Seeing that the evil master could not be defeated by one blow, Yafei quickly flew away from here. The darkness disappeared in the preparation area, and she chose the right moment to strike again.

She knew that she could not be the opponent of the Evil Lord, so she could only delay time in this way.

"Hey, that's interesting, but do you think you can escape from my grasp?"

Evil Lord licked his lips, gave up on Lin Qinghan for the time being, and chased Ya Fei.

Lin Qinghan has always been here, and he is not worried about the other party escaping, but he does not know the identity of this beautiful woman. If he lets her leave this time, he may not be able to find her.

Therefore, Xie Zun planned to catch Ya Fei first.

Yafei's speed was quite fast, but there was still a certain gap compared with top experts like Xie Zun. She just ran out of Lin's Building, but was blocked by Xie Zun on a small road.

Xie Zun smiled evilly and said, "Beauty, I don't know why you attacked me, but I don't mind, because you will become my woman later."

(End of this chapter)

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