My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1010

Chapter 1010

What Ya Fei hates the most is a disciple. When the Evil Lord said this, she scolded: "You are looking for death."

After saying that, she cut into a stream of light, and then appeared next to the Evil Lord. A dagger appeared in her hand, and she slashed towards the Evil Lord's neck.


Xie Zun was quite surprised when he saw Ya Fei's speed. Normally, with her strength, she shouldn't have such speed. Her movement skills are top-notch.

Moreover, she showed no mercy in her attacks and went straight to his vital points.

However, Xie Zun likes girls who go cross-country more.

He smiled and slapped Yafei in the face.

The force of this slap was not strong, but the speed was extremely fast. It reached Yafei's wrist first and then later.

The dagger in Yafei's hand flew out immediately, and Xie Zun grabbed it and grabbed it towards Yafei's shoulder. This grasp was firm, and Yafei felt the pain in her shoulder.

However, she was flexible and managed to break away from the Evil Lord's grasp with just a slight movement.

But a piece of clothing on her shoulders was torn to pieces by Evil Lord, revealing her fragrant shoulder and collarbone, which was particularly attractive in the dark night.

Xie Zun grabbed a piece of Ya Fei's clothes, put it in his nostrils and smelled it, with a look of intoxication on his face.

"It's delicious."

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Yafei was immediately furious and felt like she was being scorned. She gave a sweet shout and launched another attack on the Evil Lord.

But as soon as she got in front of the Evil Lord, she was slapped and flew out.

Although she is very powerful, there is still a huge gap between her and Evil Lord.

Therefore, in front of the Evil Lord, he has almost no power to resist, as if a child is in front of an adult.

Xie Zun had no intention of killing Ya Fei. If he wanted to kill her, he would kill her in just a moment and would not wait until now.

He just wanted to see Ya Fei's desperate look, so that it would be more interesting to play later.

"Master, how long do you have until you arrive?"

Yafei began to feel a little desperate while continuously attacking the evil master.

The Evil Lord is really too powerful in front of her, and she is no match for the Evil Lord.

For a quarter of an hour, Yafei was photographed lying on the ground due to lack of physical strength, and it was difficult to even stand up.

"Hey, I really enjoy your exhausted look. Later, I will let you experience the bliss in the world." Xie Zun smiled evilly at Ya Fei.

Ya Fei was really desperate this time, because she no longer had the strength to resist the Evil Lord.

She is even ready to commit suicide. As long as the Evil Lord reaches a certain distance from her, she will commit suicide. She would rather die than be humiliated.

"Do you think I can't guess what you are thinking? It's useless even if you want to commit suicide now. Don't you feel that your body is weak?" Evil Lord approached Ya Fei unhurriedly, with a look on his face. The evil light became stronger.

Hearing what Xie Zun said, Yafei felt it for a moment, but she found that her body was really weak and she couldn't move even more if she wanted to.

"You...what on earth did you do to me?" Yafei's eyes were full of horror at this time, and she found that she had lost control of her body.

"Hehe, when I slapped you just now, I injected something into your body. Do you feel that your body is a little hot now?" Evil Lord asked with a smile.

Yafei didn't feel it at first, but now that she heard Xie Zun say this, she felt it and found that her body was really a little warm.

Yafei is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything. Although she has not experienced that kind of thing, she also understands what kind of medicine this is.

She watched the Evil Lord walking toward her, her eyes even more frightened, and even her pupils began to despair.

The evil master's big palm grabbed Yafei, and Yafei was really desperate this time.

"You have to move a finger on her and try."

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared here. This figure looked at the Evil Lord with anger in his eyes.

When Evil Lord heard this, he did not pull his hand back, but said to the figure: "Then I will try to touch her today."

"court death!"

The person who came was naturally Lu Chen, who arrived in time, and he shot towards the Evil Lord like a cannonball.

Before Xie Zun met Ya Fei, Lu Chen had already appeared in front of him, but Xie Zun didn't take Lu Chen seriously, he stretched out a hand, ready to block Lu Chen.

However, in the next moment, his face changed drastically. He only felt a huge force attacking him, and he was smashed out like a cannonball.

"What a powerful force."

The Evil Lord got up from the ground at this time. He looked at Lu Chen with a serious face. He could feel that Lu Chen's strength just now was not much worse than his. In addition, he was unprepared, so he ate one "No one has knocked me down in I don't know how many years. You were the first person I came down from. If I guessed correctly, you are Lu Chen, right?"

"you know me?"

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he asked uncertainly: "Did Gu Canglong find you?"

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be so smart. Yes, he did find me to deal with you."

Evil Lord admitted frankly and said: "Originally, I didn't plan to talk to him, but he showed me your wife's photo, so I had a crush on your wife, so I planned to come to Guiyuan City."

"To be honest, your wife is really beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful woman. I don't know what it feels like to hold her down, especially in front of her husband. This feeling is probably the most enjoyable."

Hearing Xie Zun say this, Ya Fei next to him showed sympathy for him.

She knew how much Lu Chen loved Lin Qinghan, but now this guy dared to insult Lin Qinghan in front of Lu Chen. I'm afraid he would die miserably today.

When he was talking, he didn't notice at all that Lu Chen's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Lin Qinghan was his rival, whoever touched him would die.

After saying that, Lu Chen appeared in front of the Evil Lord in an instant.

"So fast."

The Evil Lord was frightened by Lu Chen's speed. The opponent's speed was actually much faster than his, and his strength was not much worse than his. He had an ominous premonition tonight.


Lu Chen punched Evil Lord.

There was no energy fluctuation in this punch. Lu Chen relied solely on the strength of his physical body.

His body was actually sanctified, but he just suppressed his power to avoid being discovered by the people on the mountain.

However, even such physical power is not something that Evil Lord can resist.

The Evil Lord had almost no resistance, and was punched in the chest by Lu Chen. Then the Evil Lord was blasted a hundred meters away, and a huge hole was made in the ground.

Now Lu Chen is treating him just like he did to Ya Fei just now, completely unilaterally crushing her.

(End of this chapter)

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