My cold CEO wife

Chapter 101 Taste the pain slowly

Chapter 101 Taste the pain slowly

Lin Qinghan paused as she walked away, and then she left the scene at a faster pace.

Lu Chen stood far away and closed his eyes quietly, not chasing Lin Qinghan.

He lied to Lin Qinghan about the banquet tonight. It was a white lie because he didn't want her to misunderstand his relationship with Wu Lan.

However, Lin Qinghan ate with other men behind his back, and was supported by other men when he came out. Lu Chen couldn't accept this.

Coupled with Lin Qinghan's questioning just now, saying that he couldn't control her, Lu Chen's endurance had almost reached its limit.

He loved Lin Qinghan, but he would never love her so humbly and chase her under such circumstances.

He was not wrong tonight, it was Lin Qinghan who was wrong.

"Wu Lan, let's go eat."

After a while, Lu Chen opened his eyes again, his eyes clear.

He is a practicing person and knows that everything has cause and effect. If his fate with Lin Qinghan is really broken, it is God's will and no one can restore it.

Therefore, he is not going to make any more efforts tonight.

"Lu Chen, why don't you go after Lin Qinghan? The woman only needs to say a few nice words and she will be coaxed."

Under such circumstances, Wu Lan was still in the mood to have a meal with Lu Chen and comforted him.

"It's okay, just let her calm down."

Lu Chen shook his head firmly and walked inside.

Wu Lan had no choice but to follow Lu Chen.

"Mr. Lin, wait, I will take you home."

Chu Nanming watched the scene unfold quietly with a smile on his lips. When Lu Chen left, he quickly ran in the direction of Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan didn't give Chu Nanming any response, hailed a taxi and drove away, leaving Chu Nanming far away.

"Lin Qinghan, you can't escape my grasp."

Chu Nanming looked at the taxi driving away and muttered to himself.

Lu Chen entered the reserved private room. Wu Yue had been sent to the private room by a dedicated person. The moment she saw Lu Chen, she rushed over.


Wu Lan pursed his lips as he watched. He really had a godfather and had forgotten about himself as a mother.

Lu Chen hugged Wu Yue, and a touch of warmth returned to his somewhat depressed mood.

"Xiao Ying, go lock the door and go to sleep!" Lin Qinghan returned home and found Li Ying sitting in the living room, and ordered Li Ying.

Li Ying was a little dazed. She smelled Lin Qinghan's body and found that she smelled of alcohol, and asked in a low voice:

"Cousin, what's wrong with you? Why are you so drunk? Is your brother-in-law bullying you?"

No wonder she thought this way, mainly because Lin Qinghan asked her to lock the door. This was obviously to prevent Lu Chen from entering the villa.

"I told you to lock the door. Why are you asking so many questions? If you let me in tonight, don't blame me for not recognizing you as my cousin."

Lin Qinghan said a cold word and went directly into the bedroom, leaving Li Ying alone in the living room.

After a moment, she gritted her teeth and locked the door.

"Go back to Jiangting Villa?"

After dinner, Wu Lan drove the car to the gate of Longfeng Pavilion and looked at Lu Chen with a touch of admiration.

"No need, I'll walk by myself."

Lu Chen waved his hands, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked down the road alone.

Wu Lan watched from behind, stunned.

Unknowingly, Lu Chen walked outside Jiangting Villa again, but he did not open the door immediately and entered. He looked at the woods not far away, with a captivating light in his eyes.

Immediately, Lu Chen stepped on the ground, and there was a thunderous sound on the ground. He flew into the air and shot out into the woods like a sharp arrow.

"No, back!"

A panicked voice appeared in the woods. The owner of the voice instantly hid in the darkness and quickly fled into the distance.

At the same time, around him, several other figures were also fleeing into the distance.

They didn't expect that Lu Chen would discover them, and the speed that the other party burst out just now shocked them.

Even though they are professional killers with very high agility, there is still a gap in speed between them and Lu Chen.

They finally understood why the people in the organization failed the last time they came to perform a mission.

"Now that you're here, let's all stay."

Lu Chen rushed into the woods with a violent look in his eyes.

He was originally in a bad mood tonight, but since these people had offended him, he didn't mind torturing these people and treating them as punching bags to vent his anger.

While speaking, four silver needles appeared in Lu Chen's hand. The four silver needles flew out, causing strong airflow friction with the air, and drew a long fire mark in the night sky.

Puff blah blah...

Then, four silver needles were pierced into the four black shadows in four directions. The four black shadows that were moving at high speed suddenly stopped.

They looked down at their thighs and found that a tiny needle had penetrated their thigh bone. If they moved it again, the leg would be useless.

"You people, are you really haunted?"

Lu Chen quickly walked to the first black shadow and slapped it away.

The black figure was immediately slapped away by Lu Chen. It hung on the tree for a full two seconds before slowly falling to the ground. Lu Chen walked up to the figure and stepped on the person's other uninjured leg. The knee of the leg.

The man's knee immediately shattered, and there was an unpleasant sound of bone shattering.

Lu Chen slowly squatted on the ground, pulled out the silver needle from the person's right leg, and then inserted the silver needle into the person's chest. Lu Chen grinned and said:

"The pain you feel now is ten times more than before. Enjoy the pain slowly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black figure suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body. He was originally a killer and had experienced all kinds of inhuman torture, but now that the pain was magnified ten times, he couldn't help but suffer. Shout out.

Lu Chen stopped looking at this person and slowly walked towards the second black shadow.

The second black shadow saw Lu Chen approaching, and his Adam's apple moved involuntarily. He was really frightened by Lu Chen's methods.

He didn't dare to fall into Lu Chen's hands. Thinking of this, he would rather brave the possibility of losing one of his legs and move forward bravely.

As a result, the bones at the silver needle area of ​​his right leg exploded under his movement.

He screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"Do you really think the silver needle I shot is so easy to deal with?"

Lu Chen looked at this person coldly and condescendingly, then he took the silver needle and pierced the person's chest as well.

The man immediately felt a heartbreaking pain where his thigh bone was broken. He felt that he was about to faint from the pain.

Then, Lu Chen walked towards the third black shadow.

The third black figure was frightened by Lu Chen and said tremblingly: "Mr. Lu, please let me go, I am willing to explain anything."

To be able to make a killer say such words shows how much impact the previous two people had on him.

"That's really embarrassing. I'm going to give the last person a chance to speak. I feel that his status should be higher than yours."

Lu Chen chuckled and suddenly appeared next to the third black shadow. Then he flicked the silver needle on the third black shadow's leg.

(End of this chapter)

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