My cold CEO wife

Chapter 102 More interesting than killing a pig

Chapter 102 More interesting than killing a pig


The bones near the silver needle in the third black figure's left leg were also broken inch by inch.

Lu Chen inserted the silver needle into the man's chest again, and the man felt pain in his left leg that was as painful as heart-crushing pain.

He fell to the ground holding his legs, howling in pain until his veins bulged.

Lu Chen walked towards the fourth person without haste.

The fourth person did not dare to move. He knew that if he moved, the silver needle would probably explode.

He screamed in his heart, what kind of mission did he take?

The target person this time is far more powerful than they imagined!
"Mr. Lu, I'm honored that you can keep me here. Whatever you want to know, I will tell you everything."

He was worried that he would be destroyed, so he took the lead in promising Lu Chen.

Although he is a killer, he also has his own principles; but any principle actually has a bottom line. Lu Chen's methods now exceed his imagination. If he does not cooperate, he will definitely be tortured like the three killers. Life is worse than death.

It is said that he who knows the current affairs is a hero, and he knows the current affairs very well now.

"I like people like you who are willing to cooperate. They are much smarter than the group of characters who came last time."

Lu Chen grinned and asked, "You are from Tianwen, and you are their regional boss?"

The reason why this fourth person was kept was because it was this fourth person who told everyone to run after they were discovered just now, and this person was also the fastest one.

Obviously, he is the most powerful person among this group of people.

"I am their regional boss." The fourth person nodded without hesitation.

Lu Chen continued to ask: "Who issued the mission? I believe that with your authority, you can check it, right?"

He wanted to ask the Tianwen killers he captured last time, but those two killers were just ordinary killers and did not have enough authority to find the person who issued the mission.

However, Lu Chen believed that the person who came today must know who issued the mission.

"I... I can't find out."

The fourth shadow still had enough professional ethics. Now he lied a little, hoping that Lu Chen would not discover his lie.

"Ha ha!"

Lu Chen laughed lightly and said with a flat mouth: "It seems that you are a bit dishonest."

While speaking, Lu Chen moved, and he flicked his finger to the silver needle on the thigh of the fourth black figure.

The fourth black shadow's expression changed drastically, and he grabbed Lu Chen's hand with a claw.

He knew that he must not let Lu Chen succeed. Once Lu Chen's hand touched the silver needle, his right leg would be useless.

"You are indeed stronger than them. When I attacked them, they didn't even have time to react, but you were able to attack. However, your speed is too slow for me."

Lu Chen originally flicked the silver needle at normal speed, but when he saw the black shadow taking action, his hand accelerated instantly. Before the opponent's hand could reach his wrist, he flicked the silver needle with one finger. superior.

Then, the bones of the man's right thigh shattered into pieces, and he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Lu Chen slowly squatted on the ground, then took out the silver needle and pierced the man's chest.

"No, no, Mr. Lu, let me explain. I said the person who issued the mission is Wu Ying."

Under extreme fear, Black Shadow finally broke through his own limits and confessed the matter.

"Wu Ying?"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, and then reacted.

According to the time when the last batch of killers appeared, it makes sense for the killers hired by Wu Ying to deal with him.

"Does it mean that if I wipe out your group, this mission will be cancelled?" Lu Chen asked with an evil smile on his face and licked his lips.

Seeing the smile on Lu Chen's face, Heiying felt a kind of fear spreading in his heart. He shook his head repeatedly and said:
"No, even if we fail in the mission, someone more senior will take over. Because we must give a perfect explanation to our employer, the end of the mission must be based on the death of the target."

"So that means there's no way to cancel this mission?" Lu Chen frowned slightly.

It was not that he was afraid of these killers, but that these killers often appeared in Jiangting Villa, and he was worried about disrupting Lin Qinghan's life.

So, avoid it as much as possible.

Black Shadow quickly replied: "There is a way to cancel it. As long as the employer cancels the task, and there is no one to offer the reward, the task will naturally be cancelled."


Lu Chen nodded and confirmed: "If I ask my employer to cancel the mission, but now I kill many of you, will your organization seek revenge from me?"

"No, our organization is based on profit. If no one offers a reward to kill you, people in our organization will not touch you again." Black Shadow continued to reply.

"Thank you very much for answering my doubts. According to the agreement, I should let you die happily, but I am in a bad mood tonight. I can only blame you for picking the wrong time."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he flicked his finger and inserted a silver needle into Heiying's chest. Heiying immediately felt that his pain increased tenfold, and the injured area strongly stimulated his nerves.

After all, the black shadow could not bear the pain and screamed in the woods.

Four figures, four figures, and screams came and went in four directions.

"Forget it, let me set you free."

After several people yelled for 2 minutes, Lu Chen finally became impatient to play games with these people. He counted the positions of his palms and slapped several people on their foreheads.

Several people's heads were immediately shattered, showing expressions of relief.

Lu Chen pulled out the silver needle from several people's chests, wiped it on the clothes of one of them, and then dialed Zhao Qing's number.

"The woods outside Jiangting Villa came out to mop the floor."

Zhao Qing became numb after receiving a call from Lu Chen.

"Master Lu, are you killing pigs every night?"

"It's more interesting than killing pigs. Pigs only know how to bark, but they don't know how to beg for mercy. But they know how to beg for mercy." Lu Chen said calmly.

Zhao Qing suddenly didn't dare to answer the call.

Mr. Lu is indeed Mr. Lu. Only Mr. Lu can say such words.

"By the way, let Wu Ying cancel the bounty mission posted in Tianwen. If she doesn't cancel it, I will go there in person and make her suffer."

After a while, Lu Chen continued to give instructions.

"Master Lu, don't worry, I will let her do it."

Zhao Qing didn't dare to let the big boss who mopped the floor every night go there in person. He had to get things done.


After Lu Chen finished speaking, he stopped talking, hung up the phone, and walked towards Jiangting Villa.

Zhao Qing led people to the scene, and when he saw the tragic scene after the death of several black figures, he gasped again.

The way several people died this time was completely different from the way people died before. Before they died, there was a sense of relief in their eyes.

These people are killers!

How much torture did they suffer during their lifetime?

Zhao Qing was not only in awe of Lu Chen, but also miraculously feared from the bottom of his heart.

"Haha, are you not letting me go home?"

Lu Chen appeared outside Jiangting Villa and found that the door of the villa was locked. Instead, he smiled.

Lin Qinghan was angry with him, which meant that he cared about him, didn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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