My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1012

Chapter 1012
At a high point in the demon world, an astonishing amount of energy suddenly burst out, and then a huge roar and roar came out.

Suddenly, several other figures rushed over, and one of them asked: "Lao San, what's wrong with you?"

There is one emperor and three emperors in the demon world. The emperor is in front and the emperor is behind. The emperor is the father and the emperor is the three brothers.

They are considered the supreme rulers of the demon world.

The other figures flying over were naturally the remaining One Emperor and Two Emperors.

They sensed each other in the demon world. The third child was a relatively gentle person, but now he was furious, which surprised them.

The third child's face was a little distorted, and then he returned to normal and said: "A ray of my soul was destroyed by a kid from the human race. I have a feeling that this kid may become the biggest obstacle to our attack on the human race. .”

"How is this possible? The spies we sent out to investigate found that the most powerful person in mankind right now is probably only a master in the late Five Qi Dynasty. He is not even your opponent, let alone our opponent. We only need It will take one year to break into the human world, and then it will sweep across the human race, who can stop it?" The second child asked in confusion.

"Anyway, I have this feeling. I think we need to speed up the speed of breaking the seal, otherwise, something may really happen." Lao San said.

At this time, the Demon King spoke, and he said: "Lao San's premonitions are always good. Since he said this, there must be some truth to it. Let's ask the people below to break the seal. We can't just kill the low-level people directly." Kill people and use their demonic blood to water the seal.”

Hearing this, the other two people nodded solemnly.


Lu Chen didn't know what the consequences would be if he killed the demon emperor's third child's sealed soul. He only knew now that the demon army might invade in a year's time.

In other words, he only has one year.

To be honest, Lu Chen has no feelings for the human world, but he has very deep feelings for Lin Qinghan. He understands that Lin Qinghan actually likes this human world very much. If the world is in ruins, she will definitely He won't be happy either.

Moreover, when the nest is overturned, the eggs are not finished, and he will definitely be affected by that time.

Although he was the Immortal Emperor in his previous life, it was of no use at all. It was the glory of his previous life, and he was still too weak in this life.

Now he can't even deal with many boss-level figures on the mountain, and there are stronger figures in the demon world that he can't even deal with.

It is a problem for him to protect himself, so he must spend a year to strengthen himself.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen had a headache. To be honest, even if he was given countless resources now, he would not be able to break through to the point where he could compete with the Demon Emperor within a year.

"I originally thought I was very awesome, but now it seems that I am nothing more than that." Lu Chen smiled mockingly to himself.

But he has been practicing for who knows how many years, and he understands one truth, that is, there will always be a glimmer of life between heaven and earth.

Therefore, even if he now feels that it is unlikely that he can eliminate these demons, he will still try hard.

After Lu Chen eliminated the evil master, he quickly left the scene and came to Yafei. Due to the effect of the medicine, Yafei seemed to be taking effect.

Although Yafei's strength is high, how could the medicine that Xie Zun injected into her body be ordinary medicine?

So, now her body was getting hotter and hotter, and she wanted to rip her clothes off.

When Lu Chen appeared in front of her, she looked at Lu Chen and couldn't help but want to pounce on him.

At this time she was already in a state of confusion and infatuation.

In addition, Lu Chen was the man she liked in the first place, and now under the influence of this drug, she couldn't stop herself.

"Master, I want it."

Yafei murmured in her voice and licked her lips at Lu Chen.

She was very beautiful to begin with, and with her current appearance, even a man could not handle her. Even Lu Chen almost had other thoughts.

But he truly loves Lin Qinghan, and no one will be tempted except Lin Qinghan.

Therefore, at this time, he stopped any unhealthy thoughts. Several silver needles appeared in his hand, and he inserted the silver needles into Yafei's body.

As the silver needle was inserted, the heat in Yafei's body quickly diminished.

Her whole body slowly returned to normal, and her lust also weakened.

She looked at Lu Chen with a look of resentment on her face.

She was so proactive just now, but Lu Chen was unmoved.

"Master, weren't you attracted to anyone just now?" Yafei said with a pouted mouth.

"No." Lu Chen shook his head lightly.

When Ya Fei heard this, her lips pursed even more.

She was very frustrated.

"Let's go back, otherwise Qinghan may be in danger."

At this time, Lu Chen said to Ya Fei.

Yafei immediately felt that she had received a critical hit of [-] points. In Lu Chen's heart, she would always only have Yafei.

Not long after, the two appeared in Lin's Building. Lu Chen looked at Lin Qinghan for a while and found that Lin Qinghan was meditating, so he left silently.

In the previous life, Lin Qinghan was silently guarding him like this. It is fair that he should be the one to silently protect Lin Qinghan in this life.

After leaving Lin's Building, Lu Chen went directly to the Kaishan Sect.

Because, he already knew from the memory of the Evil Lord that the reason why the Evil Lord came here this time was entirely because of Gu Canglong, the deputy sect leader of the Kaishan Sect.

Originally, Lu Chen let Gu Canglong go, thinking that Gu Canglong would be able to help him deal with the demon in the future, so he didn't kill him.

But he didn't expect that not only was Gu Canglong not grateful to him for letting him go, but he also provoked someone like Xie Zun over.

If he hadn't wanted to come over to see Lin Qinghan on a whim tonight and happened to set off from Jiangting Villa on the way here, then it is very likely that something would have happened to Lin Qinghan.

Anyone who dares to take advantage of Lin Qinghan will die.

"Master, we are acting like turtles, what is our status?"

In the city of Kaishan Zong's branch in Guiyuan City, the gate of the sect is closed.

Now inside the gate, there is a very large table, which is filled with all kinds of food and drinks. The few disciples below are drinking with Gu Canglong.

These disciples were all disciples who were brought down from the mountain. They originally thought that after they came down from the mountain, they would be sought after by the worldly people, and that they could become a being that was praised by the stars, but their imaginations were full and the reality was very skinny.

It's hard for them to recruit people now.

And all of this is because of the existence of Sihe Martial Arts Hall.

The Sihe Martial Arts Gym is so famous in Guiyuan City that it almost makes them breathless. They are drinking here now, and they are drinking lonely wine.

Originally they thought they would have a group of fans, but it didn't happen, and they felt uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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