My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1013 Killing the Ancient Canglong

Chapter 1013 Killing the Ancient Canglong

"Don't worry, I have hired experts to deal with that person named Lu Chen. As long as this person named Lu Chen dies, then I will immediately kick out all his martial arts gyms. By then, the Sihe Martial Arts Gym will be closed. , our Kaishan Sect will be able to stand up."

Gu Canglong was sitting at the top, looking very happy. This was the first day since he came down the mountain. "Then Lu Chen is really stupid. If I were him and defeated him, I would definitely kill him directly." Yes, he defeated me and let me go. This is like letting the tiger go back to the mountain."

"Master, who did you ask to take action?" A disciple asked curiously.

"I asked the Evil Lord to take action."

Gu Canglong smiled and said, "Originally the Evil Lord was unwilling to take action, but when I showed him the photo of Lu Chen's wife, he was immediately moved and decided to take action."

"But having said that, Lu Chen's wife is really beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful and elegant woman in the mountains. Such a woman is really beautiful. If I can play with her once someday, , even if my old bones are torn down, it will still be worth it."

Hearing his words, the disciples below also laughed.

"If you want to play with her, you have no chance, but if I want to grab your bones, I can help."

Just when everyone was laughing, a voice suddenly sounded.


Hearing this, Gu Canglong and the others stopped smiling and became vigilant.

"Gu Canglong, I let you go, and you call me a fool? Do you really think I want to let you go? I think you should know better than me what kind of mission you mountain people are carrying. I think you will It can also be used to deal with demons. I didn’t kill you, and I didn’t expect that you would become Benjili and actually find evil demons to attack my wife.”

"No matter what you say today, I won't let you go."

"Do you have any last words? If you don't have any last words, then I will send you on your way now."

While speaking, a figure walked out of the darkness. This figure was none other than Lu Chen, who was looking for trouble for Gu Canglong.

"It's aren't you dead?"

When Gu Canglong saw Lu Chen, he was frightened by reflex and fell from the stool to the ground.

A master who had almost mastered martial arts for the first time was so frightened that he sat on the ground from his stool, which showed how afraid he was of Lu Chen.

"Do you think Evil Lord can kill me? He can't kill me. On the contrary, he has been killed by me." Lu Chen approached Ancient Canglong step by step.

The look of fear on Gu Canglong's face became even stronger. He shook his head and said: "No, you cannot be his opponent. His strength is already invincible, and it is even more impossible for you to kill him."

"Ha ha."

Lu Chen grinned and said, "That's because I'm actually a strong person."

When he spoke, his physical body flew up and stopped in the air.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would be frightened and scream that they saw a ghost, but Gu Canglong and others often saw this scene on the mountain.

This means that a person can fly, and those who can fly mean that they have broken through to the innate realm.

There are tens of millions of people on the mountain, but among these tens of millions, there are less than a hundred truly powerful people in the innate realm. This shows how rare people in the innate realm are.

Moreover, due to the mountain closure, it is impossible for people in the secular world to break through to the innate realm. The environment of heaven and earth simply does not allow it. Now Lu Chen is a strong innate realm, which frightened the ancient Canglong.

Gu Canglong simply didn't dare to think of being an enemy of Lu Chen anymore, so much so that he was so frightened that he trembled.

The fortune teller told him last time not to expose his innate aura, otherwise it would cause trouble, but now that the world has changed drastically, he guessed that this restriction must no longer exist.

Moreover, Lu Chen knew the information about the demon from the Evil Lord. If he is still underdeveloped now, it is estimated that his strength will improve in a year, but the improvement will not be big.

Now he is ready to take a different approach so that he can have a certain chance.

So, he was ready to expose himself.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he flew towards the Ancient Canglong.

Gu Canglong was afraid. He suddenly knelt down, kowtowed to Lu Chen and begged for mercy. At the same time, he said: "Senior, please let me go. I am willing to be your dog."

Although Gu Canglong is older than Lu Chen, in the world of cultivation, strength is respected. Lu Chen's current strength, in Gu Canglong's view, is that of a senior figure.

"No matter how much you beg for mercy from me, it's useless. Anyone who insults my wife will die."

Without saying a word, Lu Chen slapped Gu Canglong with his big palm. Gu Canglong felt the danger and tried his best to resist, but he was no match for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen now attacked with almost all his strength, and Gu Canglong's palm was smashed into pieces.

Moreover, his entire internal organs were severely damaged.

Lu Chen stepped on Gu Canglong's head again, and his head split open like a watermelon.

Rough and violent, this is the power of the flesh.


When Lu Chen used his innate-level ability, he suddenly seemed to have a feeling in the distance, and then a person flew over from a distance with a sword.

A person who can control the sword means that he has reached the innate realm and is a person who can fly.

Now that the spiritual power of heaven and earth has begun to recover, those who come to the secular world are generally those who do not have the innate realm, because those who come out are ordinary disciples and so on.

However, there are exceptions.

law enforcement team.

There are law enforcement teams on the mountain. The people of these law enforcement teams enforce the law in the secular world, which is to prevent overly powerful forces from appearing in the secular world and causing damage to the secular world.

These members of the law enforcement team have special induction stones on their bodies. Once the power to reach the innate realm appears, these special induction stones will issue a reminder.

Of course, there are not many people in the law enforcement team, and there are even fewer innate realm experts in the law enforcement team.

There are only a few Xiantian realm experts in the entire law enforcement team, and there happens to be a member of the law enforcement team patrolling Guiyuan City.

It happened to be night now, so he simply flew over with his sword.


At this time, the people from the law enforcement team saw Lu Chen smashing Gu Canglong's head and shouted, but his shout was already too late.

Then the law enforcement team member came not far from Lu Chen, looked at him warily, and asked, "Who are you, and why haven't I seen you?"

There are not many innate strong people on the mountain, and there are special innate strong people's exchange meetings, so on the mountain, innate strong people basically know each other.

But now this person found that he didn't know Lu Chen, but the aura on Lu Chen's body now reached the innate state.

"Senior, I just broke through to the innate realm. It's normal that you don't recognize me."

Lu Chen's eyes flickered, but he was extremely speechless.

He had just revealed his innate aura, but it was sensed by the master on the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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