My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1014 Getting ready to go up the mountain

Chapter 1014 Getting ready to go up the mountain
"Who did you study under?"

The middle-aged man glanced at Lu Chen. He thought for a while, maybe Lu Chen had made a breakthrough recently. After all, he had been down the mountain for a long time.

These law enforcers are different from those who have just come down from the mountain. In fact, they have been active in the secular world just to discover some genius disciples in the secular world.

It's just because they are usually very low-key and their existence is not known.

Now that Lu Chen had made a breakthrough on the mountain and went down the mountain, it was not impossible.

Lu Chen was stunned by this person's question, because he didn't know anyone on the mountain, so now he was obviously stunned.

He knew that there must not be many people in the Xiantian Realm on the mountain, so the other party would most likely know these people. As long as he said something wrong, he would probably doubt his identity.

"You're lying, you're not from the mountains."

At this moment when Lu Chen hesitated, the law enforcer suddenly spoke.

When Lu Chen heard that the other party had revealed his identity, he thought about it and decided not to hide it at all. Instead, he said, "I am indeed not from the mountain, nor did I make a breakthrough on the mountain. Recently, the heaven and earth have moved, and I feel inexplicably Once your bottleneck is loosened, you will naturally break through.”

If you can't hide it anymore, then you might as well stop hiding it.

When Lu Chen said that he was from the mountain and made his breakthrough at the foot of the mountain, a gleam suddenly shot out of his eyes.

If Lu Chen can break through to the innate realm even under the mountain, it means that Lu Chen has a very awesome talent.

Such a genius disciple is exactly what they are looking for, but they understand that if there is a problem with this disciple's character, they will not want such a disciple, and may even kill him.

So he asked: "Who did you kill? Why did you kill him?"

"Can I not answer?"

Lu Chen didn't like this feeling of being interrogated.

"You don't have to answer, but you have to tell me who you are and your address. I will go back to find you in three days and take you up the mountain." The law enforcer did not question Lu Chen. He also knew that Lu Chen and him were now The relationship between them is considered to be on the same level. He does have a questioning feeling, which makes Lu Chen feel a little unhappy.

"Okay, please take note of my information!"

Lu Chen raised his drooped eyelids, and a glimmer of light shot out of his eyes.

Because he also wanted to know what the mountain was like, it was just right to follow him now.

As for whether the other party would be malicious towards him, Lu Chen was not worried because he felt that these law enforcers were very fair.

As long as you have no ill intentions towards the people on the mountain and humans, these people will definitely not do anything to you.

The possibility of going to the mountains was still an opportunity for him.

Because people with his talent are definitely rare in the world.

After all, he was the cheat, he was the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor.

It's up to you. Lu Chen reported his relevant information to the law enforcer. After the law enforcer registered Lu Chen's information, he said, "Okay, you can leave."

Hearing this, Lu Chen walked towards the distance without saying a word.

After he walked away, the law enforcer looked at the people from the Kaishan Sect in front of him and said, "The ones who died should be the people from your Kaishan Sect, right? Tell me who died, and tell me what happened." , why would he want to kill you, the founder of the Mountain Sect?"

The disciples looked at the law enforcer, hesitant and didn't know what to say.

At this time, the law enforcement officer reminded: "You should know how powerful our law enforcement officers are, and you also know the consequences of deceiving us law enforcement officers, so please be honest."

Hearing the law enforcer's words, several people shuddered.

The mountain also has its own rules. These law enforcers are like secular patrollers, responsible for maintaining the rules. If they tell lies, it is very likely that they will be treated as accomplices.

Coupled with the fact that the law enforcer in front of them is a strong man in the innate realm, they dare not hide anything, and then they can only tell the real situation.

After the law enforcer heard the true situation, a smile appeared on his lips.

"It seems that the mountain will become more interesting in the future."

Obviously, his words actually meant that he recognized Lu Chen as a person.

Because the whole thing was not Lu Chen's fault. Lu Chen's character was not bad. But what exactly happened to Lu Chen? I'm afraid he would need to investigate in detail before he could find out.

Thinking of this, he looked into the darkness and ordered: "Check this person."

The information network owned by law enforcement officers is definitely the most complete in the world. Even the national information network is not as comprehensive as them.

Because of the country's information network, they have time permission to use it, but the secular side must not know about the channels they have established secretly.

"Yes, Captain!"

After hearing the law enforcer's order, a voice rang out in the darkness.

The reason why the law enforcer gave Lu Chen three days was because he wanted to use three days to check Lu Chen's relevant information and find out whether Lu Chen was worth cultivating.

Lu Chen didn't know that these law enforcers were investigating him, but he could guess.

But he is not worried about these people investigating him. The more genius he is, the more these people will like him.

I'm afraid these people also want to find out what kind of person he is.

Lu Chen returned home again, and then summoned Zhong Dongyang, Zhao Qing, Ya Fei and others. He was going to explain to these people.

Because he had a feeling that his trip to the mountain would not be short this time.

Although he said he didn't want to leave Lin Qinghan, he also understood that if he continued to love his son and daughter at this time, he might not even be able to protect Lin Qinghan if the demon invaded in the future.

He has to improve himself, and now in the mountains, he can improve himself the fastest.

"I'm going on a long trip, which should take half a year to a year. Next, if you need to make decisions, you all ask Zhong Dongyang, and he has full authority to make decisions for me."

Lu Chen explained to everyone.

Zhong Dongyang is not the strongest among them. The strongest here is Concubine Ya. Concubine Xie has been with Lu Chen for the longest time, and she has understanding and talent, so she improves the fastest. In addition, she is Assassin, her lethality is the greatest.

However, Zhong Dongyang is the most stable person, so he is more suitable to grasp the overall situation.

Everyone was shocked when they heard that Lu Chen was leaving for half a year to a year, especially Ya Fei. She was the most surprised. She knew how much Lu Chen loved Lin Qinghan and didn't want to leave her even for a moment.

It seemed that Lu Chen had something very important to do when he left this time.

Lu Chen explained to everyone, suddenly looked at Ya Fei, and said, "Qing Han will be left to you."

"Master, don't worry, if she dies, I will definitely die in front of her."

Yafei naturally knew what Lu Chen was thinking, and she assured Lu Chen by patting her chest.

"I don't want anything to happen to either of you. If you encounter an invincible person, try to escape and stay at Guo Dazhuang's farm. I have a villa there that is about to be repaired. There is power to protect you there. Unless It has reached the innate state, otherwise it will not pose any threat to you."

Lu Chen opened his mouth lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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