My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037 Nine Serenities
Lu Chen guessed his current speed. If he hit the ground at such a speed, he would probably be injured.

He didn't know what was underneath, so he didn't dare to let himself fall to the ground like this, so he looked inside the space ring that Huang Haotian gave him. The items in the space ring instantly appeared in his mind. .

"Master gave me his space ring."

When Lu Chen saw what was inside the space ring, he was stunned.

Because in the space ring, there are actually some materials for practicing in the Mahayana period. In addition, there are also many skills in it.

Huang Haotian did give his space ring to Lu Chen. He had two space rings. One space ring held very important things, while this space ring held ordinary things.

Now he gave this ordinary space ring to Lu Chen.

But even an ordinary space ring has more space than the mustard bag Lu Chen got before.

The internal space of this space ring is enough to be as big as a football field. I don't know how many things can be stored inside.

But also, as Huang Haotian is No. 1 on the mountain, can the space ring he uses himself be inferior?

Lu Chen didn't have the time to take a closer look at the specific treasures inside. His consciousness was now placed on a piece of parchment next to it.

The parchment is about five square meters.

Then with a thought, the parchment was summoned by him like this, and then he pinched the four legs of the parchment, and the parchment seemed to become a parachute in an instant, and then Lu Chen's speed began to slow down. It slowly came down.

Fortunately, there was parchment inside. If it was ordinary cloth, it would be torn to pieces in an instant during Lu Chen's descent at such a high speed.

Only this parchment is made of special material and is tough enough to prevent it from being torn into pieces.

After a while, Lu Chen saw the ground, and he lightly ran to the ground.

At this moment, he looked around and found that it was pitch black below, only a few sporadic plants existed.

And these plants are very small.

There are countless corpses on the ground.

These bones include human bones and some animal bones. He guessed that these are the bones left behind after the death of humans or animals that fell from the sky.

After looking around, Lu Chen felt himself carefully. He found that his body was greatly restricted. He felt that it was extremely cold here, and his blood seemed to be frozen here. .

The physical body, if the physical body is strong enough, it means that the qi and blood are strong enough, and if the qi and blood are strong enough, it means that the physical body is strong enough, the two complement each other.

But now Lu Chen felt that his energy and blood were not flowing smoothly.

"No wonder Master said they can't fly here. They are all in danger here. It's true."

Lu Chen felt that his strength had been suppressed very hard. Now he felt that the strength he could exert was only the first glimpse of the peak of martial arts.

"Hmph, if it were other humans who fell here, they would only die. Even if Master fell, he would probably have a narrow escape. However, this is not difficult for me, Lu Chen."

Lu Chen muttered and said to himself.

Now he finally understood why Huang Haotian didn't come down. Even if the opponent had reached the late stage Mahayana strength, even with such strength, he would be suppressed ruthlessly here.

Moreover, others were suppressed even more severely than Lu Chen.

Not only is it extremely cold down here, but there is also a strong demonic energy here, which is more suitable for the life of a demon. If a human monk were here, he would not be able to absorb spiritual power at all, and the spiritual power would be consumed a little less.

However, this is not difficult for Lu Chen.

Because Lu Chen is not a legal practitioner, but a physical practitioner.

He only needs to replenish some cultivation substances in his body, and Huang Haotian's space ring contains a large number of precious materials. These materials will be of great help to him to restore and improve his qi and blood.

"I can use fire to improve my physical strength, and I can use ice to improve my physical strength." Lu Chen's lips curled up.

This place may be a trap for others, but for now, it is definitely a blessed place for him, because he can also improve his strength here.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen began to adjust the way of practice, exercise and practice the way of ice training, so as to keep his body in a state of low vitality all the time.

At first, he could only show his strength at the peak of martial arts here, but as he practiced ice training, his body's vitality gradually returned.

His current body's vitality has begun to return to the early, middle, late, and peak stages of physical sanctification, and finally the early stage of the Holy General, which is his current strength.

Moreover, as he practiced this time, he discovered that he had faint signs of breaking through to the middle stage of the Saint General.

"Now, I should be able to protect myself enough."

Lu Chen muttered, and then he began to stand up from the ground.

It took him three days and three nights to practice this time.

When he stood up again, he began to move freely here. Apart from being unable to fly, he was able to fully demonstrate his strength.

Lu Chen began to look around here, and chose a direction to walk outside.

Flying is not allowed here, he has no way to go out, but he believes that there must be a place where he can go out, because Huang Haotian has been out before.

He walked for a while and found a hidden dent in the ground, and next to the dent, there was a pool of black blood. This pool of black blood exuded a faint devilish aura.

"This should be the blood of the demon I am chasing. This blood has not been completely frozen. It seems that the other party has not gone far."

After Lu Chen analyzed it, he was about to feel the marks he had left on the demon's body, but he found that he could no longer sense such marks.

This made him a little crazy.

However, Lu Chen didn't take it to heart and took it as it came.

at the same time.

"General Qin!"

Not far from Lu Chen, a demon appeared here, and next to him were two demons whose aura seemed to be at the beginning of the perfect martial arts realm.

The two demons were respectful to the demon in front of them named General Qin.

And this General Qin is the devil that Lu Chen is chasing after.

The name of the devil is very interesting. It only has one character, and it is also a surname. Ordinary devils are not worthy of a surname. Only those who have broken through to the devil can be given a surname.

Demon Lord is the realm equivalent to the innate realm.


Qin General nodded and asked, "Zheng Shuai hasn't changed much these years, right?"

"Nothing has changed."

The two demons responded quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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