My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1038 Wolf Child

Chapter 1038 Wolf Child
Hearing this, General Qin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Zheng Shuai's stay under the Nine Nethers plays an important role. If something happens to Zheng Shuai, then the time for their demon army to invade the human world will have to be postponed again.

"By the way, I feel like Zheng Shuai took action not long ago? What is going on?" General Qin suddenly asked again.

Just now when he was falling, he felt a special and familiar pressure. This pressure belonged to Zheng Shuai.

Here, Zheng Shuai occupies a favorable location, so his strength can be enhanced here, and his breath can radiate to far away places.

"Yes, it seems that the human leader Huang Haotian has just appeared in the sky above Jiuyou. I wonder what he is doing in the sky?" The two demons responded quickly.

"Huang Haotian is not here for the young man named Lu Chen. If the opponent really kills Jiuyou to the death, Zheng Shuai may not be able to stop him."

Hearing this, General Qin's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

However, he thought about it and found that there had been no major battles between then and now. I am afraid that Huang Haotian still withdrew.

"Then the human boy shouldn't have come down, right?"

When General Qin thought of Lu Chen, he felt fear from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Chen's realm was comparable to his, and even better than his. But it was such a realm. As a result, they were three against one, but they were beaten by Lu Chen.

He felt that as long as Lu Chen was given enough time, the other party might grow to be comparable to Huang Haotian.

Although they are hostile, he also knows how powerful Huang Haotian is, so he is still very afraid of Huang Haotian.

He didn't know that Lu Chen had fallen under Jiuyou, and now Lu Chen's strength was slowly improving.

Jiuyou, an area that suppresses human strength, now has a bonus effect on Lu Chen, because Lu Chen is now using ice refining to improve his physical strength.

He was originally a physical practitioner, and as soon as his physical strength increased, it meant an increase in strength.

The place where Lu Chen fell was a long canyon, but after passing the canyon, his sight became wider.

At this time, Lu Chen's eyes seemed to have turned into two ice eyes. His sight was not blocked and he could see very far away.

"There should be material existence here that interferes with people's spiritual consciousness, so ordinary practitioners cannot see very far away here. Unfortunately, my physical body is strong enough, and my eyes can also see through very small substances."

Lu Chen murmured to himself and spoke.


After Lu Chen walked out of the Jiuyou Canyon for a while, he suddenly heard the sound of a wolf howling, and then a small figure shot towards him vigorously.

Lu Chen felt the sound of breaking through the air and quickly avoided it.

Then a figure passed him by, and then shot far away. The figure then stood not far away from Lu Chen, looking at him with hostile eyes.

"Are you human?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised when he saw this figure.

Because he found that there was no demonic energy in this figure, but he really couldn't figure out how such a child could survive in such a place.

The other party's age is probably between ten and fifteen years old.

Hearing Lu Chen speak human words, the figure was slightly startled. Then he put away his grinning mouth, pointed to the sky, and asked stammering: "Are you from above?"

"Yes, I came from above, and you came from above too?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

The little boy shook his head and then said: "I was born here. I am not from above, but my parents are from above."

"Your parents came from above, so where are your parents?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen's heart moved.

Jiuyou is indeed full of many crises. If he has someone who is familiar with the local area as a guide, then he can avoid many crises.

"They have died in the hands of the devil here."

Having said this, a sad look appeared in the little guy's eyes.

"Then how did you survive?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"When I was five years old, I was saved by a wolf."

The little boy said: "You can call me wolf boy."

"Wolf boy, besides you, are there any other humans here?" Lu Chen continued to ask.

The wolf boy shook his head. Seeing him shaking his head, a look of pity appeared in Lu Chen's eyes. He didn't know how this little boy survived in such an environment.

"Meeting you is considered fate. Let me teach you a set of exercises."

Lu Chen discovered that this little boy didn't know any martial arts, but he had developed a strong body in such a cruel environment. He was only over ten years old, and his strength had already reached the stage of entry into martial arts.

This little guy, like him, is very suitable for physical training.

If this place were not in Jiuyou, but somewhere else, then Lu Chen would most likely accept him as his disciple and teach him carefully.

It's a pity that Lu Chen doesn't know whether or how he can get out here. Carrying this little guy is a burden for him, so he has no choice but to give up on him.

What he can do is teach the other party how to practice. Whether the other party can survive in this world depends on the other party's ability.

"What is the skill?"

The little boy was obviously confused and asked in confusion.

Lu Chen smiled and hooked his hand at the little boy.

Because the little boy was a human being like Lu Chen, he was somewhat close to Lu Chen. Now he had no doubt that Lu Chen was doing his best, so he came directly and stood not far from Lu Chen, looking at Lu Chen expectantly.

Lu Chen pointed at the little boy's eyebrows, and a very grand scene suddenly appeared in the little boy's mind.

The characters in the scene are very tall, and they soar between the sky and the earth. With every move they make, they have the power to destroy the planet.

The little boy's blood boiled with excitement. He felt that he also wanted to have such power in the future and be able to break all the laws of the world with his fists.

This is a manifestation of the physical body reaching its extreme, and he desires it very much.

Gradually, he felt as if there was a force of blood surging in his body, and the power of that blood seemed to make his body expand.

Its body actually grew strands of hair, and those strands of hair disappeared in an instant. But just for a moment, the little boy felt that his body was raised a bit, and he felt that his body It's full of explosive power.

Just from the scene he saw just now, the little boy felt that his strength had risen from the beginning of martial arts to the realm of the first glimpse of martial arts.

"Thank you Master."

The little boy is not ignorant, because before he was five years old, his parents had instilled a lot of knowledge about spiritual practice into him.

Lu Chen taught him the method of cultivation, and he was his master.

(End of this chapter)

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