My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1044 The fortune teller appears again

Chapter 1044 The fortune teller appears again
After Lu Chen finished speaking, he took Zheng Shuai directly towards the distance.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

The Wolf King looked at Lu Chen, with murderous intent appearing in his eyes, but then he hid the murderous intent.

Because he didn't know how many tricks Lu Chen had hidden, if he couldn't kill Lu Chen with one attack, then he would be the one who died.

Therefore, the Wolf King did not dare to gamble.

After all, Lu Chen used his early Saint General strength to kill Zheng Shuai, who was at the peak of Demon Commander. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it at all.

As for the wolf boy, he looked at Lu Chen walking away with admiration in his eyes.

He must become someone like Lu Chen in the future. The seed of a hero was planted in the wolf boy's heart.

Lu Chen left with the seriously injured Zheng Shuai, cut off their limbs directly, then looked at Zheng Shuai condescendingly, and said at the same time: "Tell me, how did you enter the human world? In addition, your level in the demon world should be It’s not low, you must know a lot about the devil world, tell me everything you know.”

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Zheng Shuai smiled coldly and said, "Huh, I won't tell you anything you ask me. Just kill me."

"Killing you would be too cheap for you."

When Lu Chen saw that Zheng Shuai was unwilling to say anything, he was not angry. Instead, he took out a silver needle and directly inserted it into Zheng Shuai's painful point.

After piercing the bitter acupuncture point, he said lightly, "Now your pain perception has been increased by ten times by me, I want to see if you can bear it."

"Hmph, how could I, the coach of the demon world, surrender to you?" Zheng Shuai said seriously.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard Lu Chen yelling: "Look at my eyes."

Zheng Shuai didn't react at all and really looked into Lu Chen's eyes.

When he looked at it, he felt like he was seeing stars all over the sky. The stars were shining with endless light, and his whole body began to sink into it at this moment.

His eyes became blank at this moment.

"Tell me, where is the passage to leave Jiuyou from here, and how to leave?" Lu Chen began to ask Zheng Shuai questions.

Because Zheng Shuai has been temporarily hypnotized by Lu Chen, so now when Lu Chen asks anything, Zheng Shuai starts to answer.

About half an hour later, Lu Chen knew the information he wanted.

"Now let me ask you one last question."

Lu Chen looked at Zheng Shuai and asked, "Is there a Demon Emperor in the Demon World now?"

The Demon King is equivalent to the existence of human beings in the period of transcending tribulation. Currently, humans do not have such an existence. If there is such an existence in the demon world, then once it is killed, humans will have no way to resist it.

Zheng Shuai originally wanted to answer Lu Chen's words, but his will resisted at this moment, and he was unwilling to tell Lu Chen what he knew.

As he was struggling left and right, suddenly a huge sound came, and then Zheng Shuai's head exploded.

The moment his head exploded, the Demon King of the Demon World suddenly felt severe pain in his head.

"Ahhh, who is it?"

He began to roar, and the entire demon world trembled at his roar.

He left a will in Zheng Shuai's mind, and that will will only disappear when Zheng Shuai dies.

But just now, this will disappeared, that's why he looked so angry.

You must know that Zheng Shuai is the biggest chess piece he has arranged in the world. The other party can detect the specific situation on the mountain and then pass it to him in a special way.

Zheng Shuai can be said to be his eyes in the human world, but now that these eyes have obviously disappeared, how can he not be angry.

Moreover, he is also worried that people in the human world may know many things about the demon world through Zheng Shuai. Although they will be able to reach the human world in less than a year, there are still variables in this matter.

Once a change occurs, it is possible that all the countless years of preparations he has made in the demon world will come to nothing.

As his roar sounded, the three Demon Emperors quickly appeared in front of him and asked respectfully: "Father, what happened again?"

Every time there is a big change in the human world, he will ask this question.

"Zheng Shuai was destroyed!"

The Demon King said gloomily.

"What, Zheng Shuai was destroyed? He stayed in Jiuyou, no one in the human world can do anything to him, right? How did he get destroyed? Could it be that Huang Haotian broke through to the tribulation stage?"

After hearing the Demon Emperor's words, the three Demon Emperors asked in shock.

"It's impossible. It's not easy to break through the tribulation period."

The Demon Emperor shook his head and said at the same time: "Shuai Zheng must have had an accident."

"This is the second time that the preparation we have made in the human world has gone wrong. Every time trouble comes, there will always be many variables. I think we should try our best to break through the barrier and go to the human world as soon as possible, otherwise time will be delayed. The longer it takes, the more disadvantageous it will be for us." The Demon Emperor said to several Demon Emperors at this time.

He had a bad feeling more and more, because everything was not going the way he wanted.

We haven't attacked the human world yet, but problems have arisen twice.

He was very worried.

"Okay, I'll ask them to work harder, and we three brothers will work hard together." The three demon emperors replied at this time, and they also had a sense of urgency.

Lu Chen didn't know their arrangement. After asking about Zheng Shuai's relevant information, he walked out of Jiuyou through the secret passage behind Zheng Shuai.

The passage out of Jiuyou is actually very simple. The only thing is whether you can find the mechanism controller.

Not long after, Lu Chen walked out of Jiuyou and saw a bright sun rising in the sky, and he suddenly felt relieved.

"Not bad!"

When Lu Chen appeared, a vague voice rang out, "I didn't expect that in less than two months, your strength would improve so quickly. I'm really impressed."

When he heard this voice, Lu Chen's eyes showed surprise, because he discovered that this person was none other than the fortune teller.

This old man actually seemed to know he was here.

"Are you waiting for me here?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

The fortune teller nodded: "I am indeed waiting for you here, but you came out faster than I expected."

Lu Chen was speechless and asked: "How do you know that I went under Jiuyou, and how are you sure that I can come out?"

The fortune teller smiled and said, "Have you forgotten my profession?"

Lu Chen couldn't answer for a moment, and then he changed the subject and asked, "By the way, why did you come to see me?"

"Do you still remember what you promised me? Now that your strength has barely reached it, it's time to fulfill your promise." The fortune teller said to Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen was in danger, the fortune teller saved Lu Chen's life. Lu Chen owed the fortune teller a huge favor at that time. The fortune teller did not ask for anything in return, but asked Lu Chen to agree to accompany him to a place.

(End of this chapter)

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