My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1045 Nine Tripods Gather

Chapter 1045 Jiuding Gathering
"Where are you going?"

Lu Chen asked curiously. He always felt that this place was not simple, otherwise the fortune teller would not have said that his current strength was just barely meeting the conditions.

"You'll know when you go with me."

The fortune teller didn't explain much, but rose into the sky and flew into the distance.

Seeing this, Lu Chen also flew out.

The speed of the two before and after is extremely fast.

They flew for a full day, and then the fortune teller landed on an area, passed through this area, and the outside suddenly became clear.

Then a sea breeze hit, and Lu Chen smelled a familiar scent.

He knew that he was back on earth.

"Before I take you anywhere, I'll take you to get two things you like."

The fortune teller said to Lu Chen and flew out in one direction.

Lu Chen quickly followed.

Somewhere in the island country, there is an old man guarding here. Right in front of the old man, there is a cauldron.

The old man prays to the cauldron every day, and today is no exception. He still kneels down to pray for the cauldron piously.

However, after praying for a while, he felt that something was wrong, because he found that his cauldron seemed to be half-responsive and started to tremble slightly.

Seeing the trembling of the tripod, the old man said excitedly: "It has manifested, it has manifested, and the artifact of Huaxia has manifested."

He didn't expect that the blessings he had prayed for for so many years finally appeared.

He began to kneel down and kowtow in front of the cauldron. After kowtowing for a while,
He found that the cauldron seemed to be wrong, because the cauldron flew up and then flew outside.

"Shending, don't run."

The old man watched the tripod fly out, and he quickly chased after me. After only chasing me for a while, the tripod actually stayed in the air.

At this time, the old man put down his head that had been raised, and then began to look directly below the cauldron. He found that directly below, there was a young man standing there. The young man also had a cauldron in his hand. This one Ding and his tripod are almost exactly the same.

"who are you?"

Seeing the young man opposite, the old man asked.

"I'm from China, and this tripod belongs to China. Now I'm here to take away what belongs to China." The visitor said calmly.

The person who came was none other than Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't know how the fortune teller brought him here, but he probably understood something.

It is very likely that the place where the fortune teller goes needs the help of Jiuding, and the next place may be to find the last medical tripod.

"You want to take away your own cauldron, you are just talking nonsense, you can't take this thing away." Seeing Lu Chen still holding a cauldron, the old man's eyes showed greed.

A powerful aura arose from his body. This aura made Lu Chen very surprised, because he found that the aura in this man had reached an astonishing innate level.

However, this person's current momentum in the Xiantian realm is not very stable, which means that this person has obviously only made a breakthrough not long ago.

Lu Chen guessed that he probably had an adventure somewhere after the environment of heaven and earth changed.

"Hmph, young man, I'm a god in your eyes now, and you dare to make up my mind. I'm afraid you don't know how you died, right?" At this time, the old man looked at Lu Chen as if he were looking at an ant. His eyes were filled with disdain.

While speaking, a ball of light condensed in his palm, and hit Lu Chen like this. When Lu Chen saw the attack coming, he also had disdain on his face, and he didn't even leave, nor did he Prepare to resist and let the attack fall on you.

"Boy, are you so scared that you don't even dare to move?"

Looking at Lu Chen, the old man sneered.

But just after he finished speaking, a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes, because he found that his attack did not cause any damage to Lu Chen at all.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

The old man couldn't help rubbing his eyes, then looked at Lu Chen, and asked in a voice.

"I am a god in your eyes!"

Lu Chen grinned, showing his white teeth, looking harmless.

While talking, Lu Chen suddenly appeared above the old man, punched him, and said, "Do you really think you are a god? You are nothing in front of me."

The old man fell to the ground in response, and then opened his eyes wide and refused to close his eyes.

Although his strength is high, there is a huge gap between his strength and Lu Chen's strength now, so the two are not on the same level at all.

After Lu Chen killed the old man, he left here quietly.

Then, the old fortune teller took Lu Chen to another place. The people in this place were very tall and white-skinned.

In front of an old man, there was also a cauldron, but inside the cauldron was a sword. Under the sword, there was a raging flame burning.

The old man looked at the cauldron with fanaticism in his eyes.

"Chinese things are really amazing. When I refine this sword, I will be invincible."

The old man muttered to himself.

"I'm afraid you won't have this chance."

Then as soon as he finished speaking, he remembered a young voice next to him, and a figure appeared silently next to the old man.


The old man's eyes suddenly shot out a trace of lust.

He didn't expect that someone would appear in front of him. He didn't realize that he was the strongest person in their country.

When he finished speaking, he found a young man appearing next to him.

"How did you get in?" The old man stared at the visitor and asked.

"Come in, of course."

Lu Chen spoke calmly and said, "I came to you to get something, and here it is."

While speaking, Lu Chen pointed to the tripod next to him and said.

"Huh, just you, you want to take him away? It's just a fantasy."

Hearing Lu Chen's words, the old man sneered and shouted coldly: "Die!"

The moment he spoke, he actually appeared in front of Lu Chen, and then punched Lu Chen.

Lu Chen stood there without moving. He allowed the opponent's fist to fall on him, and said with a faint smile on his face: "Your attack is too light, no, no, no."

"Hmph, you can't take my attack at all, and you even said it was gentle. You will pay a sufficient price for your stupid behavior later."

The old man sneered, and then punched Lu Chen. After he punched him, he felt as if his fist hit steel, and more than that, he felt a force pop out of Lu Chen's body. With the huge rebound force, he flew backwards and then lay on the ground like a dead fish.

The old man made a difficult voice and asked with difficulty: "You...who are you?"

As a result, before he finished asking, he died of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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