My cold CEO wife

Chapter 114 Taking a woman to the Zhang family late at night

Chapter 114 Taking a woman home late at night

"Mr. Chu, this matter has nothing to do with you. You don't have to avoid normal communication with me because of this matter. From tomorrow on, we will be colleagues. On the contrary, I hope that we can have more contact, so that we can understand each other better and have a better understanding of each other." This will make it easier for the new company to operate and develop."

Lin Qinghan quickly adjusted his mood and said to Chu Nanming.

A gentle smile appeared on Chu Nanming's face and he said: "Mr. Lin has thought it all. It's me, Chu, who is narrow-minded. In order to carry out our work better, we really need to get to know each other better."

"Well, that's it for today. I'm going back."

Lin Qinghan walked into Jiangting Villa elegantly.

Chu Nanming stood outside the villa, looking at Lin Qinghan's back, and couldn't help but lick his lips, "Lin Qinghan, this woman, is really making me more and more attracted."

"Lu Chen, it's late at night, where are you going?"

Not far away, a red BMW parked not far from Lu Chen, and Wu Lan poked a head out of the car.

She had already finished handling Nie Long's affairs. She thought that Wu Yue was still here with Lu Chen, and it happened that Wu Yue was going to practice at [-] o'clock. She was going to wait for Wu Yue to finish practicing and pick her up, but she didn't expect that she met Lu Chen. morning.

"Just walk around."

Lu Chen touched his nostrils and smiled awkwardly.

"Did you have a fight with Lin Qinghan? Are you not allowed to go home?"

How shrewd Wu Lan was, she saw Lu Chen's unnatural expression, and asked in a low voice.

"That's it!"

Lu Chen pursed his lips. There was no need to hide this kind of thing.

When Wu Lan heard this, an imperceptible look of joy flashed in her eyes. There was a conflict between Lu Chen and Lin Qinghan, and her chance would come.

"Come on, follow me back to pick up Xiaoyue. When you pick up Xiaoyue, go to my house and stay one night."

Wu Lan suggested.

"it is good!"

Lu Chen thought for a while and agreed as he happened to have nowhere to go.

"This bastard makes me so angry that he dares to talk back to me!"

Lin Qinghan returned home and sat down on the sofa. She did not close the door, not even the inner door of the villa.

Although she was telling Lu Chen to get lost, she was still worried that Lu Chen would not have a place to live outside, and she was hoping that Lu Chen would come back.


She had just rested on the sofa for a while when she heard the door open. She looked towards the door and found that Lu Chen had returned with a woman.

This woman is none other than Wu Lan.

Lin Qinghan became angry instantly.

Lu Chen actually brought Wu Lan back so late, the meaning of which was self-evident.

"Lu Chen, hello, you are very good. You actually brought a woman home late at night. Let's get a divorce!"

Lin Qing coldly pronounced Lu Chen's death sentence.

"Honey, listen to my explanation!"

Lu Chen was really scared when he heard that Lin Qinghan was getting a divorce.

When he got out just now, he was also talking angry with Lin Qinghan. He still believed in Lin Qinghan's character. At least during the marriage, she should not do anything wrong to him.

It was just the words telling him to get lost that irritated him.

"Explain, what's there to explain? You brought Wu Lan home late at night, didn't you just bring him back to sleep?"

Lin Qinghan laughed coldly, becoming more and more disgusted with Lu Chen.

As expected, a dog cannot change from eating shit, and it is completely impossible for a playboy to change his ways.

"Mr. Lin, you have really misunderstood Lu Chen about this matter. I left Xiaoyue at your house because of something to do tonight. I am here to take Xiaoyue home."

When Wu Lan heard Lin Qinghan's words, he felt funny and explained beside him.

What she did was very clever.

Now even if she doesn't explain, I believe Lu Chen will definitely explain it to Lin Qinghan, but if she comes forward to explain, Lu Chen will definitely be grateful to her.

Lin Qinghan didn't listen to Wu Lan at all and said, "Okay, you two don't have to sing the double act. Since you are in love with me, I will grant you a divorce. I will divorce Lu Chen. I wish you happiness."

"Godfather, mother!"

As soon as Lin Qinghan finished speaking, Wu Yue suddenly rushed out of Lu Chen's room, followed by Ding Ke.

She flew down and threw herself into Lu Chen's arms.

She had just finished practicing for an hour now. She heard the movement outside the room and ran out.

Wu Lan looked quite depressed. She had raised this girl for several years, but she still couldn't compare to the few times Lu Chen had spent with her.

Now Wu Yue actually threw herself into Lu Chen's arms first.

Lin Qinghan's face turned red when he saw Wu Yue appear.

It seems that Wu Yuezhen is here. Has she really misunderstood Lu Chen?

Lu Chen hugged Wu Yue, looked at Lin Qinghan with half-smiling eyes, and said, "Honey, Wu Lan is indeed here to pick up Xiaoyue. Do you think you are overthinking it?"

"You don't care if I think about it too much, hmph, hurry up and tell Wu Lan and their mother and daughter to go to sleep. You have to go to the Holy Medicine Group tomorrow, so don't be late for me."

Lin Qinghan knew that he was in the wrong, so he said nothing and fled into his bedroom in almost panic.

It's really embarrassing, she really thinks too much.

"Since when have I cared so much about this guy? I won't really fall in love with him, right?"

Lin Qinghan stabilized her mind, and a ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in her mind. Then she tried hard to get rid of the idea and rushed into the bathroom.

"Xiaoyue, go home with your mother."

Lu Chen carried Wu Yue out of Jiangting Villa, put her in the back seat of the car, and shaved her delicate little nose.

"Lu Chen, aren't you going home with us? Didn't you just say you were going to stay at my house for one night?" Wu Lan looked at Lu Chen jokingly, with an inexplicable meaning in his words.

"Goddad, is it true? You're going to live with us. It's really great. Dad and mom can live together."

Before Lu Chen could reply, Wu Yue clapped her little hands and shouted excitedly.

Hearing the words "live together", Wu Lan secretly looked at Lu Chen and a blush appeared on his face.

Lu Chen didn't think about it that way. He chuckled and said, "My godfather won't stay at your house today. He will come back when he has the opportunity. You have to go to school tomorrow, so go home and sleep with your mother early."

"Oh, okay, Xiaoyue, listen to your godfather."

Wu Yue seemed a little unhappy. She crossed her two little hands and looked down at them.

Lu Chen ignored Wu Yue, waved to Wu Lan, and warned: "Go home and be safe."

"Are you caring about me?"

Wu Lan stared at Lu Chen with two big bright eyes, vaguely looking forward to Lu Chen's answer.

"If something happens to you, something will happen to Xiaoyue too."

Lu Chen felt that he belonged to someone else and had no feelings for Wu Lan. He killed Wu Lan's thoughts with one sentence and turned around to walk into the villa.

"Hmph, one day, I will make you fall in love with me. I am no worse than Lin Qinghan."

Seeing Lu Chen leave, Wu Lan stared at his back, feeling inexplicable ripples in her heart.

"Beep beep!"

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

Wu Lan took the phone and looked at it, and found that it was a call from her father, the current head of the Wu family, Wu Chan.

She had already guessed the purpose of the family's call, because the news about Nie Long must have spread to the family.

(End of this chapter)

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