My cold CEO wife

Chapter 115 Blind date from the Murong family

Chapter 115 Blind date from the Murong family

Wu Lan really didn't want to answer Wu Chan's call, because in such a big family, there was no family affection. Even for Wu Chan, she didn't feel any so-called father's love.

In the Wu family, the only thing she cared about was her mother.

However, he had to face his family all the time, so Wu Lan had no choice but to answer the phone and asked as if he didn't know anything:
"Dad, it's so late, why did you think of calling me?"

Soon, Wu Chan replied, and his words had an obvious purpose.

"Xiao Lan, after three days of separation, you really impressed my father. You were able to find a master to kill Nie Long. Who is this person? Can he be used by my Wu family?"

"Dad, I have broken away from the Kyoto Samurai. No matter what kind of relationship and contacts I have, I have nothing to do with the Kyoto Samurai now."

Wu Lan replied unceremoniously.

"Silly girl, you are just talking angry. You have to understand the family's decision. If I don't remove you from the family, our Kyoto martial arts family may be implicated. No one can bear the consequences."

Wu Chan explained: "I know you feel uncomfortable about this matter. It's better to look at it openly and forget all the unhappiness in the past. Now Dad wants to tell you good news."

"Because you killed Nie Long and avenged your uncle, you also saved the face of my Wu family and brought great glory to my Wu family. At the same time, because of this incident, you got the attention of the Murong family."

"Tomorrow when you come to Kyoto, Murong Ke of the Murong family will meet with you. Once she falls in love with you, you will be able to leap to the sky and become the envy of countless women. Our Wu family will definitely take another step forward."

The Murong family is a big family in Kyoto, far beyond the comparison of third-rate families like the Wu family. No one in Kyoto wants to marry their daughter to the Murong family, because once she marries into the Murong family, she will really jump over the dragon gate and reach the sky in one step.

"The Murong family's intelligence connections are really scary. I just killed Nie Long, and they all know about it."

Wu Lan was shocked at the strength of the Murong family and replied at the same time:

"Dad, I don't like Murong Ke. It's impossible for me to marry him. You should find a way to push this marriage out for me."

"Xiao Lan, do you think I can push back on the matters decided by the Murong family? If you don't go back to Kyoto tomorrow, you have to go back to Kyoto. If you go back to Kyoto, you have to go back."

Wu Chan said coldly: "I have great confidence in you, and you will definitely be chosen by Murong Ke. When the time comes, we will definitely secure this marriage first, so that my Wu family can develop vigorously with the help of the Murong family."

"If the family wants to develop, why should it be at the expense of my happiness?"

Wu Lan sneered, and said: "When you don't need me, you just remove me from the family, and when you need me, you call me back? Am I a dog that you will come and go in front of you or what? of?"

"Xiaolan, if you don't think about your family, your father and me, you have to think about your mother, right? If you are not willing to serve the family, the grandparents in your clan may not use your mother as a Threatening you."

Wu Lan understands that the wealthy family really has no family ties. In order to control her, the Wu family is really likely to threaten her with her mother.

"Dad, it's okay to let me meet Murong Ke, but there is one thing I need to confess to you. Your daughter, I am chasing a man right now. This man is someone who came down from the mountain.
And killing Nie Long this time was also his method. Anyway, I can only marry one person. You can choose whether Murong Ke or I should marry this person. "

Wu Lan directly threw the multiple-choice question to Wu Chan.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier? I already agreed to the Murong family." Wu Chan felt regretful in his gut when he heard this.

The effect of currying favor with the Murong family is completely different from currying with the people on the mountain.

If the Wu family could get in touch with the people on the mountain, they could even grow to be as powerful as the Murong family in just a few years.

However, now that he has promised the Murong family, if he goes back on it, it will be a slap in the face of the Murong family. The Murong family will definitely take revenge on the Wu family, and the Wu family simply cannot afford such revenge.

"By the way, does that mountain man like you? If so, just ask him to come forward and say hello to the Murong family. The Murong family will definitely sell him this favor."

Wu Chan rolled his eyes, and had another countermeasure.

Wu Lan replied: "Dad, he doesn't like me yet, so he can't come forward for this matter. I'll go back to Kyoto to meet Murong Ke tomorrow. I can get engaged to him, but I need to postpone the official marriage for three years.
If I can catch this mountain man within three years, then he will come forward, even if the Murong family does not agree. "

"Yes, this matter is settled like this."

Wu Chan thought Wu Lan's method was a good one, and he was overjoyed.

Wu Chan didn't expect that his daughter would meet a mountain man. The rise of the Wu family must be just around the corner.

Beep beep!

At the same time, Lu Chen's phone rang again.

"Who's calling me in the middle of the night?"

Lu Chen took the phone over with doubts and found that it was actually a call from Li Ying. He answered the call and asked:
"You haven't gone home yet, have you?"

"Humph, brother-in-law, you heartless guy, you don't even know if I've gone home or not. I don't like you anymore."

Li Ying's unhappy voice instantly sounded from the opposite side.

"It's best if you don't like me. I'm afraid that if you like me, your cousin will cause trouble for me again." Lu Chen's words made Li Ying speechless.

Li Ying gritted his teeth for a while, and then said coquettishly: "Brother-in-law, why don't you come to the Wild Wolf disco? I drank some wine and didn't dare to go out, for fear of being picked up outside."

Wild Wolf disco is a large disco bar.

Many young people come here to have fun, and the more they play, the more fun they get. Many times they go out drunk.

If a man goes out drunk and falls asleep on the street, no one will care about him.

But if a woman is drunk outside, it is dangerous.

Outside the disco bar, there are special corpse pickers who pick out girls who are drunk outside and take them home directly.

Li Ying went out for fun tonight and got a little too excited. He was afraid that something would happen to him later, so he had to call Lu Chen.

"I will obey you. You know you might be picked up, but you still dare to play?" Lu Chen was really defeated by Li Ying's carelessness and said coldly.

Li Ying continued to act coquettishly: "Don't I have a good brother-in-law? I know you won't leave me alone, right?"

"Okay, just stay in the disco bar and don't go anywhere. I'll go find you right away."

Lu Chen gave instructions to Li Ying and hung up the phone.

Li Ying was Li Qinghan's cousin. If something happened, Lin Qinghan would have to run away. Lu Chen had no choice but to pick him up.

After going out, Lu Chen drove a [-]-meter car modified by the Ouyang family and went straight to Wild Wolf disco.

(End of this chapter)

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