"He insulted your wife, and that's an insult. But you killed him, so I'll spare your life today."

He Xiangtian said in a deep voice.

"Based on your words, I will sentence you to death tonight."

If He Xiangtian reasons with him, he will reason with the other party, but since the other party is being unreasonable, there is no need for him to be reasonable.

In this world, whoever has the bigger fist always has the final say.

"Sentence me to death? You can't do it."

He Xiangtian regained his normal expression, sat back and took a sip of tea, and said warmly:

"Everyone, I want to live. It's up to you tonight."

In an instant, several big shots stood up.

"Big brothers, give me Du Tianyi some face. Since you are in Tianyi Club now, let me make this contribution."

Lu Chen's power exceeded Du Tianyi's imagination.

However, no matter how powerful Lu Chen was, he could kill one person or two people, but what if it was ten people or a hundred people?

After everyone heard Du Tianyi's words, they sat back in their review positions.

Du Tian's eyes flashed with cold light, and he ordered: "Heavenly Evil and Earthly Evil, organize all the people in our Tianyi Society to surround and kill them."

"Yes, Master Du."

The demons from heaven and earth got their orders and shouted to the boys around the yard:

"Everyone listens to my order and surrounds and kills Lu Chen. Whoever makes the first move today will be appointed as my deputy."

After everyone heard what the two said, they rushed towards Lu Chen as if they had been given blood.

More than 100 people, in a dark sea, surrounded Lu Chen with great momentum and shouts.

He Xiangtian and others looked at this scene indifferently, like emperors who control life and death.

"Lao Yu, how long do you think this kid can last in the hands of more than 100 people?"

Diao Hu looked at this scene and asked with a smile.

Yu Ren smiled and replied: "He should be able to injure 50 to 5 people. He can last for 5 minutes. After [-] minutes, he will definitely be exhausted."

"Old Wang, what do you think?" Diao Hu's eyes fell on Wang Mang again.

Wang Mang examined it for a moment and replied: "In my opinion, he should be able to fight seven or eighty people."

"Brother Du, what do you think?" Diao Hu continued to ask.

"Haha, my men are not as useless as you think. He was able to knock down thirty of my men, so I lose."

Du Tianyi sneered.

While several big-shot figures were discussing, Lu Chen made a move.

I saw him stepping on the ground, the floor immediately shattered, and countless gravels flew.

Then, Lu Chen took a step back and pointed at the gravel in the air.

With every flick of his finger, a piece of gravel would fly out and hit the younger brother who was rushing over.

These boys lay straight on the ground as if they had been shot.

Before the younger brothers could rush in front of Lu Chen, more than thirty of them had already fallen.

Du Tianyi's face looked quite ugly.

Just now he was praising the other big guys that Lu Chen could defeat thirty of his younger brothers, so he lost.

As a result, before his younger brother could reach Lu Chen, more than thirty people had already fallen.

This is really a slap in the face.

The faces of the other big guys didn't look good either.

According to this rhythm, if Lu Chen comes again, I'm afraid there won't be many of these younger brothers left.

Originally, the younger brothers rushed towards Lu Chen with great energy, but when they found that the people around them were falling straight down, they all stopped.

At this time, no one wants to make fun of their own lives.

"Aren't you going to take action? If you don't take action, then it will be my turn."

After Lu Chen launched a wave of attacks, he walked slowly towards the group of boys with his hands behind his back.

When Tiansha and Disha saw Lu Chen approaching, they couldn't help but take two steps back. The group of boys behind them were even more unbearable. Some boys' legs were actually trembling.


Tiansha and Disha looked at each other, mustered up their courage, and roared. They held two machetes, opened their bows from left to right, and rushed towards Lu Chen.

The two men slashed directly at Lu Chen's shoulders with two knives.

Lu Chen smiled faintly, and flicked his two fingers on the blade of the machete. There were two soft beeps from the blade of the machete, and then the two machetes broke into two pieces with a bang.

Lu Chen held the tip of the knife between his fingers and flicked it with his backhand. The tip of the knife pierced the thighs of the two of them. In pain, the two of them knelt down on one knee towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen stopped looking at the two of them and slowly walked into the crowd.

The younger brothers in the crowd were frightened by what Lu Chen had just done.

The two bosses, Tiansha and Disha, didn't even make a move in front of Lu Chen. How could they play?
In an instant, everyone threw away the sticks in their hands and knelt on the ground.

Lu Chen smiled when he saw this scene.

He turned around and looked at Du Tianyi, jokingly saying: "Your little brother seems to be even more useless than everyone thought!"

Du Tianyi's face turned the color of pig liver.

"Okay, next, are you going to die one by one, or are you going to die together as a group?"

Lu Chen put his hands into his trouser pockets and grinned:

"I specially changed into white clothes tonight just to tell everyone that if there is a drop of blood on my clothes tonight, I will lose."

These words were a slap in the face to Chi Guoguo.

They are such a group of masters, facing Lu Chen alone, they can't even get a drop of blood on the opponent's body.

"If you ask me to come first, I won't believe it. I won't be able to stain a drop of blood on your body."

Because Diao Hu grew up eating tiger milk and stayed with tigers since childhood, he had a bad temper. He couldn't sit still after being stimulated by Lu Chen.

After he stood up, he shouted loudly, then bent his legs and pounced on Lu Chen like a tiger.

While he was still in the air, he bent his fingers and grabbed Lu Chen's face.

"I heard that you grew up drinking tiger's milk? Did you drink the wrong milk and got cat's milk? Otherwise, how come you couldn't even use the strength to eat milk, and it's like this?"

Facing Diao Hu's attack, Lu Chen lightly slapped a palm, which he immediately took away.

Then, there was the sound of bones breaking in the air, and Diao Hu stepped back.

Everyone took a closer look and found that all five fingers on Diao Hu's right hand had been broken off by Lu Chen's slap.

Among them, Diao Hu was not considered weak, but now in front of Lu Chen, he hadn't taken a single move.

How powerful is Lu Chen?

Others were angry at first and wanted to fight Lu Chen, but Lu Chen's blow shocked them and they did not dare to step forward.

"Have you thought about it? Should we die together or one by one?"

Lu Chen glanced at everyone again and mocked.

Everyone's faces were livid, and their eyes were focused on He Xiangtian.

He Xiangtian's face looked uncertain.

He thought he would defeat Lu Chen, but he didn't expect that Lu Chen's strength exceeded his imagination.

He asked himself that he was no match for Lu Chen now.

"Lu Chen, this matter is our fault. I asked Tianyi to release your cousin immediately. Let this end here."

In the end, He Xiangtian compromised and begged for mercy.

Lu Chen beat them until they were scared. All of them combined were no match for Lu Chen.

The other big guys were silent, but this was the result they all wanted. If they didn't compromise, they would die.

"You arrested my cousin, and now you find that you can't do anything to me, and then let her go, saying that this is the end of the matter. Is there such a reason in the world?"

Lu Chen took a step forward, a calm and authoritative aura rising from his body, and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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