My cold CEO wife

Chapter 138 3 Conditions

Chapter 138 Three Conditions
"Lu Chen, don't go too far."

"Although we arrested your cousin first, she was not harmed in any way. On the contrary, you have injured and killed so many people in Tianyi Society."

"I'm not asking you to settle a score, it's already me being merciful."

When Du Tian heard Lu Chen's words, he shouted loudly.

"Okay, then you come to me to settle accounts, come on, let's make some comparisons?" Lu Chen waved to Du Tianyi.

Du Tian's face turned red from holding back, but he did not dare to respond to Lu Chen's move.

"I thought you were so powerful, but it turns out you're just a bit more powerful with your mouth."

Lu Chen smiled disdainfully, looked at He Xiangtian and said:
"Promise me three conditions. I'll leave today. If you can't agree, you all will stay here tonight."

"Tell me, which three conditions!"

He Xiangtian knew that these three conditions must be unequal conditions, but tonight Lu Chen's fist was harder than anyone else's, so he had to compromise.

"The first condition is to send my cousin home safely." Lu Chen replied.

He Xiangtian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the first condition was so easy and said:
"Okay, I promise you the first condition, what about the second condition?"

"The second condition is, whoever captured my cousin, I want you to hand him over."

Lu Chen continued.

He Xiangtian's eyes suddenly fixed on Du Tianyi.


Du Tianyi replied without hesitation: "The person who captured your cousin is called Yafei. She is currently holding your cousin hostage in Guiyuan City."

"Then let her send my cousin home." Lu Chen ordered.

"I'll call right away."

Du Tianyi thought about it and realized that Ya Fei was not willing to follow him anyway. Selling her now would be a good deal for him and others.

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone, dialed Ya Fei's mobile phone and ordered:
"You send the captured person back."

"Yes, Master Lu."

Yafei didn't know what Du Tianyi was doing, but she still had to obey the orders he gave.

As soon as Du Tian hung up the phone, the bachelor said:

"I have asked her to send your cousin back. She is not very obedient to me now. She cannot tie herself up in your house and wait for you to trouble her. If you can keep her, there is nothing I can do. ."

"Don't worry, she won't be able to leave if she goes."

Lu Chen smiled, took out his mobile phone, dialed Ding Yi's number, and ordered:
"Someone will send my cousin Li Ying home later. This person's name is Yafei. Remember to detain her. When she is detained, give me a call."

Lu Chen still recognized Ding Yi's strength very much. In the world, there probably weren't many people who could be better than her.

"Lu Chen, what's your third condition?"

After Lu Chen finished the call, He Xiangtian asked again.

"The third condition is that all of you here, cut off one of your arms, and promise me that you will not cause trouble for me or the people around me in the future. If anyone dares to cause trouble, I will make his life worse than death."

Soon, Lu Chen stated his last condition.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill all these people and solve the problem at once. The key is that Li Ying is still in the hands of these people. If he forces these people to jump over the wall, Li Ying's life may be in danger.

But it was impossible for him to let these people go so easily.

"Lu Chen, you passed. We let Li Ying go, but you still want our hands. What, are you trying to force everyone to die?"

"I admit that we can't defeat you, but if you really attack us, I can ask Yafei to kill Li Ying immediately."

"Your cousin is dead, let me see how you want to explain it to your wife."

If a group of big guys in Guifang City were killed by one person and cut off their arms, then if word spreads, where will this face go in the future?
Moreover, if an arm is broken, he will be disabled in the future, and he is even less willing to do so.

"Then let her kill my cousin, and I will make your life worse than death later." Lu Chen showed a ferocious expression and walked towards Du Tianyi slowly.

"Wait, Mr. Lu."

At this time, He Xiangtian stopped him, "We are willing to accept your third proposal."

He Xiangtian has lived to this age, without passion and impulsiveness, but with wisdom and a heart of endurance and suffering.

Where there is life, there is hope.

The best outcome today is to save everyone's lives and try again later.

"Master He!"

Everyone looked at He Xiangtian in disbelief, not expecting that he would agree to Lu Chen's condition.

He Xiangtian waved his hand and said: "If you still recognize me as Master He, then cut off one of your arms. If you don't recognize me, I will kill him first without Mr. Lu taking action tonight."

After finishing speaking, he shouted to his younger brother in the distance: "Bring the knife."

A young man held a machete in his hand, walked around Lu Chen, and handed the machete to He Xiangtian.

He Xiangtian cut off his left arm without hesitation, threw the knife to Du Tianyi, hugged his left arm and looked at Lu Chen coldly.

Even though his arm was broken, he didn't groan.

Du Tianyi took the machete and slashed his left shoulder with the same knife. His left arm was broken at the shoulder level.

Then he threw the knife to Wang Mang.

Next, Wang Mang, Diao Hu and Yu Ren lost their arms in turn.

"Mr. Lu, is it okay now?"

When everyone's left arms were broken, He Xiangtian's eyes fell on Lu Chen again and asked.

"Master He is indeed Master He, I am courageous, but let me remind you that I am someone you can't afford to offend. If you don't want to cause disaster, then it's best to end the grudge between us here."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he jumped on the hood, sat there cross-legged, and closed his eyes.

"Mr. Lu, can we leave? If our wounds stop bleeding, we may bleed to death." Seeing that Lu Chen had no intention of leaving, He Xiangtian was a little anxious and reminded him.

"Don't worry, I will give you your freedom when my cousin is safe."

Lu Chen closed his eyes and replied, continuing to meditate.

He Xiangtian and others looked at each other and wanted to leave and go to the hospital, but they were afraid that something would happen to them. Lu Chen got angry and they had to start treating the wounds themselves to prevent excessive bleeding.


"Master Du, what are you doing?"

Ya Fei carried Li Ying and reappeared outside Jiangting Villa.

Until now, she is still a little confused.

At first, Du Tianyi clearly wanted her to kill Lu Chen's relatives, but not long after, Lu Tianyi asked her to send Li Ying home safely.

Although puzzled, Yafei still followed Du Tianyi's request and placed Li Ying at the gate of Jiangting Villa, then turned and walked out.


But just when she was about to leave, she felt as if she was locked on by a gaze, and she turned around involuntarily.

However, Ya Fei did not see anyone.

"I met a master."

Yafei is very agile and good at hiding in the dark like a cat. She is also very alert.

At this time, she felt that she was being watched.

"Did you tie yourself up, or did I tie you up?"

At this moment, a figure fell from the sycamore tree nearby, stopped steadily in front of Ya Fei, and asked expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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