My cold CEO wife

Chapter 139 Hope We Never See You Again

Chapter 139 Hope We Never See You Again
"who are you?"

Yafei looked at the woman across from her with vigilance. She felt a strong sense of danger from this woman.

"I am Mr. Lu's man. Mr. Lu asked me to detain you."

Ding Yi replied calmly.

She is not afraid to tell Ya Fei the truth because she has the confidence to keep Ya Fei here.

"Are you sure you can hold me down?"

Yafei Danfeng looked at Ding Yi with her eyes.

Her fighting skills are not particularly good, but when it comes to agility in movement, few people can match her.

She is like a night owl, able to flexibly shuttle around every corner of a city.

Ding Yi can't keep her.

"Then we can try. I will give you 1 minute to escape. After 1 minute, I will catch you."

Ding crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Ya Fei with interest.

She could see that Yafei's body curves were beautiful, her ligaments were very good, and she should be very flexible. Moreover, Yafei's legs were slender and powerful, so she should be a speedy beauty.

But to compete with her in speed... Haha!
"One minute, you think too highly of yourself."

Yafei chuckled, "I don't need a second from you, let's go first."

After she finished speaking, she bowed slightly, as if she had transformed into a civet cat. She jumped several meters away, and then fell to the ground leisurely, appearing in the distance in the blink of an eye.

"If you don't want me to give in, then you don't have the slightest chance."

Ding Yi seemed to have turned into a ghost that shuttled through the night sky. Her body turned into an afterimage in an instant. When she reappeared, she had already reached the place where Ya Fei must pass.

"Why are you here?"

When Yafei fell down again, she was almost touching Ding Yi's face. She quickly took two steps back and looked at Ding Yi in shock.

"I said, if you don't want me to give in, there is no chance."

Ding Yi proudly said: "Your body flexibility is very high, which is related to your talent, but the person who taught you is not professional and did not stimulate your body's potential to the extreme. In terms of speed, you are no match for me. "

The moment she spoke, she suddenly disappeared in front of Ya Fei, and then, the next moment, she reappeared in front of Ya Fei.

As soon as this disappearance appeared, it was like Ya Fei blinked.


Yafei was shocked. It was the first time she had seen a woman with such terrifying skills.

"Sister, can I learn Shenfa from you?"

She is not ready to follow Du Tianyi now. After meeting such a powerful beauty like Ding Yi, she naturally wants to follow Ding Yi to learn the ultimate in body skills.

"Why should I teach you?
In addition, you should be Mr. Lu’s enemy, right?

Follow me back to the villa first, and wait until Mr. Lu comes back to see what she wants to do with you. "

Ding Yi felt that Ya Fei had no bad intentions and spoke to her more gently.

"it is good!"

Yafei didn't know what outcome was waiting for her, but she knew that she couldn't escape from Ding Yi's hands.

In this case, it is better to face it calmly.

After receiving Ya Fei's affirmative answer, Ding Yi turned around and walked towards the villa. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone, dialed Lu Chen's number and said:

"Mr. Lu, I have already kept the people you asked me to keep."

After Lu Chen answered the phone, he jumped off the hood and said with a smile:

"Okay, you're free, I hope we never see each other again."

After finishing speaking, he quickly got into the modified car, turned around, and drove away.

Du Tian was in a daze when he saw Lu Chen's car leaving.

He admired Yafei's speed very much. He couldn't keep her even if she tried to escape, but Lu Chen actually had someone who could keep Yafei behind.

"Tianyi, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and ask someone to take us to the hospital. If we are rescued in time, the arm can be reattached."

At this moment, He Xiangtian shouted to Du Tianyi.

Only then did Du Tianyi react and shouted to the dozens of brothers below who were so frightened that they were kneeling on the ground:

"Quickly, you are sending my godfather and us to the hospital."

Soon, a group of people took action.

"Godfather, can this matter be settled like this?"

Du Tianyi and He Xiangtian were sitting in the same car, he asked reluctantly.

Today, the faces of the entire Guifang City underground world were swollen by Lu Chen alone. This person was greatly humiliated.

"Of course it can't be counted."

He Xiangtian's eyes were indifferent, with an air of being unfazed by the changes in heaven and earth, and he said:

"Do you remember what Lu Chen said before leaving, telling us not to provoke him? We can't bear his anger now."

"The car he drove today is Mr. Ouyang's special car. Based on my understanding of Mr. Ouyang, if it weren't for Lu Chen's extraordinary status, he would not have given this special car to Lu Chen."

"So, until we have the strength to kill Lu Chen with one strike, it's best not to touch him to avoid getting into trouble."

Du Tian's eyes flashed with ferociousness and hatred, and he said: "Godfather, but I am not willing to accept it."

"You have to be willing to do it even if you don't want to."

He Xiangtian suggested: "You have always been very proud, thinking that you are invincible at your age. Now that you have been completely abused by someone younger than you, it is normal to not be reconciled.

I hope you don't let this reluctance cloud your mind. I advise you to endure hardships, otherwise you will die in his hands in the future. "

He was very clear about Du Tianyi's character. He was a sharp-edged young man, but often with this kind of character, he was too strong and easy to break.

He couldn't be with Du Tianyi 24 hours a day. If Du Tianyi really wanted to take any measures to deal with Lu Chen, and if he really fell into a fight, he wouldn't be able to save him.

"Godfather, I remember."

Du Tianyi suppressed the hatred in his heart, leaned back on the car and closed his eyes.

two hours later.

Lu Chen returned to Jiangting Villa.

"Mr. Lu, I have brought Miss Li Ying back to her room. She will wake up naturally tomorrow morning."

Ding Yi appeared next to Lu Chen like a ghost and said softly:
"Also, are you going to deal with the woman named Yafei? I feel that her heart is very pure and she doesn't have any bad intentions."


Lu Chen was a little surprised that Ding Yi would add the last sentence. He asked with a smile: "What, you want me to let her go?"

"She does not have bad intentions, and her body flexibility is very high. If she is trained well, her strength will not be inferior to mine in the future."

Ding Yi quickly replied: "I have always been Miss. What I want more is to return to Miss. If possible, I want to train her and let her protect Miss Lin. I will retire with great success."

The lady in her mouth is Wu Lan.

"Take me to see her first. If she really has no bad intentions, I will consider your words." Lu Chen nodded.

In order to protect Lin Qinghan, he was indeed a little selfish and asked Wu Lan's personal bodyguard Ding Yi to come over.

However, this is the real him. When he was reborn, he originally wanted to protect Lin Qinghan Zhouquan with all his strength.

If someone can replace Ding Yi's position, this matter may not be incommunicable.

"Well, thank you Mr. Lu for your understanding."

Ding Yi didn't expect Lu Chen to be so talkative, she quickly turned over and entered her room on the second floor, Lu Chen followed closely and landed firmly in her room.

Not far from the two of them, a beautiful woman was sitting on the sofa, eating ice cream leisurely...

(End of this chapter)

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