My cold CEO wife

Chapter 140 Pass the Exam

Chapter 140 Pass the Exam
call out!
The moment she saw Lu Chen appear, the ice-cold beauty Yafei suddenly straightened her body like a wild cat.

Her eyes looked at Lu Chen with a horrified light.

Lu Chen went to Tianyi Society in Guifang City and came back. Moreover, his white clothes were spotless. How could it be possible?

She became wary of Lu Chen.

"Ya Fei, Mr. Lu has no ill intentions towards you."

Seeing this, Ding Yi comforted Ya Fei.

Ya Fei then restrained her hostility towards Lu Chen and sat hunched in the corner of the sofa, but she was still wary of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen nodded slightly.

Yafei's physical flexibility and response to crises are really good, at least in this place on earth, except for Ding, he rarely sees another person so sensitive.

No wonder Ding Yi would speak for Ya Fei.

If Ya Fei is really pure in mind, she would be worthy of his cultivation.

"I heard from Ding Yi that you want to learn kung fu from her?"

After a while, Lu Chen sat across from Ya Fei and began to look at this woman seriously.

Yafei is very beautiful, her beauty is wild and enchanting, and besides being wild and enchanting, it is also somewhat spiritual.

"Think!" Yafei blinked her eyelids and softly uttered one word.

"I can teach you a set of movements that are more powerful than hers. Do you want to learn them?"

Lu Chen crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Ya Fei with amusement.

Ya Fei closed and opened her eyes and said, "I don't believe there is a body skill more powerful than Sister Ding's body skill."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Chen's figure suddenly disappeared in front of her.

The next moment, Lu Chen appeared in front of her again.

"now what?"

Lu Chen looked at Ya Fei with interest.

Ya Fei said disdainfully: "Humph, your body skills are only like this, Sister Ding can do it too."

"is it?"

Lu Chen smiled and continued: "Don't you feel the moisture on your forehead? Look at the water glass next to you, the water lines are still rippling."

Hearing this, Yafei looked at the teacup three meters away from the two of them and found that the teacup was really rippling.

She carefully felt the center of her eyebrows and found that there were water stains between her eyebrows. Her eyes showed an incredible look and asked:
"In that moment just now, you dipped your finger into the water in the water glass, then appeared in front of me, touched my eyebrows with your finger, and finally returned to the original position?"

"You're not too stupid, so now, who do you think is stronger between me and Ding Yi?" Lu Chen nodded and asked.

"It seems that your physical skills are stronger."

Yafei remembered that when Ding Yi showed her his body skills not long ago, in the time she blinked, the other party appeared in two places at most, while Lu Chen appeared in three places.

Ding Yi next to him was also shocked.

Although she is far inferior to Lu Chen in strength, but in terms of body skills, how can Lu Chen be better than her?

"Since it's okay to admit that my physical skills are better than hers, let's talk about the next issue."

Lu Chen's words brought both of them back to reality, and he said to Ya Fei:

"I can teach you body movements, but why should I teach you? What benefits can you bring to me? Also, if you caught my cousin, should you give me an explanation?"

When Ya Fei heard Lu Chen asking her to explain, she arched her body again and looked at him warily.

At first she just felt that Lu Chen was threatening her, but now that Lu Chen showed her his movement skills, she understood that her life and death were controlled by Lu Chen's thoughts.

After Lu Chen finished asking, he looked at Ya Fei quietly.

The atmosphere froze.

Yafei couldn't bear the pressure from Lu Chen and spoke out to break the silence.

"I never thought about arresting your cousin, but Du Tianyi gave me an order. He wanted you to get to Tianyi Society within half a day. I had no choice but to make this decision, but even so, I didn't mean to hurt anyone. cousin."

Ya Fei paused and continued: "Du Tianyi also asked me to kill all your relatives, but I didn't agree to him. He is cold and ruthless, and I don't like him."

"He saved my life and taught me martial arts, so I will help him. But I haven't done anything harmful to nature in these years, and the debt I owe him has been repaid. I originally said that I would deal with you this time. Just be prepared to draw a clear line with him.”

"But now it seems that you are back safely, so something must have happened to him."

"I still can't trust you."

After Lu Chen heard Ya Fei's words, he looked at her for a moment and grinned:

"However, I know hypnosis. If you are willing to be hypnotized by me once, after I know the real you, I can consider teaching you body skills and even more things. The prerequisite is that I want you to follow me in the future."

"I can promise you, but you can't let me do anything that goes against my moral bottom line."

Ya Fei is very interested in Lu Chen's magical movement skills, and she is willing to let her follow Lu Chen for the rest of her life, but she will not accept things that violate the bottom line.

The reason why she wanted to leave Du Tianyi was because Du Tianyi used cruel methods to deal with his enemies, even his relatives had to deal with them. This was something she couldn't accept.

"make a deal."

Lu Chen snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "You will definitely feel lucky for the decision you made today."

He is not afraid of Ya Fei betraying him. For a person like Ya Fei who desires body skills, as long as she can keep learning from someone, then she will definitely follow him.

And Lu Chen was the one who could keep her learning.

"Look into my eyes." After Lu Chen finished speaking, his eyes suddenly burst into bright light, like stars shining in the night sky.

Ya Fei was instantly attracted by Lu Chen's gaze. She felt that Lu Chen's eyes were like whirlpools, and her spirit couldn't help being drawn into them.

In just a moment, Yafei was completely addicted, and her bowed body gradually relaxed.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" At this time, Lu Chen spoke.


Ya Fei replied dully.

Lu Chen continued: "Have you ever hurt innocent people?"

"I held Miss Li hostage. I approached her in good faith and knocked her unconscious secretly. She didn't know that I held her hostage. If this can be considered harm, then it is."

Obviously, this is Ya Fei's maximum so-called harm to innocent people.

Ding Yi, who was standing next to her, heard Lu Chen ask Yafei what she wanted to say. She was stunned when Yafei answered honestly.

Lu Chen's martial arts skills were great, she admitted.

But now what Lu Chen is doing has gone beyond the so-called martial arts category. It is hypnosis, and there are not many hypnotists in the world.

Moreover, looking at Lu Chen's use of hypnosis, he is quite skillful. The other party's hypnotist level is probably not as simple as a beginner.

Even the people on the mountain would not be able to be so powerful in hypnosis when their martial arts are so strong.

Ding Yi was full of curiosity about Lu Chen, but also full of awe, a kind of awe for the strong.

Then, Lu Chen asked Yafei several questions in succession, and Yafei's answers made him quite satisfied.

As Yafei said, she has her own bottom line and insists on her own morality.

Moreover, what surprised Lu Chen was that Yafei was actually a master at collecting intelligence. He just lacked an organization to master intelligence, which was really not good at all.

"She passed the test. When she wakes up, you tell her that I will teach her the movement skills tomorrow."

After the test, Yafei fell asleep due to the hypnosis. Lu Chen withdrew his gaze, walked to the window, and spoke calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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