My cold CEO wife

Chapter 150: I’m so happy that I’m so happy

Chapter 150: I’m so happy that I’m so happy
When Li Tuo's words came out, the eyes in the room fell to the floor.

Lu family Lu Chen?

The prodigal son and scumbag who bragged about being awesome here just now?
"Miracle Doctor Li Tuo, you're not talking about that scumbag Lu Chen in our city who has had sex with hundreds of women, are you?"

Jin Songheng felt that it was possible that Li Tuo was referring to someone with the same name. The Lu Chen that Li Tuo spoke of could never be the Lu Chen that Wu Lan brought.

"If there is no other Lu Chen in Guiyuan City who has played with hundreds of women, then it must be him." Li Tuo replied firmly.

For a moment, everyone's eyes became strange again.

"By the way, Master Jin, I forgot to tell you. I am already half of Mr. Lu Chenlu's student. If you need him to take action, I will give him a call. I believe Master will give me some face." .”

Li Tuo has always been a benevolent doctor. Now that Mr. Jin is going to die, he naturally doesn't want to see death without saving him, so he took the initiative to accept this matter.

When everyone heard that Li Tuo had become Lu Chen's student, their jaws dropped to the ground in shock.

But they all understood that Li Tuo was a serious old man who never joked. Since the other party said that Lu Chen's medical skills were brilliant, he must be brilliant.

Jin Songheng suddenly thought that Wu Lan had just called Li Tuo to confirm Lu Chen's medical skills, but was stopped by him, and he wanted to slap himself.

Why was he so mean-mouthed just now? Do you want Wu Lan to shut up?

The other Jin family members remembered how they and others had called Lu Chen all kinds of stupid things just now. Lu Chen put down the harsh words and thought about how unpleasant the words he and others had just said were, and how difficult it would be to beg him later. They all felt that It's all bad.

"Master Jin, why don't you speak?"

After Li Tuo asked Jin Songheng, he found that Jin Songheng didn't reply to him for a long time, so he called out on the phone.

Jin Songheng smiled bitterly and said: "Miracle Doctor Li Tuo, I'll tell you the truth. Wu Lan brought Mr. Lu Chen here just now, but he was driven away by me. I didn't know he was your master just now. If I knew, how could I Chase him away, now all I have to do is ask you to come forward and beg for me."

"Please tell Mr. Lu Chen that our Jin family is blind and ignorant. As long as he is willing to save the old man, our Jin family is willing to pay a big price."

Li Tuo did not agree to Jin Songheng's words and asked instead: "Master Jin, this is wrong. Since Wu Lan is here, she will definitely tell you that my master's medical skills are very good, and even if you don't believe it, she will definitely fight Can you call me for confirmation?"

"Miracle doctor Li Tuo, this is all my fault. I have a bad mouth. I scolded Wu Lan and Lu Chen away and didn't give Wu Lan a chance to contact you."

As Jin Songheng spoke, he wanted to slap himself again. His mouth was really mean.

"Originally, I wanted to help you. Since you have driven my master away, then you can ask him yourself. If he can forgive you, he will naturally help the old man to see a doctor. If he is not willing to forgive you, then you can give him a doctor." Master, prepare for the funeral."

Li Tuo knew a little bit about Lu Chen's temper. It was useless for him to intercede now. It depended on how sincere the Jin family could be in apologizing.

After saying that, Li Tuo stopped talking nonsense with Jin Songheng and hung up the phone directly.

Jin Songheng was stunned for a moment, and then ordered: "All the people of the Jin family, follow me, and ask Mr. Lu Chen to help."

Lu Chen said just now that no matter how unpleasant the scolding he and others are now, it will be much harder to beg him later.

In other words, Lu Chen had already expected that they would beg him, so he put all his words here first.

And the deeper implication is that Lu Chen can accept their apology, it just depends on how sincere their apology is.

After finishing speaking, he was the first to walk outside, and the other Jin family members quickly followed.

Only Zhong Anjie and Zhou Xian were left in the place.

The faces of both of them were a little ugly.

Zhong Anjie asked: "Mr. Zhou, what the miracle doctor Li Tuo said just now is credible?"

"Li Tuo doesn't look like a liar, but I don't believe him when he says that he has become a disciple of Lu Chen. Let's not say whether Lu Chen is a scumbag or not. Just based on his current age, he has no medical skills. Super god, become Li Tuo’s master.”

Zhou Xian analyzed: "It's possible that this is a scene performed by the Jin family, Li Tuo and Lu Chen together, just to praise Lu Chen."

"That's not right. Why do they support Lu Chen?" Zhong Anjie asked doubtfully.

"Didn't you just notice the way Wu Lan looked at Lu Chen? There was a trace of friendship in that look. Although Lu Chen is a scumbag, he is really a scumbag and has the ability to take down a stunning beauty like Wu Lan. ."

Zhou Xian continued: "Obviously, Wu Lan wants to be with Lu Chen, but she is also afraid of being gossiped about because Lu Chen has no ability. She wants to use this show-off method to praise Lu Chen so that she can be justified. She married Lu Chen."

"Lao Zhou is still smart."

Zhong Anjie's eyes suddenly became hazy and he said in a deep voice:

"What a fool. In order to make Lu Chen famous, he actually tricked us all. I can't let them get what they want. Mr. Zhou, otherwise we stay here shamelessly and deliberately expose Lu Chen's true face later and let him How about embarrassment?”

"Your ideas are exactly my ideas. They dare to join forces to play with me. This matter is not over yet." Zhou Xian also said.

Outside the Jin family villa.

A young man was leaning under the sycamore tree, with his hands in his trouser pockets and a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, looking particularly relaxed.

Next to him stood a stunningly beautiful woman.

The beauty looked at the young man with eyes full of love and admiration. She suddenly asked:
"Lu Chen, are you so sure that the Jin family will come out to invite you?"

After the two came out, Wu Lan was originally going to send Lu Chen home, but Lu Chen leaned against the sycamore tree and told her that the Jin family would come out to invite him.

How can this be?

"Of course I'm sure!"

A smile appeared on Lu Chen's lips, and that smile was full of confidence.

"I do not believe."

Wu Lanhao shook his head.


As soon as she finished speaking, the door of the Jin family villa was suddenly opened, and a group of people walked out of the villa in a mighty manner.


Wu Lan's beautiful eyes widened instantly.

Could it be that these people really came out to invite Lu Chen?

Then she denied this idea, the Jin family should go somewhere.

After Jin Songheng brought the Jin family out, he was about to walk to the parking lot next to him, but he found Lu Chen under the sycamore tree. His face lit up and he quickly greeted Lu Chen.

"Mr. Lu Chen, I'm really sorry. Xiao Jin is really confused and has doubts about your medical skills. I hope that you will help Xiao Jin's father see a doctor regardless of the small size. If you have any requests, feel free to ask."

The head of the Jin family, in order to ask for Lu Chen's forgiveness, called himself Xiao Jin in front of him.

"My request is very simple. I have said that no matter how hard you scolded me just now, I will ask you to beg me no matter how hard it is. Now you can start saying words of praise for me. If you can praise me to the point where my heart is full of joy, I will take action. .”

Lu Chen crossed his arms over his chest and looked at everyone in the Jin family jokingly.

(End of this chapter)

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