My cold CEO wife

Chapter 151 I'm Stuffed

Chapter 151 I'm Stuffed
Praise to the point of elation?

The Jin family looked at you, you looked at me, and you were a little confused.

Is this how you ask for help?

Usually they are superior and others praise them and praise them. How can they praise others?
In order to save the old man, even if they were asked to kneel down and beg Lu Chen, they could do it, but to praise someone to the point of elation, I'm afraid no one in their family has such ability, right?
"Mr. Lu, you are really handsome and unparalleled in the world. You are the most handsome man I have ever seen, bar none."

Jin Songheng was the first to step out and began to praise Lu Chen.

However, he emptied his stomach and found that there were only a few words he could say.

"I don't like hearing what you say. I'm obviously very ordinary, but not as handsome as you. Let's move on to the next one." Lu Chen waved his hand to Jin Songheng impatiently.

Jin Songheng walked aside with a grimace.

"I come!"

At this time, Jin Dongcheng came out again. He looked at Lu Chen and said, "Mr. Lu, your medical skills are really superb. My admiration for you is like the endless stream of a river, and like the endless flow of a river. The sea is out of control..."

"Stop, stop it!"

Lu Chen quickly stopped and said: "I have never treated any of you, how do you know that I have great medical skills? And you just clearly didn't believe in my medical skills. Is it interesting to lie like this? In addition, your admiration The words are too old-fashioned, I don’t like it, please replace it with someone else.”

"Mr. Lu, I actually started to like you many years ago. Several of my sisters have become guests of yours. They also have deep admiration for you. You are the most affectionate man in our Guiyuan City. I have already lost my heart..."

At this time, Jin Dongting also stood up and said to Lu Chen while holding back her nausea.

However, before she finished speaking, she was stopped by Lu Chen.

"Remember, I don't want to hear this in the future. I have a wife. If you say this and let my wife hear it, it will affect the harmony of the family. The next one."

Jin Dongting's face turned green and red.

Wu Lan watched in amusement for a while. She knew that Lu Chen was deliberately trying to embarrass the Jin family. Thinking of how Jin Songheng didn't give her face just now, she felt relieved.

More than thirty people from the Jin family went into battle, but all of them were defeated.

"It's really disappointing that no one in such a big family as your Jin family can say anything praising. In that case, I'll take my leave."

Lu Chen raised his head and sighed, pretending to walk outside the Jin family villa.

Jin Songheng immediately became anxious and quickly stopped Lu Chen and said:

"Mr. Lu, I heard that Lin Qinghan and Chu Nanming opened a Chulin New Energy Development Company together. I think their company should be able to use our Jin Family Quantum Energy patent. I am willing to permanently license the patent to their company for free. , and allow Lin Qinghan to carry out secondary authorization, do you think this is okay?"

Allowing Lin Qinghan to carry out secondary authorization is almost giving up half of the patent rights to Lin Qinghan in disguise.

The Jin family relied on this patent right for its survival, and it was impossible for Jin Songheng to completely transfer the patent right to Lin Qinghan.

After all, the old man is old, and he will definitely be willing to pay a certain price to save the old man. However, if saving the old man will shake the foundation of the Jin family, then the Jin family will definitely be cautious.

There is no family affection in the imperial family, which also exists in big families. Big families are more concerned about the issue of continuation.

"Oh, you are so smart that you actually proposed such a condition. I was really tempted, so I agreed. However, those who said bad things about me today will be slapped ten times."

Lu Chen came here just for the patent rights. Since Jin Songheng was so knowledgeable, he didn't bother to worry about the unpleasantness just now.

However, the matter of scolding him must be settled.

After finishing speaking, he continued: "In addition, write a patent authorization letter. Once the patent authorization letter is completed, I will treat the old man immediately."

"Mr. Lu, you haven't cured the old man's illness yet, and now you want me to write a patent authorization letter. I'm afraid..." Jin Songheng replied cautiously.

"I didn't ask you to give me the patent authorization letter now? If I can't cure the old man, you can just tear up the patent authorization letter. Moreover, since I have not left your Jin family villa, it means that I know that the old man What kind of disease does he have? Are you sure he can be cured? Otherwise, if you stay here, I will be full and full?"

Lu Chen spoke calmly and walked inside slowly.

"Dongcheng, hurry up, write a patent authorization letter and stamp it with the official seal of Quantum Energy. Everyone else will slap me until Mr. Lu is happy."

Hearing this, Jin Songheng gave an order to his family, and at the same time trotted over to Lu Chen and said, "Mr. Lu, please come this way."

As a result, banging sounds were heard everywhere in the villa.

"Dad, I'm afraid this matter can't be carried out until tomorrow, because it requires the participation of the notary office, and this is a corporate authorization. Chu Nanming and Lin Qinghan must also participate in it." Jin Dongcheng came to Jin Songheng There are some dilemmas in front of me.

Jin Songheng looked at Lu Chen and said, "Mr. Lu, this..."

"As for the patent authorization letter, you can do it tomorrow. I'll treat the old man first." Lu Chen said calmly.

He is not afraid of curing Mr. Jin, the Jin family's defaulter. If he really defaults on his debt, he can find countless ways to make the Jin family disappear from Guiyuan City.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu."

Hearing that Lu Chen was willing to treat the old man first, Jin Songheng was overjoyed and led Lu Chen to reappear on the second floor.

When he returned to the second floor, Jin Songheng glanced at Zhong Anjie and Zhou Xian and found that they had not left yet, but now all his thoughts were on Lu Chen and the old man, and he had no intention of paying attention to them.

"Everyone get out."

After Lu Chen entered the room, he gave instructions to everyone in the room.

"Everyone get out."

Jin Songheng hesitated for a moment, waved to everyone, led them out, and closed the door.

Lu Chen took out the ancient silver needle and began to treat Master Jin.

Master Jin is indeed on the verge of death, which is why Zhou Xian cannot cure him.

However, just because others couldn't cure it, it didn't mean that Lu Chen couldn't cure it.

What he has to do now is very simple. First, use the silver needle to make Master Jin reflect back. When the other party returns to reflect, the body's functions will be restored, and then the medicine will be able to regulate the old man's body.

He has a special method to lock in the time of reflection, which can last for seven days. As long as the body can be recuperated within seven days, Mr. Jin can be successfully rescued.

Lu Chen applied the acupuncture very fast. In just 10 minutes, he inserted 81 needles into Mr. Jin's body. After 81 injections, Mr. Jin's face returned to the red light, and his breathing also changed. What was weak at first became steady and calm.


Lu Chen opened the door and walked out, and all eyes from outside immediately fell on him.

Jin Songheng asked: "Mr. Lu, how is my dad?"

"It's not serious, but you must take good care of him in the past seven days. In addition, you can get paper and pen. I need to prescribe seven medicines for him. During these seven days, you should follow the prescriptions and prepare one medicine for him every day. He takes it on time, and after seven days, he should be fine and live for another three to five years."

Lu Chen had his hands behind his back, looking young and mature, but in the eyes of everyone in the Jin family, this was the attitude that a sophisticated person should have.

(End of this chapter)

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