My cold CEO wife

Chapter 158 Unqualified

Chapter 158 Unqualified
"Give me half a day, and I'll give you the answer!"

When Ya Fei heard that Lu Chen asked her to investigate the information, she seemed to be a different person, looking in high spirits.

"Half a day, can it be done?"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, surprised by Ya Fei's answer.

The Ouyang family, the No. [-] family in Guiyuan City, has been searching for two days, but there is no news about the opponent, and Yafei actually said that it can be done in half a day.

"Mr. Lu, I have made a very conservative estimate of half a day. Wait for the good news."

When Yafei spoke, the corners of her lips curved gracefully. She quickly hung up the phone, turned the phone in a circle in her hand, inserted it into the butt bag of her hip-hugging jeans, and turned into a stream of light and quickly swept out of Jiangting Villa.

This is her opportunity to prove herself to Lu Chen. She must seize this opportunity and tell Lu Chen that she is available, so that she can stay by his side and learn more movements from him.

"This girl really gives me something to look forward to."

Lu Chen looked at the cell phone that Yafei hung up on and chuckled. He heard a strong voice of confidence from the other side of the phone.

With nothing to do, Lu Chen sat in front of the tea set in the office and brewed new tea.

As soon as the aroma of new tea spread out, he suddenly walked towards the window and said with a smile: "Friend, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. Do you want to come in and have a cup of tea?"

"How did you find me?"

Behind the sycamore tree outside the window, a figure with a broken arm and a sword came out. This figure looked very unexpected.

When he approached here, it was silent, and he also restrained his sword intent, how could Lu Chen feel it?

"How I found out about you is not important. The important thing is, are we friends or enemies during this meeting?" Lu Chen stood at the window, looking down at the broken sword downstairs, and asked.

"A friend or an enemy depends on how you choose."

Can Jian raised his head and looked directly at Lu Chen, and said coldly, "Mr. Zhong from the province wants to see you, so come with me."

"Mr. Zhong, who is Mr. Zhong?"

Lu Chen tried hard to recall with the help of Lu Chen's memories from the past, and remembered that there was an old man Zhong in the province. This old man Zhong could definitely be called a powerful person.

Because this Mr. Zhong has an extraordinary identity. He was an abandoned son of the Zhong family in Kyoto, but he became the most dazzling person in the province. In the end, even the Zhong family recognized the identity of Mr. Zhong again.

However, Mr. Zhong was used to living in the province and was unwilling to return to the Zhong family in Kyoto. However, with the protection of the Zhong family in Kyoto, Mr. Zhong's influence in the province became even greater.

If the older generation figures in the province were to be ranked, Mr. Zhong could definitely be ranked in the top three.

Such a character, the current Lu Chen really can't afford to offend.

He is still very weak and needs time to grow.

Can Jian asked back: "How many old clocks do you think there are in the province, it's worth a person like me running away?"

"lead the way!"

Lu Chen understood that Mr. Zhong, whom the broken sword was pointing at, was the same person he guessed.

He didn't know why Mr. Zhong invited him here, but Can Jian's words made it very clear that it was up to him to choose whether he wanted to be a friend or an enemy.

Therefore, he had to meet this old Zhong. If he couldn't become friends, he would be able to guarantee that he would get out unscathed by then.

While speaking, Lu Chen jumped down from the window on the second floor and stopped opposite Can Jian.

"Good courage."

Can Jian was a little surprised that Lu Chen didn't hesitate at all, he promised so directly, he soared into the air, and disappeared in place after a few ups and downs.

Lu Chen quickly followed, and the two of them soon appeared in a classic car, with a driver already waiting in the car.

"Go to Dongyang Pavilion."

Can Jian gave instructions to the driver. The driver stepped on the accelerator, and the old car sped away quickly.

Dongyang Pavilion.

It is the residence of Zhong Lao Zhong Dongyang.

In the Phoenix Pavilion of Dongyang Pavilion, an old man was sitting there.

Next to him, there was a young girl sitting. The young girl looked at him with her cheeks in her hands, her two big round eyes rolling around, looking particularly smart.

The old man was Zhong Dongyang.

There is a chess game in front of him, and he is solving the game here.

Solving the endgame is his favorite thing to do, bar none.

"Grandpa, you've been sitting here for a long time, why haven't you made a move yet? People are so sleepy watching this."

The young girl yawned lazily, she simply put her arm on the stone table and began to sleep.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a broken arm appeared not far from the two people with a young man.

The middle-aged man with a broken arm looked a little serious, but the young man next to him looked unusually calm, with a faint smile on his lips.

The beautiful eyes of the young girl were immediately attracted by this faint smile. That smile is really beautiful, making people feel as if they can feel all the beauty in the world.

The middle-aged man with a broken arm came to Zhong Dongyang, bowed slightly and said, "Middle-aged man, I have already brought little brother Lu Chen."

Zhong Dongyang did not answer, and continued to think about the outcome.

Lu Chen glanced at the end game and chuckled, "Do you still need to think about such a simple game?"


In an instant, no matter whether it was Zhong Dongyang or Zhong Xue, their eyes were fixed on Lu Chen.

Zhong Dongyang has been studying this chess game for a long time and has no solution. However, Lu Chen came and only glanced at it and said that this game was very simple.

Zhong Dongyang suddenly said: "Little guy, you said this game is easy, then I will give you 5 minutes. If you can solve this game, I promise you a condition."

Lu Chen came to the chess table, sent the "rook" into the commander's mouth with his backhand, moved the cannon forward, and the horse jumped for a sun angle, and then said: "I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf. Once the rook is released, the horse cannon behind the horse, turning defeat into victory in an instant. Tell me, isn't this a very simple game?"

"Okay, okay, such a reluctant child can't trap a wolf. No one can tell whether he is willing or not."

When Mr. Zhong saw that the chess game was solved by Lu Chen in an instant, he immediately laughed and said: "Little guy, you are very good. I admire you. Follow me in the future and I will guarantee your wealth and glory."

"Wealth and glory are nothing to me. If I want it, I can get it at my fingertips. As for Mr. Zhong, you are not qualified for me to follow you. There is no one in this world qualified for me to follow you."

What Lu Chen said was crazy, but he said it very smoothly, making it feel natural.

Zhong Xue next to her heard Lu Chen's crazy words, her beautiful eyes sparkled.

Can Jian's eyelids jumped when he heard this. Lu Chen was so bold that he dared to say that Mr. Zhong was not qualified for him to follow him. He was seeking death.

Mr. Zhong looked at Lu Chen carefully and suddenly sneered: "I thought you knew the way forward and retreat, but I didn't expect you to be so sharp. In this province, no one dares to disobey me, Zhong Dongyang, as long as I say a word. You actually said that I Don't you have the qualifications to follow?"

"You are not a descendant of a big family in Kyoto, and you have no relationship with the people on the mountain. Even if you have some strength, you were born in Nojizi. With this background, you dare to say so brazenly that no one in this world is qualified for you to follow?"

"Should I say that your newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, or should I say that you are stupid?"

After Mr. Zhong finished speaking the above words, he took a sip of tea and continued: "I was originally going to accept you and train a class to take over from me, but now it seems that you are not qualified."

"From now on, you will follow Xiaoxue and be her little bodyguard."

(End of this chapter)

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