Chapter 159 One hundred and two percent sure

"Mr. Zhong, if I remember correctly, you just said that as long as I solve the endgame, you will agree to a condition for me. Does this condition still count now?"

After hearing Zhong Dongyang's words, Lu Chen raised his drooped eyelids and asked.


Zhong Dongyang was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He always meant what he said, and what he said must be counted. Since he had just promised Lu Chen, he would not go back on his word.

"Just do the math."

Lu Chen smiled again, very brightly, and he replied: "I will use this condition now. I want you to give me freedom."

From Zhong Lao's body, he felt a violent force, which was much stronger than Can Jian's.

He is definitely no match for Mr. Zhong now. If Mr. Zhong wants to attack him forcefully, he will have to use secret methods to deal with it. At that time, it will be a method of hurting others before hurting yourself. Lu Chen does not want to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Young man, I didn't expect you to take advantage of the loophole."

Zhong Dongyang was stunned when he heard Lu Chen's words. Then he waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'll give you your freedom. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke me in the future, I won't take action against you. Go away."

"Not in a hurry."

Lu Chen had no intention of leaving. He pointed at Zhong Xue and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhong, if I cure this little beauty's disease, how will you thank me?"

Lu Chen didn't know who Zhong Xue was from Zhong Dongyang, but being able to sit with Zhong Dongyang, the relationship between the two must be close.


Suddenly, Mr. Zhong's eyes shot out with a horrified light, and he looked at Lu Chen intently.

Zhong Xue is ill, and it is an incurable disease.

This matter was a secret that only he and the miracle doctor who diagnosed Zhong Xue knew. Not even Zhong Xue knew about it.

"Can Jian, please step back."

It is not appropriate to let more people know about this matter. Mr. Zhong’s eyes fell on Can Jian.


Can Jian did not dare to disobey and quickly retreated.

Zhong Dongyang looked at Lu Chen and asked, "What is your relationship with Yin Xiaoyao?"

Yin Xiaoyao was the miracle doctor who diagnosed Zhong Xue's condition back then.

No wonder Zhong Dongyang asked this, only he and Yin Xiaoyao knew about this matter. Now that Lu Chen knows, it must be Yin Xiaoyao who told Lu Chen.

"Presumably Yin Xiaoyao is another person who knows about the little beauty's illness, right? But why should I know this from other people's mouths? Does Mr. Zhong think I am incapable of seeing the little beauty's illness? Does he think I can't cure it? What’s the disease of the little beauty?”

Lu Chen looked at Zhong Dongyang jokingly.

Zhong Dongyang's influence in the province is indeed huge. After Lu Chen came to this world, he had no foundation and needed to find a big tree to rely on.

It's so cool under the big tree.

Now, Zhong Dongyang is a suitable big tree.

That's why he planned to treat Zhong Xue as a way to show his goodwill to Zhong Dongyang and make Zhong Dongyang owe him a favor.

When Zhong Dongyang heard this, the expression on his face became a little exciting.

In fact, Zhong Xue was not Zhong Dongyang's granddaughter, but a descendant of his brother. However, his brother's whole family died in the war because of him, and only the infant Zhong Xue was left.

From then on, Zhong Dongyang treated Zhong Xue as his granddaughter.

But later diagnosed by Yin Xiaoyao, Zhong Xue could only live two rounds, which was 24 years old.

Now Zhong Xue is 22 years old, and she can only live for two more years.

Yin Xiaoyao's medical skills in China have reached the top, which is one level higher than Li Tuo and Zhou Xian's medical skills.

The judgment made by such a person will definitely not be false.

Now someone actually said that Zhong Xue's disease could be cured, and it came from a young man's mouth. How could he accept it?

"You are the only one who is sick, your whole family is sick."

While Zhong Dongyang was in a daze, Zhong Xue suddenly stood up, crossed her waist and glared at Lu Chen angrily with her mouth pouting.

She had a good impression of Lu Chen at first, but now Lu Chen actually scolded her for being sick, which was really disgusting.

"Xiaoxue, go back to your room first."

Zhong Dongyang's thoughts were pulled back by Zhong Xue's voice, and he said to Zhong Xue warmly.

"Grandpa, you don't really think I'm sick, do you?"

No matter what happens, grandpa will never avoid him. Today, grandpa actually asked her to go back to the room first. Is there really something wrong with her?

"Don't think too much, I want to punish this nonsense kid, I'm afraid you will be frightened when you hear his screams later."

Zhong Dongyang showed a kind smile and lied to Zhong Xue.

"Grandpa, teach him a lesson. This guy is so annoying."

Zhong Xue felt that what Zhong Dongyang said made sense, she squeezed her small fist hard, pursed her lips at Lu Chen, and left arrogantly.

"Little friend Lu, please sit down."

After Zhong Xue left, Zhong Dongyang suddenly became more polite to Lu Chen. He lifted the chessboard, took an empty teacup by the way, poured a cup of tea for Lu Chen himself, and said, "I hope you don't worry about what I said just now. Come on, I’m not here to punish you, it’s just that it’s not appropriate for Xiaoxue to know about this matter.”

"She doesn't know that she is sick. I'm afraid that if she hears what we chat about, she will feel uncomfortable."

"How confident are you that you can cure her? If the confidence is too small, then there is no need to try. I think she will be carefree in the last part of her life."

Zhong Dongyang really has good intentions towards Zhong Xue.

"One hundred and twelve percent sure."

Lu Chen understood Zhong Dongyang's arrangement. If he couldn't cure Zhong Xue and let her know that she was sick, she would have to spend the last two years of her life in fear.

If this was the case, it would be better to let Zhong Xue not know about his illness and spend the last two years quietly.

"Is this true?"

Hearing this, Zhong Dongyang lost his mind for a moment, and a powerful aura was released from his body. The teacup on the stone table exploded to pieces under the pressure of this aura.

Lu Chen showed no emotion and said with a smile: "Since I dare to tell her about her illness, I can be sure to cure her. Otherwise, I would be causing trouble for myself. Do you think I would do such a stupid thing? "

"Let me think about it."

Zhong Dongyang pondered for a moment and replied.

Lu Chen was too young, Lu Chen's words were too crazy, and he still couldn't trust Lu Chen's medical skills.

Once Zhong Xue is treated, the last two years of Zhong Xue's life are being gambled. If the treatment fails, Zhong Xue may become depressed.

This is what she doesn't want to see.

"If Mr. Zhong can't believe it, you can call Li Tuo, or you can call Zhou Xian. Li Tuo has now worshiped me as his teacher, and is considered to be my half disciple. When Zhou Xian saw me, he personally took over the Jin family in Guiyuan City. The old man’s disease was cured. By the way, he saw that I wrote seven prescriptions. I guess after reading the prescriptions, he would faint and vomit blood because he couldn’t understand.”

Lu Chen was aware of everything and knew what Zhong Dongyang was worried about. He dropped a bombshell to justify his medical skills.

"Wait for me a moment."

Zhong Dongyang regained control of his breath and took the mobile phone next to him, but the hand holding the mobile phone was trembling slightly.

If Lu Chen is really Li Tuo's master, his medical skills are definitely not inferior to Yin Xiaoyao's, and he might be able to save Zhong Xue.

Zhong Dongyang dialed Butler Zhao's phone number and ordered:
"Old Zhao, come to Phoenix Pavilion."

(End of this chapter)

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