My cold CEO wife

Chapter 161 The Efficiency of Collecting Intelligence

Chapter 161 The Efficiency of Collecting Intelligence

"Helping you with your body is because you are still of great use to me. I hope that when I need you in the future, you will not refuse, otherwise, we will be enemies."

There was no relationship between Lu Chen and Zhong Dongyang. The relationship between the two parties was purely a transaction.

He first gave Zhong Dongyang benefits and waited for Zhong Dongyang to repay the favor.

It would be best if Zhong Dongyang is willing to repay the favor; if he is unwilling to repay the favor when he needs it, he has the ability to solve his own troubles and at the same time, he has the means to make Zhong Dongyang pay the price.

"Mr. Lu always speaks so directly, but I like to listen to what you have to say."

Zhong Dongyang said with a smile: "Don't worry, as long as Mr. Lu needs me, I, Zhong Dongyang, will never frown."

"hope so."

Lu Chen stood up, stretched, and said, "It's getting late today, and I have to go home to make dinner for my wife. You can have someone drive me back."

Zhong Dongyang was stunned.

Lu Chen has such great medical skills, but he still has to go home and cook dinner for his wife?
"Mr. Lu is really a good man in the new century. No wonder he is favored by the most beautiful woman in Guiyuan City. I admire him very much."

Zhong Dongyang said with a smile.

Lu Chen interrupted Zhong Dongyang's flattery and ordered: "Arrange a driver."

"Old Zhao, take Mr. Lu home, remember, drive the car more slowly." Zhong Dongyang smiled and ordered to Butler Zhao next to him.

"Yes, sir."

Butler Zhao responded, bowed to Lu Chen and said, "Mr. Lu, please come this way."

Lu Chen nodded and walked slowly outside Dongyang Pavilion with his hands behind his back. Butler Zhao quickly followed.

"This young man is very extraordinary. I have never seen such a powerful young man in Kyoto. I originally wanted him to follow me, but in the end I followed him. I, Zhong Dongyang, have lived for decades, and yet I was defeated. to a young man."

Watching Lu Chen's leaving figure, Zhong Dongyang murmured to himself.

Having said that, Zhong Dongyang does not regret his decision today.

Because Lu Chen saved his granddaughter and also saved him.

This is a great favor and should be repaid!
Beep beep!

Lu Chen got on the car returning to Yuan City when his cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and looked at it, and found that it was a call from Ya Fei.

"Has this girl already found out the person behind the deal with the Ouyang family?" Lu Chen muttered.

It has been less than four hours since he called Yafei to arrange the mission. Is Yafei's ability to collect intelligence so powerful?

Thinking of this, he answered the phone.

"Mr. Lu, the people who deal with the Ouyang family have been found out."

Sure enough, Yafei's confident voice sounded from the opposite side. She said: "Twenty years ago, the businesses in Guiyuan City were in chaos and there were many big families. The two most dazzling families were the Ouyang family and the Sima family."

"The Sima family realized that if they had a bloody fight with the Ouyang family, both sides would lose in the end, and it would benefit other families. So Sima Yanyi, the head of the Sima family at the time, made a bold decision, hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities, and preparing The Ouyang family can be replaced at any time."

"The Sima family has been developing in secret for 20 years, while the Ouyang family lives in the open and is pampered. Now the Sima family has completely surpassed the Ouyang family."

"Sima Yanyi calculated that the time is now ripe, so he took action against the Ouyang family."

"You mean, it's the Sima family that's dealing with the Ouyang family?" Lu Chen asked, raising his eyebrows.


Yafei replied: "And according to my speculation, the Sima family will take action against the Ouyang family tonight, but this time, it will not be against the Ouyang family, but against Master Fu invited by the Ouyang family."

"The Sima family will kill Master Fu and cause panic to the Ouyang family. In the end, the Ouyang family will become disorganized in this panic. At that time, the Sima family will appear out of nowhere and surrender to the Ouyang family's troops without fighting. Let the Ouyang family surrender."

"Okay, I understand. Keep monitoring the Sima family. I need to know at least two hours in advance when the Sima family will take action against the Ouyang family for the second time. Can I do it?"

Lu Chen rubbed his head with a headache.

He really wanted to save the Ouyang family, but now it seems that it is not easy to save the Ouyang family.

The secular name for a master is a strong person who has started martial arts.

The Sima family has the means to bring down the powerful martial arts masters. Even if he takes action, he may not be able to turn the tide.

"I can't guarantee it, but I'll try my best."

Yafei thought for a moment and replied.

"Okay, that's it."

Lu Chen hung up the phone, closed his eyes, and thought about whether to call the Ouyang family first.

After thinking about it, he finally gave up this plan.

It may not be a good thing for the Ouyang family to discover the traces of the Sima family too early. It will make the Sima family take action in advance.

All he can do now is wait and see.


Tiandi Restaurant.

A very famous restaurant in Guiyuan City.

Many rich people choose to hold birthday parties, weddings, and birthday banquets here.

Today at noon, this place was booked by Chu Nanming.

There is no other reason, because Chulin New Energy Development Company and Quantum Energy Group signed a patent authorization notarization at the Guiyuan City Notary Office, and their patents also allow secondary authorization.

What is the concept of secondary authorization?
That is, they can take this profit and resell it to others.

Even those world-class companies that have obtained the patent rights authorized by the Quantum Energy Group do not have the secondary authorization rights for this patent right.

In other words, Chulin Group will be able to make money even while lying down in the future.

All of this was achieved because of Chu Nanming's personal ability. Today, the entire company is on a half-day holiday. Starting from noon, a feast will be held at the Tiandi Restaurant to celebrate the company's great breakthrough.

Outside the Tiandi Restaurant, various reporters gathered around.

The secondary authorization of Quantum Energy Group's patent rights is not only a major event in Guiyuan City, but also a major event across the country and even the world.

Reporters from many places arrived just to interview Chu Nanming about the means he used to obtain the secondary authorization from Quantum Energy Group.

"Mr. Chu, Mr. Lin, there are reporters outside the restaurant. You two, please go in through the back door." When Chu Nanming's car parked outside the front entrance of Tiandi Restaurant, secretary Xiaotian blocked him in the car and whispered. reminded.

"These reporters are quite well-informed, but now that our Chulin New Energy Development Company will soon enter a stage of rapid development, allowing these reporters to interview us will quickly increase our company's reputation."

"This is free advertising for us. How can we refuse?"

"Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

Chu Nanming expressed his views on these reporters and looked at Lin Qinghan next to him.

"Xiao Tian, ​​just do what Mr. Chu said. You organize these reporters and hold a temporary press conference in this big restaurant. It happens to be lunch time. You ask the restaurant to prepare some simple meals and entertain them first. These reporters, wait until Mr. Chu and I have a celebration banquet first, and then we will go over after the celebration banquet."

Lin Qinghan thought for a while and agreed with Chu Nanming's words.

(End of this chapter)

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