My cold CEO wife

Chapter 162 I Won't Mind If You Were Married

Chapter 162 I Won't Mind If You Were Married
"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

Xiaotian quickly agreed, then walked towards the reporters who were guarding Chu Nanming and Lin Qinghan, and raised her voice: "Comrade reporters, listen to me, Mr. Chu and Mr. Lin have said that they are willing to accept your interview. We We are going to hold a temporary press conference, and when Mr. Chu and Mr. Lin finish their lunch, they will be interviewed by everyone."

"We, Mr. Chu and Mr. Lin, said that everyone has worked hard and prepared lunch for everyone. Let's go inside to eat first."

When they heard that Chulin New Energy Development Company was going to hold an impromptu press conference, these reporters were stunned for a moment, and then rushed into the restaurant with great joy.

Xiaotian quickly went to find the manager of the restaurant and asked him to prepare a simple meal for these reporters.

As for Chu Nanming and Lin Qinghan, they entered the large private room where the celebration banquet was held.

There were hundreds of people sitting in the private room.

These hundreds of people are employees of Chulin New Energy Development Company.

Everyone screamed excitedly when they saw Chu Nanming appear.

"Mr. Chu, from today on, I will obey you. You have created a future for the entire company with your strength alone."

"Yes, Mr. Chu, from now on, you are my idol. From now on, if you ask me to go east, I will never go west. If you ask me to go south, I will never go north. Whatever your will points to, I will definitely do it." There is no turning back.”

"Mr. Chu, I'm not very good at talking, but I understand that if you help our company get this patent, our company will definitely grow bigger and better in the future, and everyone's income will soon double. Doubling again and living a better life, I thank you from the bottom of my heart."


Countless heartfelt words came out of the mouths of these employees.

When Chu Nanming heard what these employees said, he grinned so much that his mouth reached the ears.

From today on, his prestige in this new company will definitely reach a peak state that no one can surpass.

This kind of prestige even surpasses his prestige in the Chu Group.

"Don't be so polite. As the president of the company, this is what I should do."

Chu Nanming said humbly at first, and then he became energetic and pointed to Jiangshan: "I believe this is just the beginning. In the future, I will definitely lead everyone to overcome obstacles and make our Chulin New Energy Development Company become one of the top [-] companies in China. world top five hundred enterprises."

"Become one of the top [-] companies in China and one of the top [-] companies in the world."

"Become one of the top [-] companies in China and one of the top [-] companies in the world."

"Become one of the top [-] companies in China and one of the top [-] companies in the world."


After hearing Chu Nanming's words, everyone screamed excitedly, and their roars shook the sky.

Chu Nanming was very satisfied with everyone's condition. Then he glanced at Lin Qinghan proudly and found that Lin Qinghan seemed to be a little abnormal. Then he pressed his hand in the void to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone, the person you want to thank this time is not just me, but also Mr. Lin. When doing the authorization notarization at the notary office, Mr. Jin of Quantum Energy Group said that he was willing to authorize us. In fact, Mr. Lin also The reason is that Mr. Lin is known as Xiao Wulan, and Mr. Jin will rest assured by handing this patent into her hands."

Chu Nanming secretly thought that he had just gotten carried away and almost forgot to let Lin Qinghan feel the glory and aura.

He is now giving Lin Qinghan his glory and halo. Lin Qinghan should be happy, right?

Lin Qinghan frowned slightly when he heard this.

She doesn't like the feeling of being taken over by her without her own credit, and she doesn't like others comparing her to Xiao Wulan, and she wants to be Lin Qinghan, the billionaire goddess.

"Mr. Lin, you accompanied Mr. Chu to do the notarization today. Thank you for your hard work."

"We can all see your excellence. If you have something to do in the future, just tell us and we will do our best."

"I hope you can lead our company to a new height like Mr. Chu."


The compliments these employees paid to Lin Qinghan were obviously not that strong, and what was revealed between the lines was that they were admired by Chu Nanming.

Lin Qinghan frowned even more when she heard this, but she did not suppress her unhappiness.

Chu Nanming took Lin Qinghan with him, and they sat on the main and secondary seats.

Then, Chu Nanming raised the first glass and delivered an impassioned speech of encouragement, which made everyone excited and everyone cheered.

Then, Lin Qinghan raised his second glass. Lin Qinghan didn't say much, just said a few words lightly, and drank the wine in the glass to the sky.

After two drinks, it’s time for free drinking.

After drinking for an hour, many employees were drunk and began to talk indiscriminately.

"Mr. Chu, I heard that you are still single, right? I think you and Mr. Lin are a good match. Sitting together, you are really a golden couple." A management member joked.

Chu Nanming secretly glanced at Lin Qinghan and found that Lin Qinghan had an intoxicating blush on his face after drinking, and he felt itchy in his heart.

He criticized aloud: "Liao Heping, what are you talking nonsense here? Mr. Lin is already married. Don't make fun of her here, otherwise Mr. Lin will get angry and you won't be able to resist it."

"Mr. Chu, what age are we in now? Can't you still get divorced after getting married? I know Mr. Lin's husband is the prodigal son of the Lu family and a scum in society. How can such a person be worthy of Mr. Lin? Only you are worthy of Mr. Lin."

Liao Heping drank and his mind was a little unclear. Regardless of whether Lin Qinghan liked it or not, he continued: "Mr. Lin, I haven't figured out that with your beauty and talent, you can't find any kind of man. Why?" Are you looking for a scumbag like Lu Chen?"

"Our Mr. Chu is really good. He is the first among the ten outstanding young people in our city. And now our company has obtained the second-level authorization of the patent rights of Quantum Energy Group. Mr. Chu's future is limitless, and only he can match it." It’s up to you.”

"I think you might as well ask Lu Chen to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a divorce tomorrow. Mr. Chu will never mind if you are married."

Lin Qinghan was a little unhappy when he first compared her to Xiao Wulan. Now after hearing Liao Heping's words, she became even more unhappy.

However, in order to show a good image in front of the employees, she endured it, but her body was trembling slightly.

"Zhou Chang, pull Liao Heping down to sober up. He drank too much."

Chu Nanming felt that Lin Qinghan was a little angry and ordered Zhou Chang next to him.

Zhou Chang also realized that Liao Heping had said the wrong thing, and for fear of offending Lin Qinghan and Chu Nanming, he pulled Liao Heping and left.

"Mr. Lin, don't take what you just said to heart. Liao Heping definitely didn't mean it." Chu Nanming apologized to Lin Qinghan on behalf of Liao Heping.


When Lin Qinghan heard Chu Nanming's apology, she immediately lost a lot of anger. At the same time, she secretly felt that Chu Nanming was a very considerate person and knew how to consider her feelings.

"You should have almost eaten. I will take you to rinse your mouth, and we will go to the reporter for an interview together."

Considering that he was drunk, Chu Nanming made a small suggestion and showed a gentle smile.

"Well, thanks!"

Lin Qinghan stood up and followed Chu Nanming out of the large private room at the celebration banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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