My cold CEO wife

Chapter 163 Pit

Chapter 163 Pit

Not long after, Chu Nanming and Lin Qinghan got rid of the smell of alcohol in their mouths, and they appeared at the temporary press conference.

When the reporters saw the two people appearing, they began to gather around. The scene exploded, and the microphones were all pointed at Chu Nanming.

"Mr. Chu, I heard that the cooperation with Quantum Energy Group this time is due to your own charm?"

"I heard that it was you who wrote a plan for the future development of Chulin New Energy Development Company that impressed President Jin of Jindongcheng. At the same time, as one of the top ten outstanding young people in Guiyuan City, President Jin admires you very much. , that’s why they license their patents to you.”

"I don't know if this news is true. Can you give us a brief explanation?"

Chu Nanming had already thought about how to deal with these reporters. He motioned for everyone to be quiet, and then he folded his hands on his chest and said formally:
"Everyone, the news you heard is correct, but in addition to the news you heard, this matter also has a certain relationship with our Mr. Lin. Mr. Jin is willing to cooperate with our company. In addition to his personal recognition of me, Mr. Lin Overall, I also approve of it very much.”

"He kept telling me that Ms. Lin is very good, just like a little Wu Lan. If I give Ms. Lin a few more years, I believe she will become the next Wu Lan, the billionaire goddess."

"In addition, Mr. Jin also recognized our company's management and employees very much and felt that handing over the patent rights to our company would not disgrace it."

"So, being able to obtain the authorization of the patent rights of Quantum Energy Group is not due to me alone. It is also inseparable from Mr. Lin and the outstanding employees of our entire company."

When Chu Nanming answered these reporters' questions, he seemed to be able to do a job with ease.

Moreover, what he said now has brought glory to every employee in the company. Once these words come out, they will definitely attract the favor of all employees.

Everyone will have a feeling of death for those who know themselves.

clap clap clap!
When Chu Nanming's words came out, these reporters couldn't help but burst into applause.

Then, another reporter started asking questions.

"Mr. Chu, now that Chulin New Energy Development Company has obtained the patent authorization from Quantum Energy Group, do you and Mr. Lin have any big plans next? What are you planning to build the company into?"

"With the support of Quantum Energy Group, our company will soon enter a stage of rapid development. In the future, our company will definitely hit the top [-] in China, and even the top [-] in the world. Our company will definitely become the pride of Guiyuan City. Only in this way can we live up to the trust and support of Quantum Energy Group.”

Chu Nanming responded calmly and spoke with eloquence.


The one-hour impromptu press conference was a great success. These reporters all came back with a full load and got the answers they wanted.

Soon, countless reporters returned to the office and began to write articles.

The power of the Internet is developed.

First-hand news quickly appeared on the Internet.

Major newspapers rushed to report on the interviews with Chu Nanming and Lin Qinghan. The matter of Chu Lin New Energy Development Company obtaining the patent authorization letter from Quantum Energy Group quickly became a hot topic.

"This Chu Nanming is so shameless."

When Wu Lan saw this trending search, she despised Chu Nanming even more.

Last time she told Chu Nanming that he was shameless at the SEG Hotel, but today Chu Nanming dared to admit that this was his own contribution in front of reporters.

This is obviously Lu Chen's credit, shameless.

"I, Wu Lan, hate hypocrites the most in my life. This is the first time I have seen a shameless hypocrite like you, Chu Nanming. I have to expose your ugly face."

Wu Lan muttered, took out his cell phone and dialed Jin Dongcheng's number.

Jin Dongcheng is reading the news on the hot search.

When he saw that Chu Nanming made the headlines and took all the credit, he couldn't help but smile.

Because this is Lu Chen's confession, Chu Nanming is doing things according to Lu Chen's request, and he is very satisfied.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

When he saw the call from Wu Lan, he was a little surprised. After answering the call, he asked, "Miss Lan, what's the matter?"

"President Jin, have you checked the hot searches?" Wu Lan asked directly.

Jin Dongcheng asked in surprise: "I'm watching it now, I don't know why Ms. Lan mentioned this matter."

"Since Mr. Jin is reading the hot searches, don't you think Chu Nanming is hypocritical? I want you to help me and hold a press conference to expose Chu Nanming's hypocrisy." Wu Lan said straight to the point.

After hearing her words, Jin Dong said, "Miss Lan, I'm afraid this matter will be difficult to handle. Mr. Lu took care of this matter. He asked me to put all the credit on Chu Nanming's head."


Wu Landai frowned slightly.

What's the situation?
"President Jin, why don't you speculate why Lu Chen asked you to do this?"

After a moment, Wu Lan figured out the key point and chuckled: "Do you know that Lin Qinghan is Lu Chen's wife? Do you know that Lin Qinghan actually has a certain affection for Chu Nanming? Do you think they are together every day? Will Lu Chen be happy if we work together?"

"Do you think it's possible that he wants Chu Nanming to get carried away first, and then let you reveal Chu Nanming's true colors?"

"Miss Lan, you are still smart."

Hearing Wu Lan's words, Jin Dongcheng slapped his thigh and said, "Once I expose Chu Nanming, Chu Nanming's image will be ruined for the rest of his life. At that time, Lin Qinghan will no longer have any good impression of Chu Nanming. Mr. Lu This move is really clever."

"Haha, now that you have figured out the key point, I won't say more about this matter. I will leave this credit to you. Once you help Lu Chen get things done this time, he will Your Jin family will definitely take care of you in the future."

Seeing that Jin Dongcheng understood what she said, Wu Lan smiled lightly and hung up the phone.

"Xiaoqiu, come in."

After hanging up the phone, Jin Dongcheng called his secretary Xiaoqiu.

Soon, Xiaoqiu entered the office wearing high heels and asked: "President Jin, what are your orders?"

"Hold a press conference immediately." Jin Dongcheng ordered Xiaoqiu.

"Yes, Mr. Jin, I will arrange it right away."

Xiaoqiu's efficiency is very high, and soon, Quantum Energy Group released a press conference.

This press conference was quite shocking.

Because Jin Dongcheng's remarks were completely opposite to Chu Nanming's remarks.

In the end, Jin Dongcheng even wanted to use legal means to defend his rights. He clearly cooperated with Chulin New Energy Development Company for Lin Qinghan's sake. Chu Nanming turned things upside down and must bear legal responsibility.

At the same time, he wants to terminate the cooperation with Chulin New Energy Development Company and authorize the patent rights to Lin Qinghan personally.

"Jin Dongcheng, what the hell are you digging a hole for me, I will never end with you."

After the press conference of Quantum Energy Group was released, Chu Nanming sat in the office and smashed the computer with a slap. His eyes were blood red and full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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