My cold CEO wife

Chapter 165 You Can't Afford It

Chapter 165 You Can't Afford It
The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the horizon, and the shadow of happiness is infinitely lengthened.

Lu Chen was humming a tune in the kitchen, making Lin Qinghan's favorite tomato scrambled eggs.

"Culin New Energy Development Company has obtained the patent authorization from Quantum Energy Group. My wife should be very happy today. Plus this beautiful plate of tomato scrambled eggs will definitely conquer her stomach. As long as she conquers her stomach, Are you still far away from conquering her heart?"


While Lu Chen was muttering, the inner door of Jiangting Villa was pushed open by Ding Yi.

Ding Yi stepped aside and let Lin Qinghan walk in front.

"Honey, you're back. I made you your favorite scrambled eggs with tomatoes." Lu Chen quickly greeted her with a bright smile on his face.

Lin Qing coldly glanced at Lu Chen, and snorted, "If I remember correctly, your place of work is still far from mine, right? Why are you at home now?"

The smile on Lu Chen's face immediately solidified. He said with a smile: "The Ouyang family has encountered a little trouble. Almost all the people at Shenglin Medicine have resigned. Moreover, the Ouyang family is now in full shrinkage and the Shenglin Group is not operating normally. I What are you still doing in the company?"

"You came back early after someone from Shenglin Medicine resigned? Have you forgotten your identity? You are the president of Shenglin Medicine. The people below may not be here, but you must be here."

"Also, don't forget your identity. I am your direct leader. Why didn't you report to me in time for such a big incident in Shenglin Medicine?"

"I think you had a busy day and colluded with Quantum Energy Group to make me and Chu Nanming look bad, right?"

Lin Qinghan endured it all afternoon, and when she met him when she returned home, she finally couldn't help but attack Lu Chen, and of all her words, the last sentence was the key point.

"Honey, what are you talking about? What quantum energy group am I colluding with?"

Lu Chen was stunned by Lin Qinghan and felt quite aggrieved.

"Take out your phone and look at the trending searches in the morning and afternoon."

After Lin Qinghan finished speaking, he swung his long legs and walked towards his room. At the same time, he said coldly: "Lu Chen, you are so despicable, so despicable that it makes me sick."

After she finished speaking, she slammed the bedroom door.

Lu Chen stood outside, letting the wind blow outside the door, but he didn't know it.

He took out his phone and started looking at today's hot searches.

After reading the two hot searches, his face immediately darkened.

He quickly dialed Jin Dongcheng's phone number.

Jin Dongcheng is very dedicated, and even now, he still handles official duties in the office.

When he saw Lu Chen's call, there was joy on his face.

It seemed that what he did today was indeed the right thing, and Lu Chen even called him to praise him.

Jin Dongcheng answered the phone and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, are you satisfied with my methods today?"

"I'm satisfied with your paralysis."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chen's roar sounded from the opposite side, "Who asked you to do this?"

Lu Chen read the two hot searches, then thought about Lin Qinghan's attitude towards him, and immediately guessed that Lin Qinghan thought he was behind Jin Dongcheng's trick on Chu Nanming.

However, he only dominated the first half of this matter, and the second half has nothing to do with him.

This matter was done by Jin Dongcheng without authorization.

"Mr. Lu, who asked me to do this?"

Jin Dongcheng still hasn't reacted yet and doesn't know what Lu Chen is referring to.

"I'll give you a hint, Chu Nanming. I don't need to say the rest. You must give me a reasonable explanation for this matter, otherwise the Jin family will regret it." Lu Chen said with a gloomy face.

Jin Dongcheng's heart skipped a beat when he heard Lu Chen's words.

The matter he arranged for Chu Nanming to work with was not approved by Lu Chen. It was his own decision.

Could it be that the trouble has been revealed?
"Mr. Lu, I was indeed at fault for this matter. I didn't communicate with you before I held the press conference. However, Ms. Lan called me at that time and said that Chu Nanming and Lin Qinghan were very close. With his true face, Lin Qinghan will distance himself from him."

"I actually did this to help you get rid of your love rival. I don't know what happened to make you so angry."

"If there's anything I didn't do well, just tell me and I'll take the responsibility."

Jin Dongcheng quickly organized his words and explained to Lu Chen.

"You can't afford this."

The anger in Lu Chen's eyes became even stronger, and he said, "I don't want you to make any arbitrary decisions regarding my matters in the future, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

If Lin Qinghan really breaks up with him because of this matter, Jin Dongcheng cannot afford the consequences, and no one in this world can afford it.

After speaking, Lu Chen hung up the phone.

He was about to call Wu Lan to warn Wu Lan, but then he thought that Jin Dongcheng should tell Wu Lan about this matter. Wu Lan was a very smart woman and would not be able to make decisions in the future.


The lights are on, and night falls.

In the most luxurious villa in Guiyuan City, sit a group of people who can change the business landscape of Guiyuan City.

They are elites from all generations of the Ouyang family and control the lifeblood of several industries in Guiyuan City.

However, at this moment, they don't have the eyes that should dictate the fate of others.

On the contrary, their eyes showed the helplessness of having their fate dictated by others.

The news coming from various groups of the Ouyang family today is not very good. The elite figures in each group have left the group, and the remaining ones in the group are all people who are waiting to die.

In just two days, the Ouyang family fell into a huge business crisis.

The most terrifying thing is not the business crisis itself, but the person who led the Ouyang family in this business crisis, hiding in the dark. No matter what method the Ouyang family uses, they cannot find out the enemy's movements.

Just like ordinary people facing endless darkness and fear of the road ahead, they also have a faint fear now.

According to this kind of family business war, it is very likely that the enemy will appear next, and with the power of thunder, they will forcefully suppress the Ouyang family and make their family surrender.

The Ouyang family does not want to be other people's slaves and lackeys, they want to resist.

Fortunately, they invited Master Fu.

Within half an hour, Master Fu will arrive at the villa.

With strong men who are beginners in martial arts sitting in charge, and the personal power of the Ouyang family, the Ouyang family has enough confidence to fight against this unknown force.

The elite members of the Ouyang family are sitting here to welcome Master Fu's arrival.


Just when they were looking forward to it, a black shadow appeared outside the gate, the gate was violently blasted open, and then a package was thrown into the hall by the shadow.

The black shadow flashed and disappeared into the night.

The scene became weird.

"Ouyang Ming, open the package."

The superior Ouyang Yuanxiu gave instructions to Ouyang Ming.

Ouyang Ming responded and opened the package, then his hand suddenly shook, and a bloody head fell to the ground.

"It's Master Fu!"

Someone screamed, and everyone in the room turned pale. Then the room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

(End of this chapter)

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