My cold CEO wife

Chapter 166 I Believe In You

Chapter 166 I Believe In You
Master Fu, whom everyone had been waiting for, appeared.

However, he appeared in the form of a human head.

That is a strong person who has just started martial arts. Who can kill him?
In an instant, everyone in the Ouyang family fell into extreme fear.

Even the old man Ouyang Yuanxiu seemed to have been drained of strength at this time, almost paralyzed at the top position.

"Who wants to destroy my Ouyang family?"

Ouyang Yuanxiu's eyes were blank and he forgot about the ceiling, his eyes were empty and helpless.

He has experienced countless hardships in his life, and has never been so helpless.

"Ouyang Ming, most of our family's assets have been transferred overseas, right?"

There is always no way to avoid what is coming. Ouyang Yuanxiu quickly adjusted his state and his eyes fell on Ouyang Ming.

Ouyang Ming respectfully replied: "Dad, the assets have been transferred."

"Have all the fourth generation members of our family been sent abroad?" Ouyang Yuanxiu continued to ask.

Ouyang Ming replied: "It has been sent abroad."

"That's good!"

Ouyang Yuanxiu nodded, glanced at everyone, and said: "Everyone, our Ouyang family is destined to suffer this disaster. I don't know what will happen next, but this matter is related to the family's honor and dignity. Now everyone has to stay." Come down and work together to fight against unknown difficulties."

"Now all of you, please mobilize the power around you and let those who owe you kindness repay their kindness."

This is the last road for the Ouyang family.

The family has always been operating with the philosophy that helping others is helping oneself, and these people have also supported many big bosses in Guiyuan City.

These characters have more or less personal power in their hands.

Now, it's time for them to let these people repay their kindness and use their personal power.

Although each of these forces is very weak, together they are a force that cannot be ignored.

Elites from all generations of the Ouyang family took out their mobile phones and began to contact their surrounding relationships.

"Boss Zheng, you promised me back then that as long as I could help your company survive the crisis, you would not frown if anything happened to my Ouyang family in the future, even if it was a sea of ​​swords and fire. Now I need your help." Ouyang Ming was the first to contact a big boss named Zheng.

"Master Ouyang, I heard that your Ouyang family is in trouble and is going through a sea of ​​​​knife and fire. I really haven't frowned now, because it has nothing to do with me. Your family has encountered a crisis, and I am not a little Boss Zheng. Those who can be saved, wish yourselves good luck."

Soon, Boss Zheng on the opposite side responded with a slightly mocking and even indifferent reply.

"Boss Li, listen to me. Our Ouyang family has encountered a crisis and needs your help. Back then, you promised me that as long as our family is willing to save you and your business, you will be willing to be my Ouyang family's successor in the future. A dog.”

Ouyang Ming's cousin Ouyang Bai also started to contact his friends.

"Oh, Brother Bai, I'm so sorry. I'm on a business trip abroad right now. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it back. I hope you can survive the crisis and be able to drink with you when I return to Yuan City."

Another almost ruthless word came from the other side, and then Ouyang Bai hung up the phone.


Not only Ouyang Qing and Ouyang Bai, but also all calls for help from other members of the Ouyang family were rejected.

At this moment, the people of the Ouyang family experienced the warmth and coldness of human feelings to the extreme.

Those who kept saying they wanted to repay their kindness, all acted like cowards when the Ouyang family was in crisis.

"Everyone doesn't need to keep in touch, our Ouyang family's own affairs can be resolved by ourselves."

"What is supposed to come will always come. Everyone should eat what is supposed to be eaten and sleep who is supposed to be sleeping."

"Cultivate enough energy to meet the sun of tomorrow."

After Ouyang Yuanxiu saw the reactions of several people, he already had a guess in his mind.

This is the most real world. When people are in danger, they should never think of relying on others, but should learn how to save themselves.

"Dad, at this moment, who can still eat and who can still sleep?" Ouyang Bai asked.

"Since the enemy sent Master Fu's head but did not take action against us, it means that they are not prepared to take action against us now."

"They just want to make us fearful and desperate."

"The more this happens, the less we can let them succeed, understand?"

Ouyang Yuanxiu replied.

After hearing his words, everyone in the Ouyang family reacted instantly.

However, the enemy has the ability to kill Master Fu. Can they eat well and sleep well?
The night dissipated, and the dawn came.

Everyone in the Ouyang family had dark eyes.

On the Tianwaitian Pagoda, an old figure sat there, and behind him stood an old housekeeper.

The old figure asked: "Zefu, has Master Fu's head been sent to the Ouyang family?"

This figure is none other than Sima Yanyi.


Zefu stood nearby and replied calmly.

Sima Yanyi continued to ask: "What is the reaction of the Ouyang family?"

"Except for Ouyang Yuanxiu who ate well and fell asleep, everyone else in the Ouyang family was shrouded in fear all night." Zefu replied respectfully.

"Haha, that old guy Ouyang Yuanxiu is still so shrewd."

Sima Yanyi smiled, and said: "Order to go down, gather all the private forces of our Sima family, and go straight to the Ouyang family. It's time to take back what is ours."

"Yes, sir."

Zefu responded lightly and then bowed down.

Jiangting Villa.

Lin Qinghan was still angry and took Ding Yi out without eating the breakfast made by Lu Chen.

Yafei appeared in front of Lu Chen and quickly reported to him the first-hand information she had obtained this morning.

"Mr. Lu, the Sima family is ready to do something, and they will arrive at the Ouyang family in about an hour."

"There is a strong martial arts beginner in the Sima family, and they also hired a strong martial arts beginner for external aid. His personal power is twice that of the Ouyang family."

"The martial arts master invited by the Ouyang family last night was intercepted and killed by the Sima family on the way."

"Okay, I see."

Lu Chen nodded, his eyes seemed to penetrate the void, reaching directly into the Ouyang family's villa.

"Ouyang family, good luck to you for cooperating with my wife, otherwise I wouldn't care about your life or death."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen walked out of the villa with his pants in his pockets.

"Mr. Lu, do you need me to come with you? Although Yafei is not very strong, there is still no problem in helping you solve some small shrimps."

Ya Fei seemed to have guessed what Lu Chen was going to do and asked aloud.

"Aren't you afraid that if I leave, I won't be able to come back?"

Lu Chen grinned and looked at Yafei. Yafei should know what situation he was facing, and she was actually willing to follow him.

"I believe you."

Yafei's red lips softly uttered four words.

"Come on, get in the car."

Since Ya Fei wanted to see his abilities, he would naturally not let Ya Fei down.

Beep beep!

As soon as the two got in the car, Lu Chen's cell phone rang.

He connected the phone, and Zhong Dongyang's voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Mr. Lu, are you at home or at the company now? I will take Xiaoyue to see you."

"Bring her to the Ouyang family."

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, and an interesting look appeared in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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