My cold CEO wife

Chapter 167 Who gives you the confidence to say such a chapter?

Chapter 167 Who gives you the confidence to say such things?

Ouyang Yuanxiu closed his eyes in pain.

Now if Ouyang Ming and Ouyang Bai are handed over, they will definitely be killed by Sima Yanyi. This is equivalent to sending his two biological sons to the execution ground with his own hands.

Moreover, the Ouyang family will have to submit to the Sima family in the future.

If it is not handed over, the Ouyang family will be bloodbathed today, and it is very likely that there will be no chickens or dogs left in the villa.

This decision is really painful.

"The old man's choice is to let you get out."

Just when Ouyang Yuanxiu didn't know how to make a decision, a young man walked slowly out of the gate with his hands in his trouser pockets and a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth.

Behind him, followed a very beautiful girl.

The morning sun hit the young man, and there was a faint smile on the young man's face, which made the despairing Ouyang family members feel a little more confident.


Hearing such unbridled talk, Sima Yanyi saw the young man behind him while his wheelchair was turning. Then he confirmed with his eyes wide open: "Are you the prodigal son of the Lu family?"

"It seems like I have a pretty good reputation. Even those bad old men who haven't done anything in the past few decades actually know that I am the prodigal son of the Lu family."

Lu Chen grinned and said, "You are right, I am the prodigal son of the Lu family, but I prefer that you call me the prodigal son of others."

"Perhaps, I will defeat your Sima family today."

"Presumptuous!" Hearing this, Sima Zheng stood up and shouted coldly at Lu Chen.

A young man from the third generation of the Sima family also stood up and said coldly, "Boy, you are just a piece of trash from the Lu family. You have ruined the entire Lu family. How dare you pretend to be aggressive in front of my grandfather?"

"Lu Chen, I'm afraid you still don't know what the Sima family means to you, right? Let me tell you, my grandfather wanted to bring down your Lu family when it was at its peak. It was just a matter of words. Where did you find the courage to say that? Such a big talk? Aren't you afraid of the wind flashing your tongue?" Someone else sneered.

Lu Chen's name can be said to be a household name in Guiyuan City.

Of course, not a great reputation.

Originally, the people in the Ouyang family were infected by Lu Chen's confidence, but when they heard that the Sima family had lost Lu Chen, everyone recalled that Lu Chen was just the prodigal son of the Lu family.

Even though Lu Chen's medical skills are excellent and he has a certain strength, but he is facing the Sima family. Now in the Sima family, there are two strong people who have started martial arts.

Moreover, these two powerful martial arts beginners may not even be as simple as just starting out.

They were desperate again.

"Old man, let me ask you again, do you want to get out? If you don't, you may not even have a chance to get away."

Lu Chen ignored other voices and looked directly at Sima Yanyi.

"Young people, being young and energetic is a good thing, but being too young and energetic is not a good thing."

With a cat-and-mouse mentality, Sima Yanyi ordered: "Slap him in the mouth ten times and teach him how to speak."

"I come!"

A man who looked like an iron tower walked out of the crowd. He clenched his fists, and there was a clicking sound from his fists.

"Zhou Yunlong is born with supernatural power. He can kill a cow with just one punch. If he slaps Lu Chen ten times, I can guarantee that all Lu Chen's teeth will be knocked out."

"Then you underestimate Zhou Yunlong too much. If you slap him ten times, I can guarantee that Lu Chen will grin from ear to ear."

"He could have been slapped to death."


A group of elite figures behind Wang Wei began to discuss.

Zhou Yunlong was not the strongest among them, but he was definitely the most powerful. If the other party slapped Lu Chen ten times, Lu Chen would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

"Boy, you can't bear the consequences of offending the old man."

While everyone was discussing, Zhou Yunlong slapped Lu Chen. The slap made a whistling sound, and the air seemed to explode.

The people of the Sima family looked at this scene and sneered.

But not everyone can show off, and sometimes there is a price to pay for showing off.

"Your speed is too slow and your strength is too weak."

However, just when everyone thought Lu Chen would be thrown away by this slap, Lu Chen took out a hand from his trouser pocket and easily grabbed Zhou Yunlong's wrist.


Everyone's eyes popped out.

Everyone in the Sima family knew how powerful Zhou Yunlong was, but with such a powerful force, Lu Chen could easily grab his wrist.

"With such strength, you dare to come out and slap someone?"

At the same time, Lu Chen's hand gently exerted force.

Everyone only heard a click and the sound of bones breaking in Zhou Yunlong's wrist. Then Lu Chen let go of Zhou Yunlong's wrist and slapped him lightly.

Zhou Yunlong flew out like a broken kite and hit the wall next to him. He stopped on the wall for two seconds and then slowly fell to the ground. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"I come!"

Seeing that Zhou Yunlong was thrown away by Lu Chen's slap, the captain of Zhou Yunlong's team stood up, his eyes so gloomy that they were terrifying.

"You are not his opponent."

Wang Wei stretched out his hand to stop this person, his eyes fell on Lu Chen, and he said: "Young man, if I guess correctly, you are only one step away from entering the country with martial arts, right?"

"So young and so talented, it would be a pity to die here."

"I admire you very much. Kneel down in front of me and worship me as your teacher. Today the Sima family will spare your life for my sake."

While speaking, Wang Wei released a powerful momentum.

Under this momentum, several people around him couldn't help but take a few steps back to stabilize themselves.

"You alone want to be my master?"

"Did you know that I went to Dongyang Pavilion yesterday? Zhong Dongyang of Dongyang Pavilion wanted to train me to be his successor yesterday."

"But I told him that he is not qualified enough to let me hang out with him. You are worse than Zhong Dongyang. Who gives you the confidence to say such a thing?"

Wang Wei is indeed not weak, but he is far behind Zhong Dongyang. His current strength is between that of Wang Wei and Wang Wei.

Of course, if it were a life and death fight, Wang Wei would not be his opponent.

However, next to the Sima family, there is Zefu, a martial arts beginner. If the two of them join forces, Lu Chen can only avoid the edge temporarily.

When he heard the words "Zhong Dongyang", Wang Wei's expression changed severely, and even Sima Yanyi's face changed a little.

Zhong Dongyang's influence in the province is too great, and his strength is monstrous.

If the other party wants to destroy the Sima family, they don't even need to do it themselves. They only need to speak out, and there will be several forces more powerful than the Sima family willing to compete for the first place and take the credit.

"Haha, boy, you are young and have good martial arts skills. I didn't expect that you are even better at bragging."

"What kind of person is Mr. Zhong? Let's not say whether he will train you to be his successor, but just because you say this to him, will he let you go?"

"As far as I know Mr. Zhong, if you want to say this, he died in Zhongyang Pavilion yesterday." Wang Wei sneered.

As soon as Wang Wei finished speaking, a small voice sounded outside the gate.

"No, he didn't brag. I really don't have the qualifications to let him play along. Maybe, I will have to play with him in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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