My cold CEO wife

Chapter 168: Handle your own affairs

Chapter 168: Handle your own affairs
As soon as the sound landed, everyone's eyes were attracted by the sound outside the door.

Everyone looked outside the door and saw an old man walking in slowly and slowly with his hands behind his back. Next to him, followed by a beautiful girl.

The old man obviously didn't have any aura on his body, but when everyone saw him, they held their breath tightly and didn't even dare to take a breath.

This old man turned out to be Zhong Dongyang from the province.

What did he say just now?

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Lu Chen.

Just now Zhong Dongyang said personally that he might hang out with Lu Chen in the future. What is going on?
Lu Chen, what is your background?
Sima Yanyi retracted his guess about Lu Chen's identity. He did not dare to sit on the golden nanmu chair worth hundreds of millions anymore. He stood up, walked to Zhong Dongyang, bowed slightly and said, "I have seen Master Zhong, what's wrong with Master Zhong?" Come to Guiyuan City when you have time?"

Zhong Dongyang ignored Sima Yanyi, came to Lu Chen's side, bowed slightly, and then said:
"Mr. Lu, I brought my granddaughter here. She will be with you in the next two years. You can let her wash, cook, serve tea and water. I just hope that in two years, she will be healthy. Please ”

The scene in front of them had a strong impact on everyone.

Sima Yanyi took the initiative to bow to say hello to Zhong Dongyang, but Zhong Dongyang ignored him; now Zhong Dongyang bowed to say hello to Lu Chen.

Moreover, he still wants to give his granddaughter to Lu Chen for two years?

Washing and cooking, serving tea and water!

This is something that only maids can do, but Zhong Dongyang is willing to let his granddaughter do it.

The members of the Sima family thought that Lu Chen was called by the Ouyang family to rescue them, and suddenly they felt bad.

Because now even Zhong Dongyang is respectful to Lu Chen, and Zhong Dongyang is someone that the Sima family cannot afford to offend.

Contrary to the Sima family, the originally desperate Ouyang family next to them had a look of ecstasy on their faces.

Today, the Sima family wants to take over the Ouyang family, but it is destined to fail.

"Don't worry, let me take care of something first."

Lu Chen waved his hand and ignored Zhong Dongyang's request, just like Zhong Dongyang ignored Sima Yanyi just now.

Zhong Dongyang was not angry, but asked carefully: "Mr. Lu, do you have anything to deal with? Can you let me handle it for you?"

Sima Yanyi was so frightened that he almost fainted when he heard Zhong Dongyang's words.

Zhong Dongyang wants to help Lu Chen, and his Sima family may be in trouble today.

The Ouyang family members were happy.

As long as Lu Chen nods, the Sima family will be in trouble today.

"No, I'll handle my own affairs."

However, just when everyone thought Lu Chen was going to let Zhong Dongyang take action, Lu Chen replied.

Everyone was stunned again.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he looked at Sima Yanyi and said:

"Old man, don't say I didn't give you a chance. You pick someone from your family. As long as he can defeat me, I will not interfere in the grudges between your Sima family and the Ouyang family. But if you can't defeat me, today you Everyone in the Sima family must be handed over to the Ouyang family."

Lu Chen wants to make a move today, of course there is a reason, he understands that this world is also a world where fists speak, and he must show enough strength to be truly feared and recognized by these people.

"Mr. Lu, are you trying to kill our Ouyang family?"

When Ouyang Yuanxiu heard Lu Chen's words, he immediately took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to say:
"I hope you can save my Ouyang family's life today. Our Ouyang family is willing to share half of the family's wealth with you. In addition, I am willing to give my granddaughter Ouyang Qing to you, even if she has no name or status in her life."

No wonder Ouyang Yuanxiu would say such a thing. The main reason is that the Ouyang family and the Sima family are on the same level. As long as someone from the Sima family defeats Lu Chen, Lu Chen will not care about the grudges between the two families.

With the current strength of the Sima family, the Ouyang family may be in danger.

When Sima Yanyi heard Lu Chen's words, a smile appeared on his face.

He now has two strong men who are beginners in martial arts, and there is one who is not just a beginner. Is the other party deliberately letting the Sima family destroy the Ouyang family?

After hearing Ouyang Yuanxiu's words, Sima Yanyi quickly interrupted:

"Thank you Mr. Lu for giving us this opportunity. If the people sent by our Sima family are lucky enough to defeat you later, and I annex the Ouyang family, I am willing to give up all the wealth of the Ouyang family."

"In addition, the beauty of our Sima family, Sima Haoyue, is not inferior to that of Ouyang Qing. I am also willing to let her be your bed-warming maid."

He was now very afraid that Lu Chen would regret it after Ouyang Yuanxiu made such a condition, and offered a more attractive condition than the Ouyang family.

His original intention was to become the number one family in Guiyuan City. He didn't care how much wealth the Ouyang family had, and since Lu Chen's identity even made Zhong Dongyang want to fawn over him, he would give Sima Haoyue to Lu Chen, which would actually make him a good friend. , which is a good thing for the Sima family.

After the two of them finished speaking, they both looked at Lu Chen nervously, wondering what he would choose.

"Damn old man, call someone."

Lu Chen pursed his lips impatiently.

Sima Yanyi didn't know whether Lu Chen wanted to deliberately let him go to the Sima family or had other intentions, but he didn't dare to lose this battle, and he couldn't afford to lose.

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on Wang Wei.

"Wang Wei, this battle depends on you."

Zefu's strength is actually similar to Wang Wei's, but because Zefu is older, his body's energy and blood are not as strong. If he fights for a long time, he will definitely not be Wang Wei's opponent.

Now, Sima Yanyi must send the most powerful person on his side to the field in order to [-]% guarantee victory in the battle.

"Uncle Yanyi, don't worry, are you going to die or live?"

When Wang Wei said this, his eyes moved back and forth between Lu Chen and Zhong Dongyang, with an eager look in his eyes.

Zhong Dongyang is a figure who became famous in his early years, and his strength is unfathomable. However, Wang Wei also has his own arrogance. Others are afraid of Zhong Dongyang, but he is not afraid.

Today, he was going to challenge Zhong Dongyang's majesty.

As for Lu Chen, he was not worth mentioning. He had long regarded Lu Chen as a dead person.

He really wanted to know if Zhong Dongyang could do anything to him after killing Lu Chen.

When Sima Yanyi heard Wang Wei's words, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

He didn't know how powerful Zhong Dongyang was and whether he could defeat Wang Wei, but he understood that Zhong Dongyang had a great influence in the province, and the other party was a member of the Zhong family in Kyoto. He had the energy to defeat Wang Wei. His Sima family had been ravaged to death countless times.

Wang Wei wants to provoke Zhong Dongyang today, isn't it a disaster for his Sima family?
He even regretted that Wang Wei took action because he was afraid that Wang Wei's action would not be serious. He reminded: "Wang Wei, don't be too impulsive. When you take action against Mr. Lu, try to be as gentle as possible until both parties agree. As long as you can beat him."

"Uncle, I understand."

Wang Wei nodded to Sima Yanyi, his eyes fell on Lu Chen, and said disdainfully: "Boy, please, I will give you three moves first."

(End of this chapter)

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