My cold CEO wife

Chapter 171 I'm Not Interested In Other Women

Chapter 171 I'm Not Interested In Other Women

"let's go!"

Sima Yanyi stood up from the golden nanmu chair, closed his eyes in pain, and stepped out slowly, shaking.

The 20-year plan finally came to nothing because of the appearance of a young man.

There is a sense of desolation in him as a hero in his twilight years.

He walked out of the Ouyang family villa, and the others slowly followed him unwillingly. They were like cocks defeated in a fight, which was in sharp contrast to the high spirits when they came.

"Dad, are we really going to withdraw from Guiyuan City like this?" Sima Zheng came to Sima Yanyi and was very unwilling.

Sima Yanyi shook his crutch, "If you don't quit, will you wait until our Sima family is destroyed by Zhong Dongyang?"

"But, I am really not willing to accept it, and even the rest of the family is not willing to accept it."

Sima Zheng's eyes turned red.

"You are not reconciled, and I am not reconciled. It is not that we have no chance."

Sima Yanyi said: "The Ouyang family can get rid of our Sima family today entirely because of Lu Chen. Once Lu Chen dies, there will be no connection between the Ouyang family and Zhong Dongyang. At that time, we will have to deal with the Ouyang family again. At that time, Zhong Dongyang will not be able to stand up for the Ouyang family."

"Dad, do you mean to kill Lu Chen?"

Sima Zheng's eyes lit up and he asked in a low voice.

"Since our Sima family can hibernate for 20 years, we don't care if we hibernate for a few more months. When Lu Chen dies, we will naturally be able to get back what is ours."

Sima Yanyi nodded and ordered:

"Lu Chen's strength should not be underestimated. Even Wang Wei suffered a loss in his hands. I am afraid that only Wang Wei and Zefu can deal with him."

"You let Wang Wei recover from his injuries first. When he recovers, I will ask Zefu to secretly kill Lu Chen with him."

"Lu Chen may have a big background. When the time comes, be careful and don't reveal any clues. Otherwise, we will bring disaster to ourselves."

"Yes, Dad, I see."

Sima Zheng's eyes lit up when he heard Sima Yanyi's plan.

As his father said, he has tolerated it for 20 years and doesn't care if he tolerates it for a few more months.

If you want to achieve great things, you must have enough patience.

Inside the Ouyang family villa.

"Everyone come here and bow three times to Mr. Lu."

Ouyang Yuanxiu called out to everyone in the Ouyang family, then stepped out, and came to Lu Chen first.

The other Ouyang family members were ranked behind him according to their seniority.

Ouyang Yuanxiu bowed, and the others followed suit. He said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Lu, for saving our family. If Mr. Lu has any instructions from now on, just arrange for our Ouyang family to do it. All of us in the Ouyang family will do it." Absolutely nothing."

"In addition, I am going to give our three major groups, Ouyang Family Holy Medicine Group, Yibai Group, and Tianchuang Group, to Mr. Lu. I hope Mr. Lu will not refuse."

There are six major groups in the Ouyang family, and the development of the six major groups is very balanced. Ouyang Yuanxiu just promised Lu Chen that as long as the other party is willing to save their family, he is willing to give half of the family's wealth to Lu Chen.

Now, he's fulfilling his promise.

"I'm not interested in anything belonging to your Ouyang family, but I hope you will fully support the development of my wife Lin Qinghan Group and the development of Shenglin Group in the future."

Money is an external possession, and Lu Chen has no time to manage it since he has given it to several groups.

If he needs money, he can just ask the Ouyang family. If the group takes it into their hands, it will be a burden.


Ouyang Yuanxiu did not expect that Lu Chen would not accept his group. He hesitated for a moment and agreed: "Since Mr. Lu has other requests, our Ouyang family will definitely comply with them." "

"Well, I don't want her to know about your help to my wife."

Lu Chen nodded and then gave another warning.

Lin Qinghan is very arrogant. If she knew that he was helping her, he would definitely not accept it.

He was a little confused when he thought that he had asked the Jin family to take care of Lin Qinghan not long ago, but in the end it was self-defeating and made Lin Qinghan misunderstand that he was still angry with him.


Ouyang Yuanxiu actually felt a little envious of Lin Qinghan.

He could tell that Lu Chen liked Lin Qinghan very much, otherwise he wouldn't have gone out of his way to make these confessions.

After he responded, he continued: "Mr. Lu, I just said that if you can save our Ouyang family, I am willing to let Qing'er follow you, even if you are nameless and without status, look at how I will arrange Qing'er now. Son?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lu Chen expectantly.

He has full confidence in his granddaughter Ouyang Qing. Ouyang Qing will definitely not be inferior to any woman in Guiyuan City in terms of beauty, talent and cultivation.

There is no normal man who will not be tempted by her.

Once Lu Chen takes Ouyang Qing under his wing, the Ouyang family will cling to him tightly and have a backer.

Ouyang Qing, who was next to her, gritted her teeth and looked at Lu Chen. Her cheeks were flushed, almost dripping water, and there was shyness in her eyes.

Although she has been pursuing Lu Chen, it is only a pursuit, which is different from Ouyang Yuanxiu forcibly giving her to Lu Chen now.

She felt a little sad when she thought about following Lu Chen without a name or status in the future, but thinking about how powerful Lu Chen had been just now, her body became slightly weak.

However, just when Ouyang Yuanxiu thought Lu Chen would agree to take Ouyang Qing in, just when Ouyang Qing thought Lu Chen would agree...

Lu Chen apologized and said, "Old man, apart from Lin Qinghan, I have no interest in other women. I appreciate your kindness. All you need to do is secretly help Lin Qinghan. This is the best reward for my actions today."

Ouyang Yuanxiu was stunned on the spot.

Ouyang Qing's pretty face turned pale.

Everyone in the Ouyang family looked in disbelief.

Even Zhong Dongyang next to him showed a strange look.

Didn't Lu Chen's words also imply to him that even Zhong Xue wouldn't have a chance?

Isn't it normal for people like them to have three wives and four concubines?

And what man is not lustful?
What's more, Lu Chen is a wanderer who has dated hundreds of girls, and he actually said that he only has Lin Qinghan in his heart?

"Yes, I understand what Mr. Lu means."

After a moment, Ouyang Yuanxiu came to his senses and responded quickly.

In his opinion, Lu Chen probably hadn't completely captured Lin Qinghan yet, so he showed his single-minded devotion to her.

When Lin Qinghan is captured, his romantic nature may be exposed again, and he will definitely look for his next prey.

In this way, the opportunity for my granddaughter will come.


After Lu Chen finished speaking, he looked at Ya Fei next to him and ordered: "Let's go."

Yafei was a little confused.

She originally thought that after coming here today, there would be a bloody battle, and she was even prepared to fight side by side with Lu Chen, but now the battle has not started.

Lu Chen single-handedly defeated Wang Wei, allowing the Sima family to escape in embarrassment.

She had originally thought that Lu Chen was very powerful, but now she realized that the real Lu Chen was even more powerful than she had imagined.

Ya Fei looked at Lu Chen, her eyes sparkled, and the admiration deep in her eyes became even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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