My cold CEO wife

Chapter 172 Sequelae

Chapter 172 Sequelae


Yafei's head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and she quickly followed Lu Chen.

"Let's go too."

Zhong Dongyang glanced at Zhong Xue next to him and led her to follow Lu Chen's pace.

"Grandpa, I want to develop overseas."

As soon as they left, Ouyang Qing came to Ouyang Yuanxiu and said.

She thought that with her looks and abilities, it would be very easy to get Lu Chen's approval, but today Lu Chen simply and directly rejected her.

In the past, others lined up to chase her, but she rejected them. Today, Ouyang Yuanxiu asked her to follow Lu Chen without any name or status, but she was rejected. She was deeply shocked and didn't want to stay here anymore. Guiyuan City.

"Why, are you ready to give up after a slight setback? This is not like your Ouyang Qing style." Ouyang Yuanxiu joked.

Ouyang Qing shook her head and said, "Grandpa, why do you persist even when you know there is no result?"

"If you don't insist, how do you know there is no result?"

Ouyang Yuanxiu countered: "Only if you persist can you achieve results. If you don't persist, there will definitely be no results."

"I know what you are thinking, but have you ever thought about Lu Chen's past? He has dated hundreds of women. Do you think he will really be devoted to one woman?"

"I guess he hasn't really chased Lin Qinghan yet. Today he told us that he only likes Lin Qinghan. In fact, he wants to spread this word to Lin Qinghan's ears and make her moved. Once Lu Chen really catches Lin Qinghan, Qinghan, he will probably look for his next target."

"So, what you have to do now is to help him chase Lin Qinghan. As long as Lin Qinghan catches him, you will have a chance."

"Grandpa, is what you said true?"

Ouyang Qing felt that Ouyang Yuanxiu's words made sense, and there was a hint of hope in her eyes.

The less you can get, the better it is.

Now that she had failed to catch Lu Chen, she felt that Lu Chen was even more precious. Now that she still had a chance, she naturally wanted to try again.

"Don't worry, grandpa, have your eyes ever made a mistake?"

Ouyang Yuanxiu asked confidently.

Ouyang Qing then nodded and said, "Grandpa, I know what to do."

She admired Ouyang Yuanxiu's vision very much, otherwise her grandfather would not have been able to lead the Ouyang family to develop to what it is today.


"Come, help me drive, Jiangting Villa."

Outside the Ouyang family villa, Zhong Dongyang just caught up with Lu Chen, but Lu Chen threw a car key to Zhong Dongyang.

The corners of Zhong Dongyang's mouth twitched fiercely.

In the entire province, Lu Chen is probably the only one who dares to ask him to drive, right?

He took the car keys and got into the driver's seat.

Lu Chen took the opportunity to sit in the passenger seat, while Ya Fei and Zhong Xue sat in the front row of the modified car.

"It seems that this murderous intention cannot be used casually in the future. The side effects will be too great after being used."

After Lu Chen sat in the passenger seat, he suddenly closed his eyes and his body began to tremble.

"Mr. Lu, what's the matter with you?"

Originally, Zhong Dongyang thought that Lu Chen deliberately asked him to drive, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. Lu Chen's body seems to be in trouble.

"It's okay, just drive your own car."

Lu Chen struggled to utter a word, then took out a silver needle and pierced his Baihui point, and then the trembling of his body stopped.

Then a very fine black smoke slowly disappeared along the silver needle and appeared above Lu Chen's head, then disappeared again.

Zhong Dongyang followed Lu Chen's instructions and stopped caring about him. Instead, he turned on the navigation, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped towards Jiangting Villa.

After the car arrived at Jiangting Villa, Lu Chen quickly got out of the car and rushed into his bedroom in a few steps.

"Little girl, is Mr. Lu okay?"

Zhong Dongyang's eyes fell on Ya Fei, feeling a little worried.

Yafei said helplessly: "Mr. Lu should be fine."

When she said this, Yafei herself felt unsure because she had not been with Lu Chen for a long time and didn't know what happened to Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen entered the room, he took out the 500-year-old ginseng, cut a small piece, and threw it into his mouth. Then he took out the silver needle from Baihui point.

A large amount of black smoke spurted out along his head.

A heavy breathing sound came from Lu Chen's nostrils.

This situation lasted for a full hour, and after an hour, he returned to normal.

"This body is too weak. The sequelae of releasing murderous intent are really serious. I can't be impulsive again in the future."

Lu Chen originally thought that his body could withstand the slightest amount of murderous intention he had released.

But now it seems that this body is still too weak, and he has to find a way to increase the strength of this body.

After returning to normal, Lu Chen entered the bathroom, took a shower, and then walked out of the bedroom feeling refreshed.

Zhong Dongyang and the others were a little uneasy in the living room, but when they saw Lu Chen appearing normally, they were all relieved.

"Mr. Lu, are you feeling well?"

Zhong Dongyang asked concernedly.

Lu Chen showed a gentle smile and said, "I'm worrying you. When I was fighting Wang Wei, I accidentally used too much force and had some side effects. Just leave Zhong Xue here. In addition, I want 500 years." I need at least two of the above ginseng plants, please find a way to help me find them."

Now his body is too weak. To increase the strength of his body, he can only use high-aged ginseng to quickly achieve it.

He believed that with Zhong Dongyang's energy, he should be able to find such a good thing.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I will definitely find it for you within a month."

Zhong Dongyang didn't know what Lu Chen was doing with ginseng, but since Lu Chen told him, he would definitely do it well.

"Thank you!"

Lu Chen nodded.

Zhong Dongyang was a little flattered and replied: "Then I will leave Zhong Xue to you."

Originally, when he brought Zhong Xue to Guiyuan City in the morning, he was a little worried about handing her over to Lu Chen, worried that Lu Chen wouldn't be able to protect Zhong Xue.

But after seeing Lu Chen's strength today, he understood that there were probably very few people in Guiyuan City who could be Lu Chen's opponent. In addition, the little girl named Yafei next to Lu Chen was not easy to protect. It was absolutely impossible to protect Zhong Xue. Not a problem.


Lu Chen nodded, sat on the sofa and ate grapes, with no intention of sending Zhong Dongyang away.

However, Zhong Xue next to her was a little reluctant and whispered: "Grandpa, I'll see you off."

She had accepted the fact that she was sick because she felt that something was wrong with her body, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Now that Lu Chen can treat her, she is willing to cooperate with him.

Soon after, Zhong Xue sent Zhong Dongyang away and returned to the living room. She looked at Lu Chen warily, held her little hands and said:

"I'm warning you, this girl is very powerful. Although my grandfather asked me to bring you tea, water, washing and cooking, don't even think about it."

"If you want someone to wash and cook for you, I can hire a nanny for you."

"I know nothing anyway. If I help you, I will mess things up."

have to……

After meeting a charming and wealthy young lady, Lu Chen felt that he might have to raise a little ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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